0O. KI - HI) INVITES NORTH -SHORE CHILDREN JUNE: 18 TO AUGUST 25 a You parents.. many of you rememnber the thill of going.to camp.. What fun you had!l And todayyour own youngsters need that same 'delightful experience.. Goinig to camp! . It is the. inborn: inheritancef Am- can youth harking. back, tc the daysof ý.their sturdy. pioneer .forefathers!, Camp means fun. Happyý daYs. Wholesome play. But today tmen far more., For modemn meihods of child development, have. taken chiI.- dren's play and made it tI.emeans of health and character building. A Child's Camp a Camp,0-Ki-Hi, now ready for its' third season, with its carefuliy selected staff and a programn welJ * past any experimental stage offers, your children these advantages. Camp 0-Ki-Hi is a day camp, Io- cated in Northbrook on Voltz road' between Sunset Ridge and Wauke- gan. roads. Ih bas generous acreage, iS 10 to 20 Minutes frornani' north shore village, yet offers the advran- tages of the far-away- woods for simple, naturai child training. Calied For - Retesrned a Each morning . . . Monday t Saturday ... the children.are called for. Each evening they are brought. home, happy, better physicallv and mentally for another. day of super- vised fun in the great out-of-doors. This is an ideal arrangement for young children whose parents want, Every Care Provided, A hot meal. is served at noon in a nlew dining roomn. Nothing is left toù chance., ,Ever y ,precaution .for heaith and every facility, for -com- fort is provided. * Arn deal Vacation 0 What will your children do this *summer? Vacation time is almost here. Yes, we realize that times have nlot been kind, but now, for ont- ha/f of the coit of a. fuliâe camp, your chuiren may hwe ait the advanages of guidei play, ani be back in their own bed: et night. It is flot putting it too strongly that the small invesment in a summer for your children at Camp 0-Ki-Hi with-ail it accomplishes, way spel the difference between success and failure when they grow Up. Act at Once 0 Manv parents are enrolling their childrexx for a third year. As the numberof children wiII1 be Iimnited we advise you 'to ýcali for further information and a beautifully ilium- *trated'bookiet about the advantages of Camp 0-Ki-Hi . . . TODAY! A Complète, Enjoyahie' PROGRAM. This year Camp 0-1.-Hi provides a, comploe, varied program of /w4lth 1huiding, mini stimulating recre- tic», inclaiing: Also a Camp for the Little Tots People who have studied child char- acter say that the work of shaping character should begin at the tender age Of 3 years. In keeping with this there is' a special camp in connection with Camp 0-Ki-Hi for the littie tots NATURE STUDY' *CAJ4PCRAFT BOXING' WRESTLING ARCHERY *.]BADMINTON