Star in New Productions Not having seen bis daughter (Helen Chandler) since childhood, John Barrymore bas quite a task îgetting acquainted" with the young woman when she becomes a perform-, er at a, night club where be acts as a sort of manager -and master of cere- mones. Cl-ever dialog and- manfy amusing, littie incidents make this play, ",'Long Lost Father," -tborougbly enjoyable at the- Wilmette theater. Tbursday and, Friday oftbis week Saturday,. May 5, everyone will wanit to see "Smioky" at the Wil- mette tbeater., It's the story of XVill James' wild borse, "Smoky," fromn colthood to "old age.". Victor Jory gives a great performance as bronc- buster. Katharine ,Hepburn, Stars Katharine Hepburn's new picture, "ýS pitfire," will show at the Wilmette theàter. Sunday, Monday and Tues-, day, May, 6, 7 and 8. Ralpli Bellamy of Wilmette beads the supporting, cast which also includes Robert Young, Martha Siceper, Louis Mason, Sara -Haden, John Beck and' others., 1Miss Hepburn enacts the role of a, haîf-savage poor white who lives in a cabin in the> Carolina mountains. Her characteris one of most amnazing contradictions; a praying zealot by, practice, sbe is an unmoral wildcat by nature, and altbough 'figbting against romance, she falls an easy prey to her first lover.. Situafion Dranatie The story is said to have strong eniptional and dramatic situations. Her prayers for the sick having beeir followed by cures, she is suspected of being a witcb by the ignorant and highly superstitious bill folk. 'Then, aiter a dillusioning love affair with a Iluch-married young engineer Who works on -a nearby -dam c6nstruction project, she fails to heal a dying baby because -of the mingled batre< and longiflg in ber heart 'for 'tbe miarried man she knows she cannot have. Another and nobler man then obtains a belated hearing from ber bas scbeduled the excellent film Fni- day tbrongb Wednesday, May 4 to 9., Clark, Gable and Clautdette Colbert- are at their very .finest in this love story wbich is garni shed. lavisbly -,witb, laugbs. Gable is a :iewspaper reporter out oëf a job-and ,MNiss Colbert is. the beiress wbom lie nîcets on a' night bus. Walter. Connolly portra ys the father of the lieroine. The picture lias many lauigli-pro-, vokcing comnplications, but the ast one looks pretty sad un-til '.\r. Cotnnolhy coincs along ._ . 1)ut yoii sitiply must flnd out for yourself how it al ends.- In fact, the wvhole tlîitg, is too 'good to be missed. Skilftuhly direct.ed, tlîis -film ias!the quality of permitting th.e share the..experienices and fun of the players.ý Thursday, May 10,_ the Varsity offers ."The .Search for, Beauty"-a picture that is the result ofPa- t-noutit's world-wide quest for pul- chritude. Thirty conteoet winners are, preseîxted. James Gleason and Rob- ert Armstrong are seen as two racketeers conducting a pbioney bealth scbool and magazine. Ida Lupino andý Buster Crabbe, phaying the part of beauty contest winners, try to thiwaret the racketeers. Plenti ,of Iauighs punctuate .tis one. NO-DECISION BOUT Victor McLaglen, co-starring witb Edmund Loew in) Paramount's "No More> Wom?én," once fought J aek Johnson a no-decision bout, COLBERT HEADS CAST Claudette Colbert, Herbent Mar- shall, Mary Boland and Williami Gargan are featured in Cecil B. De- Miile's "Four Frightened People." HERE'S JANET GAYNOR An al-star cast, beaded by Janet Gaynor and Lionel Barrymore, is to be seen in "'Caroliina," the new Fox romance. said to bit a niew high peak in enter- taijument with a basic innovation of ail extravaganza enacted in midair on high-powered biplanes. To the -tune of Vincent Youman's music, Do lores Del Rio, - Ginger Rogers, Gene Raymond. and Fred Astaire will cavort through the ifirst aerial musical show 'ever staged when "Felying Down To Rio" is shown at the Winnetka Communityý theater Friday and Saturday evenings, May 4 and 5'. Saturday ainee, May 5Mtzi Green i n. "Little Orpban Anie" wil be seeén at a special junior program at the Community theater. John Sarrymoie A dcd--MolIy Picén ln Sat rday. o . a dy "SMay 5 lto 'Nëevos Hands'Co* Med AlHa-Nrouica Rascals" Acf Sif. mat. Only-.--Chapter S Ri n-Tmin-Tin ý Jr.-7"The Wof Doq Sun.,.Moni., Tues, May- 647- vARSITÇyý THEATRE opeu DaiIy at 1:30 Show Continuous te 12 Mimigla Toêay (Thurs.) La»t Day WDimaumPowell Bente Devis 6 DAYS clavlGable Claudette Colbert: ! RALPH UELLAUY Aima Comedy - Cartoon - News Wed.. Thumu. May 9-10 Fr igtnec r v'.q>', ily famous in Calif Amng his illustriOus Carlos Antonio Carri visional govennor.-Of Was Leo's great-grali of fm ja history. -estors was first pro- ýornia, Wbo her. cunaings MAuN.