a part of the time andd tiying, inithe U. S. service for another part of the time. When he came to the United States in -1913, lie brought with him -the featherweight. boxing c hampionship of Scotland, whicb be admits was flot appalling,. as championsbips go,, but it,,was a championship, nevetheless, And in the aviation service, five>years, later, he became the. featherweight champion of Uncle Sam's flyers. Even ýtoday, hé is stili a frequenter of the better, known gymnasiums -in Chicago where boxers have a. habit of conigregating and likes to mix .it witb themt now and then. Several of the boxers, are among bis golfing pupils. Among these is Barney Ross. North.Shore Students Get. U. C, Scholarihips Lee Roy Wilcoxb -1511 Elmnwood avenue, Wilmette, and William Mer- iiam iGbson, 429 Tenth street, Wil. mette, are among the successful ap- plicants to be appointed to Univer- sity of Chicago Fellowsbip.and Serv- ice scbolarships-. for,.the coming academic year- Wilcox receivedi bis fellowsbip iii: the department of mathematics, -in the division of the physical sciences., .Witb tbe assistance of this fellow- sbip, he will devote his time tô study and researcb in bis field of specialîza- tion. He will also be working for the Doctor of Philosophy degree, having, already received the Bachelor and Master of Science degrees f rom ~the University of Chicago, in 1932 and 1934. Gibson is a nominee to a Service scholarship in the department of Eng- lish,, in the division of 'the human- ities. He bas ýalready received, the, Bachelor of Arts degnee from. Prince- ton university in 1933, and WiIl be w6nking. for a igber awand while on, the. University of Cicago campus.. FORTY CLUB DINNER Tbe Forty club concludeti its sea- so ast Saturtlav with a largee dinner Featured by Helpful Talks By, Mr&* Howard E. Ringh.lui (Wlimette Delegate) More than five hundreti Girl Scout delegates convened at tbe ý Great Lakes Regional conference in Peoria, MI., April 26 anti 27. Talki by na- tional ligures, including Mrs. Fred-. erick, Edey of New York, national Girl Scout president,'.featured the session. Tbe delegates be ard Mrs. Edey sbortly aften the meeting was calleti to ordei by. Mns. Clarence Day of Jackson, Mich., regional cbairman. Mrs. Edey told tbe group that the Girl Scout organization -must, exent a lasting influence upon its members. "Give each girl your best on sbe will1 ask, 'Wby did you fait me?" * Urges Sharing of Enthuýsiasm Mrs. Edey's atidress was fo.1lowed by atalk by Miss Marga -ret Murray, New York, national fieldi institute secretary, who w arned scout leaders against selfishness. "'You are al working for the organization because someone shareti enthusiasmn with you, and'you became interesteti," she-said. "You mu'st do the s ame for.-n ew- comners." The afternoon proigram, led by Mrs. Charles* P. Vogel, regional camp chairman,I was an address by Maj. Joel 1. Connolly of the Cbicago Health department, who discussed safety in scouting as it applied to summer camps. Following this -talk delégates viewed a demonstration of a Brownie meeting conducteti by MIi s s Kathryn Francis. national Bnownie leader. This ognzto is for girls 7 to ,10 ye ars of, age. Delegates Tour Scout came Following, the Bnownie meeting. delegates made a tour of- the Peoria. Girl Scout. camp. Ther-e tea was senetibythe girls. At'night Mrs. M. C. Gamble,' scout commiissioner andi vice-chairman. of the regional commnittee, presided, at the regional dinner. Friavs esion opened, at 9 :30 Weicome Lucy K~aspar Had one looketi in on Troop 2'S' * meeting last Thursday, one would bave seen Lucy Kaspar, a newcomen in the -troop that day. STbe game of "fox and bircis" 'vas playei. ,Tbe .troop. was .having a "bunny, jump" relay-and also a game of,."street, and, alley' while the court ,of honor was in session. By this. time court of- honon was over,, so tbe tnoop captain 'took the girls ashore"- at, Morocc o, acountry * where even .tbe veny young chiltiren atre expert beggars.. The troop also went ashcre at Gibraltar andi founti out ail about tbiegaily dresseti Bob- bies (policemen). Then'tbe patrol group dues. were collected andi attendance .checked. Did you ever know. just how leaf butis open? You poabythought, it was, only because the suni warmed them. Diti you ever know just what tbe sun does to t hem? Troop 2 found out-and aliso, many othen curi- ous tlhings about nature, ini the nia- ture discussion. "Rolling Down to Rio" and "Comne Ail Ye Girl Scouts" were sung at the close of the meeting.-Jean Fre- mont, scribe. Mothers Are Guests as Girls Get Badg-1 es8 Tnoop 4 Girl Scouts beld their meeting Tuesday, April 24. We had, a different and enjoyable meeting. Our niothers were our guests. We fomda horsesboe, and the , fol- lowing girls neceiveti badges: Shirle ' Patterson, Jean Stank, Catherine Rowley, Frances Bickbani,, Edith Mendun and Helen Clarke. Janet Rogers became, a Girl Scout. *Then we taîketi about a bike.wbich we wene planning to take Saturday, April 28.- ,We also discusseti an ovenrnightý hike which we -hope to take soon. .After that we had a delightful tea prepared by the following mothers: Mris. Stark, Mrs. Bickham, Mrs. Fa- ville, Mns. Bicbl andi Mns. Mendun. We ail enjoyed it verv much. oQUl wa-y. Davidi Burnham, fornmenly of Kenil- worth, and author of "This Our Exile," andi "Wedding Song" is in Bermuda with George Brada haw, an- other writer. JUST IN CASE ... if a Girl Scout bas failed to take an order for cookies please cali Mrs. Stanley Smith, Wil -, mette 5037, and she wil see that your cookiesare de1ivered. The pres. bok, compuleud y Mrs. H. E~. Ringholm, co-chairman for Wilmette Girl Scout publicity, re- ceived the highest honora at the Great Lakes Regional conference at Peoria last week I The critics die- cided it had everything a gooti pres book should. have. presided. Mrs. Bently McCloud and Mrs. Mark Cresap gave accounts of the New York Flower show which thev attended andi which it is said, is the outstanding flower and garden event of the year. Mrs. Charles Ware gave full and. interesting. reports of the meeting of Associate Members of Garden Club, Presi dents whieh they attended in Palm Beach. 1Tbey told of interesting. days. during which they were entertained by the Palm Beach Gardený clubý anti gave vivid desc r ipr- tions.of the beautif ut patios of homnes in. Palm Beach. The next club meeting WilL.be held.' at the home of Mrs. Harry P. Harri-, son, 307 Abbotsford road, Kenilworth. Wihnffette Coeds Given Parts in Carleton Play Tbhree Wilmette students at Canl.eton college, Eleanor Kresge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. >M. L.'Kresgé, 2615, Blackhawk road, France Ellis, 823 Greenwood. avenue, daughter' of Mr-. andi Mrs. W. H. Ellis, and Eleanor Moulding, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Moulding, 1025 Elniwood1 ave- nue, ail freshman at the college, have', been chosen 'for parts in' Carleton's 1934 May Fe Stra-vinsky's "The Firebird,", to* be given this year on the evening of -May 19. The fete, the tweflty-seventh arinual at Carleton, will, be held on an island in Lyman Me- monial Lakes, north of Mar garet Ev aus.. hall, traditional scene of Carleton May Fetes. The May, Fete, perhaps the Most noteworthy event on CarIeton's yearly program of public entertain- ments, lias many features this year to distinguish it from fetes of past years. "The.Firebird"- was written especially, for balletpresentation. The.,Wilmette co-eds have, parts in the chorus: groups, Miss Kresge as a "star," and Miss MoulIding and Miss Ellis' as danc ers representing thé spinit of 1"Idarkhess7 MOVE TO KENILWORTH Mr. and' Mrs. Gerald LiebsËchutz and t heir son, Leon'arcl, have noved( f romn Chicago to 951 McIean avenue, Keni lworth. Leonard, who is 10 years olti, won a prize at the horse show given at the North~ Shore Rid- ing academy last Tuésday night. Mrs. Robert Osgood, 647 Brier ,t.;reet, entertained ber sewing club at Mn. and Mrs.- Broadway ave nu last week, motor 19. ! - id beck. gr. j cnuings went on business. Mrs. Grant Ridgway, 207 Cumber land avenue, Kenilworth, entertained. ber luncheon andi bridge club last Tuesday. *1I~