as for 1932~ taxpayers, or about 10 per cent of the bill they received a year ago. Pending the litigation over the reduct.ion and the decision of the Countyjudge last month, these ob- jectors were protected - against ac- cruing penalties.2 Now the days of gracein this. resýpect are past and the one per, cent per nimonth is accruing against them until they- pay their bis. Those Who did flot file proper objectijohs hâve ý been suffering, the penýaltie.s for eight months, so that now, even*if they were to get.,a sub- sâequent reduction the sanie'as the oh- jectors, there is standing on the ta'x books against their property 8 per. centpenalties. If they delay as much as two rnonths more, apparently any gain they might make theoretically would be wipe<l out, entirely by peu- alties. Paid in FuIl: There is a large nun:- ber of. loyal citizens who, realizing the 'danger of closing sehools and cur- tailing fire .and police protection, promptly paid al their 1931 and 1932 real estate taxes without objections. Mucb of the delay in Assessor Jacob's ,decision was doubtless due to the fact thatthe loyal peop.le Who upheld the local governments with their taxes were . being sorelyý discriminated against. Mr. Jacobs finally gave ini when it was intimated tihat legislation granting rebates to fulI. payers would be had at Springfield. Whether this %vill result reinains to be seen. Now that the level of reai estate assess- ments bas been decided up to and in- cluding the 1934 tax levy, which prob- * ably will not be billèd until 1936, * pressure will doubtless continue on Governor Hrorner and state legis- lators to provide such relief. 192g, 1929 and 1930 Tax Objecteri,: As indicated here last week,,there 'are now standing on, the county *tax books objections, injunctions or for- fetrs on roughly- 7,000 parcels of * real estate out of a total of about 18,000 parcels in the whole township. In most cases property owners have done nothing after filing objections because penalties have not been run- Mrs. John L. Wilds and ber dauigh-, ter, Nancy, 244 Oxford road, Kenil- worth, returned on Wednesday of last week frôm a visit to Sweet Brier, Va., and Darlington, S. C., where they spent several weeks with Mrs. Wlildls mother. Âarson, ,Jerome -Nevins, -Warren Young, Ernest Schaeper, Helen Peterson, Ruth Jaehne, Ruth Kerner, and Ruth Winberg. The play is directed by Nfrs. Elne.r L. Young. No tickets wili be sold but a f rec will offering NNill b eevd W. H. Smythe, 43 Kenîl. worth ave- nue, Keniilwor th, I-eft. Iast Monday for New York on business., MAKE: YOUîtOWN INTERIOR ACCESSORIES CLASSES in, th. making of slip cov or$. drap. erles, Pillows, sil& lamp shades,aitc. ELLA ..BUTZ For: information, coII 1* ulmàette $01 $3.OO--Term of 4 L es ton$ 9 A. M. t. 4 P. M. Classes limifed fo 8 or 10 opening of TH DINING Tueiday, May 1 st 413 Linden Avenue ROOM Serving. those in search of. good food who ep- preciate qualhty in the prepaireti.on and service. FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVEIT says, "Happiness lies not in mère possession of' money; if lý.ies in the joy of achievemnent, in the thrill ofcreefive effort. THURIER 'sa s, "G'ive the people the rrost you money-, nott7e least.ý' Sm a r'..spriaqgtime Ci0 tkes The season's most excifing fashions -ranging i price up from $1À4.75. ACCESSORIES. firt Ai for Your Suit *So make the most of gloves, bag, hose, blouse' and jeweiry. They cen - make or mer your cos- *tune.. Have them maotch or contrast-have some connecting ink between them aiI Let us give you expert advice-it's. our business- on what goes with what. Knitting Instruction With Yarn can for the, il, 1. 161 W~imette Avenu. Phone WImoie 4406 'I