Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 May 1934, p. 50

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S'x new records wvere created ani ,even other existing records %vere equalled according to the findings, of the PhysicaEducation departient of the Wliinette public schools from re- suits obtained from spring athletic tests given during the past .few weeks. The new records were -iii the class divisions whicb separate the students into groups of similar age,, beights and" weights. The records were established by theý followinig pupils: Marian Clay, Stella Ko)ller,',Howard school students, and Katheryn ]Row- ley, Stolp school students, wbo creat- cd jointly 'a new record in the Class B girls, basketball goal shooting con-r test. Each, of them made six goals out of, ten trials. * Hclen' Clarke of Stolp school threw a distance of 59 feet -to.,establish.a, new record iii the Class A girls' basketball. throw and Ruth Stanwood made 'a ncWý record in the lass B girls'. pull, up. Her record was five, times. for, the: Pull up perfectly executed. Carl. Hotze executed the piish q p 42 tirnes for a new record in the Class' F boys and Clifford Goodman perfornîed the saine task' 32 tintes for a new one among the lass B boys. Equal Records Those who eqxîalled the existing records were: Bernard Regan of Howard school who tied Eric Sain- uelson's and Paul Lang's record of 8 goals out of ten trials ini the boys' basketball throw for a school record.. And at the saine tinie hie created a new record for the Class A boys who had neyer achieved that numnber be- fore this year. Arlene Clark a Class. D girl of Stolp school equalled Janet1 Hardt's record of. six goals out of ten trials in the same event made in 1932, which is one goal less than the school record in this event made last year by Dorothy Davis. Mary Virginia Penick * and' Anita Blumn, both of Stolp school, equalled the saine recordr in the lass E gÉirls, making the, six goalsI out of ten trials. Pearl Anderson and Ruth Mestiian,t *both of Howard, equalled the 1933 record made by Julia Booz of five inerfectlv executeÈl pull uns for the' CasC-1. Adeaàide Kotexen, 60 feet. 2. Lorraine Beecher,- 46 <et, 3. Eleauor Lipsch. 45 feet. Class D-1i. Dorothy MùM illan, 49 feet, 2. Mary Ma-O Crawford. 44 feet, 3. Patricia Helmi-uth, 44 feet.. * Clans E-i. LouLse Grahamn,, 51 foot, 2. Nadine, Brown,. 47 feet,7 3 Gerda *Streicher, '46 foot. ClasF-i. Marcia Macomber, 45 foot, 2.. Virgla Todd, 42- foot. 3. Arlene Rogerq,. 40 feet. stolp oGirls Clasn A-i Helen Clarke, 59 feet, 2. Josephine Runso, 54 foot, 3. Jane Nath- ans, 5i foot. ClasB-i. Alice Varpey, 5~4 fetit, 2. fletty. Ann Brenner, 48 foot, 3_ Marie Hardin and Nancy Robb, 46 foot. Clans C-i Evelyn Suekoif, 52 foot, Ellis, 48 foot, 3. Frances Bickhan', 42 foot. Clas D-1. Doroth'y Faville, 48 feet' 2. Virgnia- Schakel, 461 feet, S1. Shirley Pattornon, 45 feet. .Clans E-il. Nancy Bercaw, 54 feet, 2, Edith Menduni, '47 feot, 3. MLtarian Ellert. 38 foot., Clans F-i. Julie McIntonh.. 42, <cet, 2. .Murlel Jacobi, 40 <cet, 3- Marilyn; Stube, 39 feot. Bit8KETBALL GOtL SIIOOTIlNO( Howard Girls Clas A and B-i. Mariali Clay and Stella Koller, six goals out of ton trials~, 2. Lucillo Heerons and Muriel Kenny, four goals. .Clans C-i. Lorraine Udeihofen and. .Anna Graco Jorjorian, four goals out .of ton trials, 2. Frances Habeek, three goals. Class D-1. Dorothy !%aeM.Nili and Frances Weber,, four goals ý;out of ton trials, 2.. Mary May Crawfor-d andl Jean Regan, three goals, Class E-i. Sara Jane Curie.y and Louise 'Grahai, 'four goals out tof ton trials, 2. Jane Herbon and Betty' Stin- sonl, thiree 'goals. Class F-i. 'Harriette Armstrong, four goals out of< ton trials, 2. Florence Hens, three goals. Stolp Girls Clans A-1. 'Helen Clarke, four goals out of ton trials, 2. Jean F. M Iller, Jane Nathans, Jonephino Russo, and Ruth Schibel, threo goals. Clans B-i. Kathryn Rowley, sixgoýals out of ton trials, 2. Molly 'Elias, Marie Hardin, and Cherry Sue Orr, four goals., -Clans, C-i. Janç Johùuson, Barbara Ripley, Yvonne WoernOr, Montons Mller, three goals out of ton trials. Clans D-1. . Arlene Clark, six goals out of< ton tri 's, 2. Virginia Schakel, five goals, 3. Janet Bichl, Bonnie Lamib, Shirley Patterson, Mary Jane Orr, Har- .'" a ll i- wii' ta.* le " . I'f t'en trials. Clams E-i. Budll-Ialiweil, (Calvin Il111 and W. K. Yates, six goals out of ten trials. Clas. F-i. Robert Ferrenz, four goals out 0f ten trials, 2. Robert Lawrence, Carl 1ýeyer, John Miller and' Dan Me- lIlraith, throe goals. PUILL. UPà iioward Boy. Ciass A-i. Bernard: Regan, 9 tirnes, 2. Bob Fuesele,' 7 times, 3. Tm Crney,- 6 times. Clams 'B-i. Milan May, 17 times, 2. Bob Lonergan, a nd Bob DeVinny, 7, 'ties. Clans C-i. Whitney Pearson, 5Uties, 2. Roy. Thalman, 4 tirnen, 3.. Royal Haughness and Bert- Simon, 3 times. Clams D-i. Kinibaîl Brown, 12 Ues, 2. Ray Smnall, 9 times, 3. ChanlesBer- inger, 6 timen. 1ClasE-i. Ray Henderson, .5 Irnes. 2. RayAmbler, Don Hutchins. anld Bill Dodds, 4 timon. Clans F-i. Fred Witt. , 7ties, 2. Clarke Dorman, 6 titues.,3. Carter Had- loy andý Fred Mendë.'4 timon. PULL Ù1> <OPTIOXAL> Howard Girls Class A and B-i. Ruth Stanwood, 5 tne,2. Lois &Kunzelina, 3 :tiMn. Clans C-i. Francets Habock, 5 timnie, 2. Betty Todd, 3 Urnes. Clams D-1. Pearl Anderson, 5 timnie, and Ruth Metian, 6 timon. Clams E-i. Maurine May, 7 inies. Clams F-i. Natalie Triplott, 7 inies, 2.Marlan liens, 3 timon. PULL UP Stoip BOYS Clans A-1. John Klien, 8 Uiesn,2. Charles Moon and Richard Ogilvié, 3 Urnes. Clans B-i. Paul Gullickson, 10 timnie, .2. Charles CGregory, & tin, 3. Clifford (loodulan, 7 timon. Clas C-I. Richard Neukran., 12 time., 2. Richard Andrews, 9 tues, 3. Joe Hannen, 8 Urnes.' Clans D-i. Don Berblilger, 12 timies, 2. Rudd Lippincott, 10 times, 3. Paul Casterline, 9 times. Class E-i. Carl Hotze and Ray Arrn'- strong,. ton times, 2. Harold Hallett, 7 times. Clans F-i. Carl Meyer, S8 tirpes, 2.1 Robert Ferronz, Robert Lawrence and George,£%oore, 7 timon. PUSH UPS Clans owardlBoys, CasA-1. Tomi Carney. 15 tin, 2. Francis Cotianto, 14 times. Clans B-i. Bob DeVinny, 19 tunes, 2. Tomn Zarornba and Ken Sirnons, 14 timon. Announce ment of adult recrea- tional facilities for the swnmer i, made this week froin the office o.f the director of, recreation. The calendar of activities will begin its season May 21 and continue matil the middle of August, it is announc.ed. The first activity- for the summer wilbe the opening of 'the playground baIl beagues for men ,on May 21. Two, leagues with a. combined roster. of eighteen or more teamis are being formed' and complote schedules . for> each league will, bo ready for publica- tion noxt week. The J eagues are for "soft pitching" and "fast, pitchinig" enthusiasts. The. "soft, pitcbhing," which, was introducod in wilmette- two:years ago as . an. exporinient. bas become more popular than the "fast" pitching or regular playground baIl and some ten teams are rogistered in tbis beague. It will iiieet on Monday and Wednesday eveingis, beginning at 17 o'clock. The "-fast" pitching wil play its games on Tuesday and Fni- day eveniigs 'àf the samie hour. Bothi beagues will conduct thoir games at the Village Green. Tbursday evenings at the Villagte Greon have beon reserved for the wonien's playgrotifid bail league which. opens its season juno 1L In the meantime, prior to the openî- ing of the outdoor leagues, ping-pong for both men and wvornen is becoming exceedingly popular at the Howard gymnasium. The Recreation board is maintaining eighit tables ini the gymnasium for tournament and pub-' lic, play. Tournament play will be conducted on Wednesday and Fridav evenings and public play wil ho held on Tuesdays for men and Thursdays for womien. A woman's tournament is announced: in separate story on this Page. The tap.dancing class 'which began its course last. Monday evening at Stolp gymnasinni wilI be. conducted for six weeks and if popular denxand is sufficient will ho continued a few, weeks after thiat. The tennis courts at the Village Green are being prepared and will bc ready for us-e in a few weeks. by Dorothy Davis, H-oward scnlonil Robert 3. 7 times. -a Stol, Boys s, Baskotball Goal Throw: Recor 71Cass A-i. Don Meyer, live goals outMon by grick Samuelson, Howard oftetn trials, 2. Waltor Hildebrand, four 1and Paul Lang, Stolp school In goals, 3. Richard Ogilvie, throo goals. 8 Unies. Equalled this year by Clasa B-i, Bud Drake and George The rdE P&agan.' Terzakes, Ive goals out of ton triais,2. W' Iadôur Basketball Distance Gordon i'airman, Charles Gregory, Rob- ,board r;Record made lndoors by Dor'- ot Hon.s, Rodman Joyce, Jarvis Lingel, public t ihlsn 24 times, 3. Oeorge 23 times. day, May .1, Although a complete re- port of the last year's attendante rec- BEGIN NINTH YEAR ords is flot available at present. Dan-, Playground and Recreation iel M. Davis, director of recreation, began its nionth fiscal year of feels that it has been a record ycar in necreation iniWilmett. 1Tues- every, activity.

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