Tel.PA0109 CENTRAL 3355 SUBOLPTION $2 PM Yu.i SINGLE COPIES 5 CENT Al commnunicatioas mand contributions intended for publi- on .amu«t bear tee ame and ddrece of the iatbor, flot aecesrily for publication, but for our îles. Such matera.! muet reach the editor by Tuesday noon to bel n time for the curreit issue. SOYUND THINKINO The thought is beginning to form in in any minds that the men who employ.labor are better qualified te speak on the problems of labor than those who have -neyer conçlucted a business or met a payý roll. Speaking before the Boston Chamberý of Commerce on April 26, A. *P.. Sloan, Jr., president of GenieralI Motors corporation, said: "I find myseif entlreiy out of barrnony with the thinking so prevaient that the bours of labor should be reduced'to. abÏorb our unem- ployment. "i.'arn entirely out of harmonvy with, the thought that the number of man hours of labor Isl definite anid that the unemployinent questlqn la solved by dividing the number of man hours by the number of workers. No greater fallacy exists. Around this thinking cornes the pro- p"al for a mandatory thirty-hour week.' 1 do flot belleve In tbhe priniciple underlying that pro posai. O Cn the oonitrary 1 arn convinced that the total 'amount o!. possible -productive work In the 'United ý States can be definitely expanded with a cýontinuaIIy improving standard of living."* "No reasonabieý indivIdual cari disagrêe as to the deslrability of a miinimum wage or the elimination o! ehild Iaborl; of a. graduai redue- tion in the. hours of labor tbrough evolution- a reduction on an economih ba.sis and voinvid- ent wlth a decline- in the cost of production. "On the other hand, arbitrary reductions are unsound. "Entirely aside f rei t4ie econonmîc question, the fact -remains that the. American worker in most Industries la no longer concerned with an Important reduction in horrs. He is concerned with an opportunity to work a reasonable numi- .ber of hours at a fair and equitable rate In order to be able to buy those things which lie, hiaq found to beé. esisential to bis happiness a.nd, Mr. Sloan also dieagreed with the principle thatý prospcrty depenids, upon curtailed produc- ion., He said: lTo rny nind our. problein is not onè ofo!<ver- prodution-lti s one of grave mialadjustment.' If weý could only masti in the minds o! ail that we were not at tbe end. but at the begin- ning o! our development there would resuit a treniendous broadening of our vision and an appreciation o! the vast opportunities that are before us."' This expression 'seems, more 'acceptable to the American mind than the defeatist attitude that our industrial structure is already biuilt and there is nothing more to be done. or space or distance may lead to fatalities- or lifelong disa.bility, boys and girls should exercise constant care to avoid any mishap in driving. 'A slower pace, a little more time consumed in ,,getting there and back, may save parents un- told agony and youthful drivers years of, regret. mi8&a& le 01 eL - 4u -My firat suggestion to ail motorista la: Drive carefully enough for youruellfand, the otiier tel- low too, berause the ecliees are lie lai't. "My own system Is to expeet the world's prize Idiot around every iiext corner. *«Wheîn I turn a curve or go over the top of a, hli, 1 hug my side o! the road like glue and I slow. dowfl a bit, because I alWays picture: a cor.genital the wheel of a car coming at mie from the other.,directio-a bird w~ho. was born on the wrong side of the road. 'At an Intersection, I always Imagine the other intersecti ng. artery filled w ith morons. And 1 slow down! to offset thjeir xno ronity with a double dose of My own'sanity.- "Of course,' I know this is a pretty cynical sIant on My fellow motoî',ists, but I don't think a group which killed iabout 30,000 victinis and in- jured somne 850,000 thers last year,.is. worthy of verý nîany medais for bright and shining mien- talite. "The present system is to let the other feliow take care of us-and look at the figures!, My sug- gestion is for ecdio! us to take, care o! himself and one other driver, too. Don't you think It's'a dandy plan? .11%e often heard it said that it isn't faqL drivers Who cause accidenta, but statisties gath- ered bjy The Travelers Insurance Company upset this glib philosophy with figures showing that ,neariy 126,000 accidents.-last year were the resuit of exceeding speed limfita. Sothere! "Hurry. There's, the hub of this whole accident business. ProbabIy ,nine-mteniths of ourý automobile accidents are caused by people trying to Bave, fiveniinutes. We rush like miad to get some- where. and ht doean't amount to. much when we get there. .A flItte ordinary courtesy would help, alo, Wle are usually pretty peaceful in our attitude towiards our fellow mian, but thie minute we get behind a steering wlieel, we seeru to regard every man -as our enemty. We'il ho darned if:thà,t guy passeis us or gets across the street Intersection first. I'd sa>', Aw, lot him pass you or let hlm beat you to the crossinlg. You don't have to prove that your car lias the greatoa9t pick-up In, al ceation, or that you are, thé, master rnotorist, of al tini '«l don't know exaetly how many pesons were killed last year wa2iking along highways wiUi trafIleic istead of facing it, but. l'Il bet plenty per-soôi.s who, were leaving it to the other fehlow flot to ht them instead o! ,seeing that lie did not." *A PROTESTc The vot to prohibit the sale of alcoliolic h quors iin New Trier township and in other sub- d rbs of Chicago mnay *be acccpted, in part at C alogy of Chiacago. [-1r worlc in hotfl geneaIog- ical and historical research bas been outstanding, and the entire north shore- joins in congratula- tions upon the honor that has thus corne to her. Local chapters of hereditary-patriotic societies are assured of. "a f riend at court.", penitentarîes gives risc to the suspicion that the oki brass kevs have been thrown awav and goldeni keys substituted. If that is flot the an- swer, thien it iiiust be that jailers are dunîlber thaîî heretofore or crinjinals. are smarter. Trhe ease with whichi they are walking away f romn peiial 'institutionis oes not, add to the public's selise of securitv. If vo)u lear anyone speak of the depression VOU ikom- tliaî lie is not referring te the north, shore. for that unwelcome visitor b1a.s e videti1 taken his departtire________ f romi this favored spot and shortage of rnoney no longer! off crs an iniconven,.ience to ouri peop~le. [t %would seei > so, anvyway. for M-\elvin B. ~ ) Ericson, receiver for the t late :First National 1Bank of Xilnette., announces that lie iholding 1'0x)checks,. ..ta.-' ig $27,000, which, await. de- ' l)ositors. iii I)aynent of thie last declared divildend. And the tréasurer is publicl% a(l- --- vertisinig that lie has on hland $39,.000 with which to pay interest* and principal' on1 New JTrer Higlh school ta% waratwic have heen, called. Think of it! $66,000 ili col. cash,, and the peoplec won't. even coule after it Yes, we must be rolling in wealth, and the ,s- called depressioin niust be to us-just a bad dreamn. Fmrther evidence as te why America needs no dictator of an.y size or calibre is conitainieid in a Berlin dispatch relating that two newspapers were suspended because, through a typographical error, a question mark appeared instead of an exclamation point. [t changed the, meaing of a reference to Hitler. Geii. Hugli L. Scott, famous soldier and Indian fightcr, died *Monday. at Washingtonx, D., C. .One by one we are IQsing our revered heroes, among vvh om en. Scott raniked very high..- It seerns no longer than yesterday that our greatest am- bition enlist under the.Genieral and fight side by side ivith, himi against. the treacherous redskin's. But we neyer got.àaround te it:- Let's sec. We1 mustý have been at. least. twelve orý thirteen years. old at the time. is a items rMr. What bas happen cd? No increase in taxes of $100,000,000 bas been announced from Washing- ton for at least twenty-four hours. ThE fxPHANTOM REPORTERt.