hI recent years the English speak- ing race, indeed western- civilization, bas been stirred to its depths by. 'Mary Baker- Eddy in lber .discovery- and presentation of Christian Science. In one place il] hb& wiritings (Sci- enîce. and HeaItili, page 465) Mrs. F.ddy defines God as "Inlfinite Mind, Spirit-,. Soul, Principle. Life; Truth, Lve."' And in another (Retrospec- tion andi Introspection, page 59) she writes:.- " Ufe. . is a terni used to in- dicate Deitv:,,and everv other tiame for the -Supreme Being, if ýproperly enployed. bas the signification of. 1ife." Froni this point. of vantagè it' is easyto see lîow God can* be everv- wherc and All-i,î-all, for obviolisly L.ife. Mind Principle. are everywhere and 'all-pcrvading.. No place or..pu r- pose,. tiien, retnains for mai but to ahide in Life and- rcflect Life. Pauli. speaki,îg on, this issue*with bis usual iiitsitv, -declares. that ini God "we live. and niove, and' bave our being ; and tbat God is "'ab)o,,e aIl. and through afl, and ini you afl? It is perfectly accurate, therefore, to de- finle mai as the expression or mani- festation of Life-Life witbout be- ginnitg. or danger or 'disease or end. DiosemExtiagu"med The recognition of this truce status of God and man is the basis of Chris- tian Science practice. Treatnîent or knOUýs tiot wnat to do wttliits liîsure. Stili mesmerized by the bygone curse tlîat nman must earn his bread by the sweat of bis brow,,people iook aboiut for a ditch to dig or a column to add; and, they would niake war on the rna- cbinies thatI have despoiled themý of their drudgery. So the world today, whicb miglit be a place of peace and abundanice, with. cultural and, spiri- tual developmnent asman's chef oc- cupation, bas, to appearan .ces, become a place of alarmn and want. -And the end is ilot y'et, for the miracle of pro- duction is .lardly. more. than well utîder wav. It cat ill1 the vorld Witb conîforts atîd luxitries as-tbe waters cover the sea. Have we not in aIl tlîis a hint of tbe cotiing of nman's domntion' c inîtelligence .which altîîost .miracu- lously lias speeded ut) invention and reieased mn front toil, cati ire lot trust it to.. lead 1dm into hbigher and richer fields 'of endeavor wlîere work, is unflabored and ýgloriously'pro- ducti ve? babor, inIi ts old sense, is nearing its end, let us hiope; but on' the otbier band let us not overlook, the fact that manî as God's representa- tive cannot be othierwise tban actiVe. atîd that work atîd business, more and better than have v'et been knôwn, are at hand. for those wvho have the~ vision to see.on j s SO And men, have tliisivision.uts tast week, in the club rooms at the terminal. The choral club gave the progiram. Mrs. Frank Wenter of Wilmette was chairnian of entertain- ment. On. Wednesday of this week the annual May breakfast .and- elec- tien of officers were ,held. Mrs. P. N. Cutier, 207 Woodstock avenue, Kenilwortb, is visit 1ing .ber cousin, Miss Eleanor *1Gillespie,, i. Pittsburgh. Mrs. Cutier and Miss Gillespie motored to the Nrirginia gar- dens,, and visited the latter's- sister,. Mrs. John Scully, in Winchester, s'a. 010FIFINE ARTS CARL ScUEFWLgR, Dirctor' Cutdoor iheîching and studio ~ work for, beginner.s and, advanced jJILÇudent. Pubic school teachers' traiingcouse.Spettal *eekend clas, forjunîors_ and,-chjldren. *Whedm '.in NewYark for é de>,or for mny montIk you wiII fend The Goh0 >yur keoI hotW hom h mées stért at t4, .L LKSÜEINCAIU Awidn AFPILIATED WITIt THE DEAUE YoqII De Botter SotIsAied With NAPHTHA CLEÂNUD FURNISHINGS AND FLOOR COYERINGS flauseleaning semonUs never nasa .- . Just> What You Want! Chanpionshbip Golf at Baily Fee Rates You, loo,. wiII be convinoed of Our added attentions. For Naphtha Cléaauhg removes ail the diei and restores their loveines.. Oui PRifCIS AIE ýRIASONAILI AND Tou MAY OBTAIN AKNIS T m A TIl ON Amy WORK .WITHOIIT OBL#GATION- ILET GOLF CLUB Lake Avenue at Harms Road 0-Y