Miles Supertwlst Ordlnary Lun Tire Corda Tire Cords 89,000 938'2%/ 1000 01% ' 36%v Supertwist Cord-a Good year pat- ent-stretches, absorbs shocks, and cornes back, strongl' Thoroughly rubberibked to rest heat, it gives* lasting in every ply, As# us to demonstrate!,, 4 Four Full Plies of Supertwlst Cord - insulated with heat- reslstlng rubber. 90 Rer."à a lot of tire and a lot of blowou t-protectioni for a littie rnonçy. An examnple of the greater value thiat we can give you because more people buy 'Goodyears tlian any other tire. Se. us before. you buy-we'il show you the most for' your money at any price you narnme. 1mteBattery and'El ectric sevc I 70Twelfth Street -Phones9Wumett 615454 1 J AN E E SER IC E A RIA OEL NA E VI E GA A ESHIM ONEK SER VICE COM M UNIT Y A TO SERVICE i .1841157, WL 304 15 RIDGEx AVE., WI1L. 3426 803,MAIN or., WIL. $347 1825 wiL.mTTE AVE., WIL. 5348 TUE SATLSFA F~W17 COL-COKE FUL AI CTION 0F BELING ýSURE ; T HERE'is no, guessw ork about buying Con- sumers Coal or Coke because every ton. is sold with an unconditional guarantee' of high quality, full weight> and customer satisfaction. Whether your r 1equirements be large or smail,ý you wiII ind it econornîcal an~d more satisfactory to Buy Your Coal on Approval! WILMETTE 1300 WiýNNETKA 3386 G.LENCOE 75 N E~l G, H 8 O0 R H 0 O D TELE4PHONEZ S 9WILNETTE Briargate Un Univesity 7700 2738 W. Pahs.d Ava. GOODY'EAR SPEE -DWAYS onSUmes mpany E RS, Y - liii L i