Coloiuual porche., I(ODURN 4 ROOM FURNISHE» OR unfurn. apartment, newly docorated. Central location. Reamnable. 1hote Wllmette 2.199 or 2427. 9,ilTN.50-itp FOR RENT-HOUS Es Srmis., 5 bedrms. 3 b'. .W .$5 7rmA., 4 bedrms., slp. pch., -2z bs., ol. 125 8 rms., 5,bedrtns., sun pcb., 3bs.. 2-c.g.'70 6 rms., lg. liv. ryn. 011, Elee. ref. Mod. 60 6 lins., 1 b. HWH, ohl. 1-C, g., lg. lot: 55 7 rnis., 1 b., IIAH. 2-c, g.......... .55ý 5 ns., I ,Ael. 2-c.,g. Nr. tilsp. 50 4 Ige. risi. lfi tor duplex, htd. 1-c.g. 50 4 rm. cottage, Ig. lot, àome furni. .30 Other good values,. furnished and un- furnlshed bouses .anhd apts.,- ail sizes. B. H. BARNETT 52 6 Ceniter St.ý Winnetka 965, 97LTN51-1tp WILMETTE ATTRACTIVE HOME REDUCEDRENT4L, Choice location,- large corner land-- scaped lot-2-tar garage--Four bed- rooms, 3 baths, servants' quarterm. Oit' beat. Shown by appointinent, LucHend1ir& (a Open Evenlngs and Sundayýs 9M Chicago Ave., at Main St., Gre. 6060 97LTNSI-1 te NIR. HUJBBARD WOODS SCHOOL. 7 room Colonial, 2 baths, Oit beat- $115 nmo. Also 9 nm. home, 3 baths...$125 mo. East Glencoe-8 rooni Colonial home * with large roonis and several porches, 3 baths near lakè $125 mno. H4 InLLn & STONE 543 LncolnAve.Wtnnetka 1544 _______________97L51-It.p ATTRACTIVE RENTAL S 9 rnis., 1 bath Eng. cottage new 960 * 7 rnis., 1 bath, oll ht., fine log.. 70 8 rins., 2, bgths, oit ht. >a.....1 10 ri 3 baths, Oi ht. Br.: Col.,15 ALSO0 &%ANY OTHERS ALL SIZES AND PRICES. BAIRD & WTARNER, Imc.1 523 PARK DRIVE, KENILWORTH 1 Kenilworth 47M~ Rogers Park '6151 A MOST COMFORTABLE HOMAE. N rnis., 2 baths, 3 large enclo.sed porches> near schools, Irans.; good neighborhood; for relit at P80 per lnonth. Sale, $13,00. CalMrs. Hecker, QUlILAN\ & TYSON, mlc. 1571 Sherman Ave. Uini. 2600f 97LTN51-1lh T-BUMMER MON' t street, finely furis 4 bdnms.. mald'.ç fa. No brokers.1 Wllmette, 111. . 971L býurixmws,;3 bal W. heat, 2-ca 4 LENLèOE-West Close in Engllsh, brick, 6 bedroomas, 3bath,%, H. W. 011 heat and garage. R. B. WHITAKER CO. . z .WINNETKA.. 941 Elr Street . Wlnneîka 3250 Open week days froni 9 to 9 97LTN51-ltvc ATTRACTIVE RENTALS 5. rnis., '2,baths,. 'porch............$60 7 rnis., gar., good loc. .........75 8 rniS., 2 bath-.,, slpg. pcb. 95 7 rnis., 3 baths, good loc-........... 115 9 ns,4 bathm, oil ht., nr. lake _... 160 ALSO MANY OTHERS ALL SIZES AND PRICES BAIRD,& WARNER, me. 346 PARK AVE-NU,. GLENCOE (iIenc<>e 1554 BrIargate 1855 FOR RENT, ORSALE-By OWNER; new 5 room renldence in Ravinia.; 2 blocks froni station; ail modern con- venlences, Hot water hoat,- planter base;ment celllng, fireplace, tile. bath. 1721 Ave. Inq ui re . ingage 97LTN51-4tp 8 RX. ROrSR OT rÔ?WATRWI1 IAT. sun Porch, garage, %>-acre ground. In No)rtbbrook. Rent reasonable. Cali at 1937-Wlmette Ave.. Wlniette, 9'lLTN'5l-ltp 7 tTNFUJRNISHED ROOMS IN A 9 rooni boUse, $50.00 per mnonth. Rooni y. llght and amy. Hot water heat, modern. 1725 Washinîgton Ave. Phones Wilniette 794-J. U7LTN51Ilp FURNISHED MODERN 6 ROOM ,house. WillI base for 1 year. Wtthin *alkIrlg distance of New Trier and iKen- Ilworth school. Phono Kenhlworth 4777. 91L51-1lp Srnali 4 rom cottage for rent Wlnnetlça 819 6 ROOM MODERN HOME1,, ON PARK Place, Evanston. ClOse to tranjspý and sehool, 1l-car 'garage, screened ponch. Cal Uni. 7619. 97LTN51-Itp FOR RE-NT-FURNISHÈD HOUSES BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL, 5S BEDRMlNS'., Ige. slpg. .porch, 3 batha, 2 scn. porches. love ly vooded yard, nr. transp., Avail- aide May lSth, for surnmer. $201) a ilo. MANY OTHER RENT-A,,,S FORt LONG OR SHORZT PE1ioI> Frances J. Winscott 942 Spruýtce St. Winnetk<a 126f7 tive homnes priced troin $6,000 10 $13,000 that rnay be purcbased with down payments 0f $2,500 to $4,000. The balance of sale price will be worked out wlth arrylng charges ranging froni $60 to $90 per month. Our represeiltatives; Whll ho pleased to talk Ibis plan ove,' with you. SMART &.(1"EEyInc. 1564 Sîmrmahn, Av., Evafltof Uni. 0283 IllLTN51-ltc PRICE $5,50 Modem 35 rooni brick bungalow oni finle realdential street, H., W. hI., garage. Lovely yard, n ear schools. We have notblng like it at this price. Byron Smith- BAIRD & WARNER, Ic., 523 PARK DRIVE, KENILWORT11 Kenilwvorth 4785 Rogers Park 6151 i11LTN451-ltc Home on a Ravine IN HRIHLAND PARK. EIGHT ROOMS with 2 tile baths and mv. studio -liv. rooni. Recer. room and 1W1h. (l heat, 2-car garage.. ýA noderri painted brick home for. only $22,500. -NORTU HWESTERN REALTY & BUILDING CO. 528 Davis St., Evanston. Uni. 9500 CIRCUMSTANCES. vause, owner to offer 8 rooni, 5 bdrni., and slpg. porch, 2 bath, oil heat- ed home; near lake, at a real figure. Inquire about this at once. Mn. Rink- BAIRD & ARER, Ime. 523 PARK DRIVE, KENILWORTH iCenilwonth 4785 , R'gers Park 6151 - .~11-,TN51-1te ENGLISH TYPE. HOME' IN INDIAN Hill section, 4 master bedrboonis, 2 baths and 2 maids' rooms ,;and. bath, sun and slpg. rnis., oil heat, ige. lot. Owner leaNýing city offers at $28.500,or q mhight rent. SMITH &_GOSS 726 Elmai stret* Wlnnetka, 350Ù _______ iiLTN61i-ltc F INES T LOCATION A-ttra(ctive 9 roora Colonial, 6, bdrî,ns., E~ baths, 011 ht. Lot 120.x260, 1/4t. . f rom làke. Nr. trnsi). Wit immediate offer. Mr. Newhall- BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. 346 1,AIIK AVENtUE, GLENCOE 1 Glencoe 1554 Briargate 1855 .EngaIsh brick, 5LuVUcJ, 4 ubuI uuua, 2 battis, H. W, 011, 2-car garage. G 1 ENCOE-West Englisti brick and timber, 4 bed- noonis, 2 baths, H. W. 011 att. gar. R. B. WHITAKER CO. ,41 -Elnî Street Wlnnetka- .326u .WINNETKA Open week days f rom 9 to 9 ll11LTN5i-1tc WANTE£D TO UUY-HOUSES WANT MODERN 6 OR 7 RM. HOUSE, in, good neighborhood, Have $10,00 cash. If your. property ia good. cal -immedhately. Nir. Burgener,, Greenleef 0471,or Davis,8056. 113LTN51-lte ATTRACTIVE -7 OR 8 ROOM HOME. In Winnetka. near Echool and transe- pôrtation. WI buy only if rare bargain. Write A-44, Box 40, Wilniette, .111. 1i3LTN5i-ltp ENGLISH ýBRICK HOUSE, FOUR bedroonis, 2 baths on North Shore, Not over $30,000. Cash no object. Wil. 3740. 13TS-t FOR SALE-VACANT ___ CHICAO CHOOL TI±ACHER 'ItMOST sacrifice Wlflnetka lot. $1,400. Must be cash. B. Hi. BARNETT 526 Center,, St. Winnetka 965 114LTN5i-îtp $80 ýFOOT LAST . BARGAIN CORNER S. W. Cor. EIder Lane--Myrtle. 150x82'% f t. Near schools and transp. Plarka ndbeaceh. )Wneàr. Winnetka 1665 or l)earbonn 2263. 14T5-t WANTkD TOI PUY-VACANTr NVANT VACANT AND SMALL amout '.4f cash for equity. ln 7 rooni Colonial tir. lakte on large lot. WIL4METTE REALT Y Co. 13Fourth St.' Wilmette 19â 11i5LTN51-ltp ATTRACTIVECOTTAGE AT GRAND Haveni Michigan. Completely. fur- nished. Pive. bedroorna, two batha, 0v- ery convenience. Overlooking Lake, Michigan. Wil sacrific e for season. Winnetkaý. 1874. 116L-51-ltp SUMMRCAMPS __ BEYE ANI) BEYE PRIVATE SCLIOOL and 'Camp Marcellua, Michigan. Boys and Crir1s 3-15 yrs. Camping season --4 hù- 1 shled Tel. baving you ±-Ip BAIRD & NR. .34 PARK AI nod- 523 PARK DR] 3 Glencoe 1554 A- Briargate 1855 ýRTIrI ,h 478à rk 6151 CHARMI-NO HOME 114 SOUTHEAST Wilnetka. Near schools & station. i .Bdrni8., 3 batjis, aniall library wlth firepla ce, 011 heat, 2-car garage. $18,500 HILL &,STONE 543, Lincoin Ave. Whnetlca 1544 12LTéÂN1-ItP LEONARD 75-Lfl. CAPACITY, POR- celain Interlor refrigerator., A-i con- dition. $8.50. ]Phone Wilmette 3407. 129,LTN51-ltP RO)G»R SILVER SERV ICIE - FOR 8'. Fboor. lamp. Child'a rocker. ',Win- netka 3066.' flLTN651_1to lý- lý