Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 May 1934, p. 38

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and. Mrs. Alonzo Coburri,(jean Miner Coburn> has designed the Wi.ltetteGardeti Market cover for WIL.MFTÈE 'LIFE for nekt, Thursday's :issue. Thelnarket- .Wlill be hcld on Saturday, May. 12, in the uisual place, the tri- -angle. of groUnd belonging. to the North> Shore Electnic line, across from the Wilrnette Ave- nue station. The place is loaned by the, North Shore U lne to. the two Wi lmette gyarden clubs each year for this event. Reports fromn the president of the clubs, Mrs. C. P. Berg, and.Harry C. Pifer, indicate that this -eighthi an- aulgardeti market will he the larg- est market the village bas had. Mrs. Elliott C. Youngberg and Mrs. Esther Stone; general' chairmen, have received requests from a num- ber. of nurserymen for space. A large and vaniedassortment of pot- ted plants, perennials, ýand .sbrubs is proniised as well as an.y. garden ac- -cessories. Mrs. J. B. Schaub, Mrs. Charles Norman, and Mrs. W. C. Gillies, who are in charge of the clubs' plants sales, will be assisted by Mirs. Dan Greene, Mrs. Frank Haines, Mrs. -Roscoe L, Sonneborn, Mrs. Otto Sontag, Mrs. Charles Van Deursen, *Mrs. James Moore, antd Mrs. A. W. -Peard. The assistants of Miss Sally Ver- non and Mrs. Frank A. Pollock, chairmen of tbe clubs' food booth, wiIl be Mrs. John Clark Baker, 'Miss Ida Nourse, and Mrs. W. G. Mit- chelli. Miss Laura Davy and Mrs.' J.Hardie Weedon are - cbairmen of the clubs' candy booth. EarlY on the morning of the mar- keti Mrs. J. P.-Young and Mrs. Otto Softtag will collect plants from tbose donors who wish their plants called P'hoto by itaYhuff-Richter Mrs. Ralf'ls E. Heilmnan of IEv- anstopn is pres idnt of the Nrorth Shore auxiliary of the Chicago Mafernityv cent er, "rich is givikng a bettefit spp/er dance at the Ben- jamin H. Marshall studio in, Wil- mette on Tuesday. May 29. Mis. Heilmnian:s wifc of the dean ofý the School of Comnmerce at Nlorth- feestern iplnivers if v. Tace -Reservalionsfr -Catholic e ague Luncheon Reservations for the annual lunch- eon of the North Shore . Catholic Woman's league, Tuesday, May 8, are to be mnade by May 6, with one of the following conimittee miembers: Mrs.. Sidney F. Beach andi Mrs.- Leo Hiliman of Glencoe, Mrs. Charles G. Coyle of Winnetka, Mrs. Matthew -Lillig of Wilmette, Mrs. Harry E. Milîs of Highlandj Park, and Mrs. NAT p -C l11jl _ - for the aay. The program for Wednesday. May 9, at 1,l o'clock, will bhy given by Mrs.' Ethel Colson. Brazelton,. who'will -dis- cuss current events befQre she talks on bokâ under the general topic,, "Oh, Women 1," making use of new books by oe in. the main: ".Tia Brarita,"' by . Barbara Peart; "*The Wife." by Helen Carlisle; "Private ,Worlds," by Phyllis Bottome;* "Mem- ories, of My Cbildhood,"' Seinia Lagerlof; "Here Today..and Goine To-' morrow," by Louis Bromfield. * -Miss Nona Jgne, Handwork and Mrs. J. E. Russell are hostesses. Dennis King, and mnembers of bis company will be guests of honoir on Friday., May, 11, < rom -3 -to 5. . M r. King is new presenting ."Richard of Bordeaux," at fthe Erlanger, which, the club declared to be,ý "easily the- finest play. of the current season." Hostesses for the afternoon include, the Misses Gertrude Davis, Dorothy DeReimer, Elena Fonta.ny, Emily Goehst, Julianna Holmes,, Elizabeth Peitzsch, Anu S','teinbrecber, Dorothea Poses'. Junjior Auxiliary Program The Junior auxiliary of the Vonx- an's Club of Wilniette is mleeting for dinner toxnight (Thursday) and. to hear Dr. George. D. Allison. minister of thbe Wilnrette Baptist- church; in a review of "I Follow the Road," by Ann Byrd Payson. Dinner is at 6:45, Dr. Allison's talk begins at 8. Pr.s iding Officer Mrs. Harry L. Barker was elected president of the Wlonan's Catholic Club of Wilmette at the annual business, meeting,.ast.Fni- day afternoon. Other- new officers. chosen tô serve with ber on. the board are Mrs. -Henrv G., Daltoni irst vice-president; Mrs. JohinBoylstoni, chairmnan of the Sanc- ta>department; Mrs. Theodore H. Barrett, chairmias of the civics. depart- ment, and as directors, Mrs. WVilliam Dillon, Mrs. Geýorge.Beaudlin. and Mrs. WVarren Clobisy.. Reports and announicernents conýsti- tfuted the business procedure after inem- bers had bad their box lunches -and were served with coffee. 0f thest lat- ter which are of future interest tu, the Woman's Catholic club,. was the onie made by Mrs. Franik Thale, fine arts thairrnàn, callihg attention to the meet- ing of the garden study class Tuesday, May 8, at 10 o'clock, annouinced, in détail elsewhere in is issue, and,,oi the meeting'of the same class on Tues- da, ay 22, at 10 -o'clock, whien mem- bers will go f rom bomne of the leader, Mrs. Charles Norman, for a tour of ,Wilmette and Kenilworth gardens. MNfrs. Thalé also asked for costumles and old fashionied fabrics, and dresse s, anything that cati be fashioned - into costumes for use of mnembers ini drama presentation. Mrs. joseph J. Joyce iinvited menibers of the cltub to corne to bier home in' Kenilworth NMon- day, May 7, at 10 :15 o'clôck, for stud(y of the -current political situation and of subversive mnovements agÈainst> th e Vnited States government. Mrs. Frankç ,Oelerich announced'the Catholic club's Day of Rgecollectiýon at the Cenacleon May 15. Sbenay be called for ini- formation. *.'She. also described the amendmnent to-1 the ChiId' Labor law, pointing out its "danger," namelv that "it tends to weaken the righf of states and may e*entually interfere with par- ents' rights over their own clhildreni." -Other reports were given by Mrs. ~Barker, membership chairman; -M rs. William D. Leary, social chairman ; Mrs. John Tracev. recording secre.- The Mrs. E. John Hicks, 241 Melrose itney avenue, Kenilworth, is hincheon host- ess to ber bridge club today. year, and w/to wsit fill t/aat offce again during thte coinissg year, weill preside o! the Icague': ennaual lun11cheoit at Skokie Country club Tiecsday. May 8 weepa»vu, ÂV.rs. iTnomas Ch.ambers. Girl Scouts.; Mrs. Harry flettinghiaus, 'renth district delegate. Mrs. George Beaudin, retiring presi- dent, in. a report graciously worded, told ýher of her joy inber service to.

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