Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 May 1934, p. 3

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Meetings are being beld at the dif- ferent graminar scbools of tbe town- 'ship this week and next week for the purpose of giving pupils wbo wiii be atte.nding New Trier Higb scbooî, nextý yea.r instruction' and information concerning the courses of study tbey May wish to, elect. Miss Elizabeth E. Pac ker, dean of girls at Ne *w Trier; Miss, Elia Shaw, freshinan girls' advisor chairman; Frederick A. Kabler, dean of boys; H. H. Herron, freshman boys' ad- visor chairman, and W. L.,Brown di-ý rector of reference and researcb, are appearing at the varions grammar scbool meetings to give the prospec- tive New Trier freshman, information abouit the courses .offered and .the p rocedure to be followed in register- ing. lui Gleucoe May 4 Such a meeting was held i: Kenil- Wortb Tuesday afternoon and another. in Wilffette Wednesday -afternoon. a Tbe bigh school faculty group will be at the Central school ini Glencoe Fri- day afternoon, May 4, at 3:20 o'clock and at the Skokie school in WVinnetka at the sanie bour Tuesday afternoon. May 8_ Pupils f rom the Kenilworth and Wilniette public scbools Will Conipletc their registration at the bigb scbooI Thursday afternoon, May 10, at .3 o'clock, ,while the Winnetka and Glencoe public school pupils wilI finis;h their registrationi Friday, May il. Invite Parents Parents have been invited to at- tend the meetings at the particular grammnar schools whicb their children attend. W. L Brown, director of research at .the bigh school, said this '*We particularly suggest that on.e parent.,attend the mkeeting at the grade _schools at which we giveý our instructions about registration. Then, if there are still questions which shonld be taken up witb some mnem- ber of our higb scbool staff, we are .glàd to bave parents attend tbe later meetings at the high. school and Mathew Francis photo J. R. Harper, superiall'ndent of. the wilinette public sehools, lait Sot urday was, dected preçident of the Lake Shore division of the Illinois State Teachers' association. The Lake Shoire di-zision, which han a mcmbership of 4,000: teachers, incluiles ail of Lake <oun:Ilv and that part of Cook r.outy ouf side thé Chicao, o cityl linils. Du ring the p ast y-ear Mkr. Harper lias serz'd as chairmoan of thle execu- t h 'e;conaIitteec of théedivi#ion. OLDE TOWNERS PLAN REUNION Vilégers Who Have Lived in Wilmette 25 Years Eligibie to Attend 'Dinner Friday, May Il Friday. May il, is-the date set for the 41 st annual reunion oûf Ye Olde Towne Foîkes, an: organization miade- u p of residents of Wilmfette who Cali dlaim ýresidence bere over a period of a quarter of a Century or longer. This year's reunion wvill be beld' in the Ma- sonic temple, startirng with a social won much praise for the excellence of its concerts. During the intermission in the annual concert this year Mr. Sýchu- macher will play several xylophone solos. He is-noted for, bis abilityin playing this instrument and baswon a nuniber "of awards 'for it. A number of changes bave been miade in the prograni since tb 'e pre- limina ry annouincement was made last '-veek, . The revised program is as folloWs: .March, "The Billboard"'.John N. Klohir Overture- 181T"....,....Tsichaikowsky Down South ......... W. H. Myddleton Concertino............. *....von Weber Clarinet soloby Richard Appleyard Anthony and Cleoptra. . R. Greunwild Intermission Mlaroh, '"National1 Emblem".......... ..: E. Bagley In the Clock Store........... J. Orth Ilorning, Noon: and N4ight In Vienna........O Suppe ,.ta, Spangled Banner John P. Balltnan New President of Local Civic League At its annual meeting held in Marsball Field and company rest- aurant Friday, April- 27, John P. Bail- man was elected president of tbe Wil- mette Civic league to succeed G. H. Redding who retires after baving beaded the league for two yearS. I-n addition to Mr. Baliman, the following officers were ciected: Elmer D. Becker, vice-president; H. T. Reiling, secretary; W. D. Leary, treasurer. Directors for terni of tbree years: E. E. Meier, Jesse Wal- worth, J. D. Roth, and Robert Stod- dard. The speaker, on tbis occasion was John Harrington, of the legal firm of Fyffe and Clark, wbo talked on the, Wanrlabor, bill. now before con- gress and. the NRA bill which b as been proposed for the State of Illi- nlois. Henry Fowler, 1404 Forest avenue, leader in Wilmette civ'îc affairs for many years, was elected president of the Wiimette Community Chest as- sociation, mnc., at .a meeting of the Advisory board of the organization beld Friday evening, .4pril,27., Mr. Fowler succeeds Mrs. Leslie F. Gates, who. has directed: the affairs of the Chest through three trying years of financial.,depression. The Chest board announced Friday that, altbougb the Wilmùette Welfare boa rd made no request for funds on the occasion of the annuai drive iast fait, that the Community Chest board had authorized the payment to the Welfare board >of,$500 to help carry the beavy burden to which. it bas, been put during thepast winter. An effort will be made to correlate through. the. Communty Chest for the. annual drive to, take place. sometime in the failiail of thé various charity enterprises normally coliecting funds from Wilnette citizens se that con-. tributions can' be made through this one single source. In, addition to.,Mr. Fowlér, the fol- loigofficiai staff of the. Wilmette. Commnity Cbest. association was elected,: Mrs. C. P. Dubbs, vice-presi- dent; Mrs. A. E. Biernes, secretary; W. D, Leary, treasurer, ail of whom were. reelected to serve for the en- suing year. Warn Ownmers of Dogs Muzzles Are Requircd Citizens owning dogs upon which they place a sentimental value are again warned by Superintendent of Police .Henry Brautigani that it is unlawful te permit: sucb animais te run at large unm uzzled 4nd, without Village l.icen,!se tags. The.dog catcher is abroad and aiready severai dogs have been caugbt and are now await-, ing redemption by their owners at the Village pound. A proper obser- vance of the ordinances wiii, accord- ing to Chief Brautigam, save dog ownors -much inconvenience as well for the, occasion will be John iE. Cas- theUIUy FVquisite W ior me.mA oîai in sidy, state director of the National good standing in Ye Olde Towne Emergency counicil, whose subject Folkes. Eligible persons who have flot wiii be "NRAEnforcement." He is attended reunions of the organization expected to cover and make clear in preceding years nor paid dues in many portions of the plans for,en- previous years are not regarded as forcement. of'the recovery act. delihquent. Columns.V serve you. e are juet iere to cal- WILMETTB 430( Ito be without woulci embarrassment. Ciï O lsuits that are flot* * Wîimette 2550, and be called

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