,casa Experts Clean Your ~ ff<uqs VOU REALLY SIE THE BEAUTY. OF -A. NEW RUG year also are ontered artt sumncr session. The gummer. scbool, .al- thougb attended principally by stu- dents of higb school age,. also is open to aduits who inay be interested l ii such coursesas. dramaâtics and typii. it is explajned4. Ann'Mosser, Senior, Is Recipient of Cash Award Anný Mosser, New Trier.senior, %vas one of. forty-seven high school senii- ors of, the United States who woni five-dollar prizes in, a.naion-widc contest on disarmnament sponsored hy. the Federal Council of Churches. at Was announced this week by the New Trier social . science depari - ment. The essays submnitted in the contest were. bàsed on interview.; which the participating stulents, had w ith outstanding citizens of their oelmlfltl son the subject ofds armamient. Poetry Contest Winners Read at N. U. Conference Betty- Barr and Bol) Merrimnan, who won first place among New. Trier girls and boys, respectively, in the poetry reading contest held re- cently, read last Saturday before th<± Central States Speech- associationl conference at Northwesterin univer- sity. In the New Trier contest Mar- gery Flaniwigam won second place and Marguerite Petersen thirdplace among the girls, and Charles Broad and Allan Camieron second and third réspectively among the boys. Jack Sinding Accepted for Dartmouth Course. Announcement was made this ~. elk that anôther New Trier bo:y has beeni accepted at Dartmouth. H-e is Jack Sinding of Kenilworth, basebaîl andi basketball star.' Recently New'Trieri was inforxued that eight other setiior. jsuge and tGlenn Walker -was to'de- bate at home. Next Monday New-Trier wilI ine.et North Park college of Chicago in a n- other dual debate. Lýast year, ini the first.meeting ofthese two scbools on the debate platform, New Trier -.on the decision., The -dual, match f his year also. is to be.a, decision affair. No decision will be given in the Pro- Viso-New- Trier debates. The question for discussion is the proposed adoption by. the United States *of a system of radio broa- casting control similar to.that uc hv Great Britain. Worlds Pair .T icket Sales Hit Brisk Pace Members of t he Girls', club :4till are bus ily engage4 in selling the 1934 World's Fair ticket books, hoping to complete their scbolarship fund froix the proceeds of the sale. With onlv four weeks remaining until the fair opens, a .marked pickup in the nunim- ber of tickets sold is,,expec'ted this month. The tickets are in books of five this year, instead of books of teni. Each ticket, in addition to being good for a general admission to the iair grounds, also will admit the holder to one of five different concessions. Intrainurai Program in Progress; Hoki Tourney The spring intramural athletic pro- gram for New Trier boys is wl under way. The adviWor room trac'- relay tournament is being completed this week, and this will be foIlo1vtd by track events, in which individuai. boys wiIl compete. Tournaments were started this week'in tennis, goît, horseshoes and, playground, hall. Trhirty-three teams> areý entered .in' the playground ball tourney, accord- ing to D. H. Showley, who is Mn charge of boys' intramural ath1letic- at Newv Trier. WINNETKA 3sf - GLBNCOE us club of New Trier meeting today (Thurs- drama, poem or short story, wilI be me of John Mathison, discussed. The Scriblerus club does road, Kenilworth. The active work in carryingon the Wil1- for. the best essay, liams contest. A"!