Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Apr 1934, p. 61

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748 El.m St. Winnetka 3599 681.TN25-tf(- Jolinson's Emp. Agency RELIABLE IIELP, NO CHARGE TO EMPLOyER 144Wiimette Ave. Wilmnette 4144 68LTN5l1te Laundry Work, Cleaning HALF OR WHOLE DAYS PHONE WILMETTE 5381 68LTN5-ltp GOVERNESS Olt CARE 0F CHIL- dren, for1 sumMer. ExPerienced as teacher, tutor,, and nUrsemaid. Free June. 8. References. Cali Winnetka 2591. -~ .68LTN51-ltp MII)bLE-AGED, WHITE W O MA N .ishes Position as hloüsekeepér.,or viretaker. <Jood copik and eseamstress. Res., AdultA preferred. Ph. Wilmette 3915. 6SLTN5L-ltpý EXPER. AND RELIABLE WHITE womnan wlshes day work or. any kind. '3 a. day.' Rets. turnish ed if de.sired. CalI Wllmette 2719. 68LTN48-tfpý SITUATION WANTED-MALE Garden and Housework WANTED 13Y EXP. MA.N 3Y AY or hour. Best N. S. refs. Phone Winnetka 1552. 69LTN51-ltpý FIRST CLASS GARDENER 'AND chauffeur: wantu part time1 or stead y Position. Twelve years- refererîce last tWo places, inWlnnetka. Winnhetka 3 690. ____________________ 6DL51-t WANTED -, OUSE ANI) LAWN 1work, by experlenced ail-round muan. Aiso odd jobs. N. S. rets. Phone Wii- mette 2088. 69LTN 51-ltp WANTED - G ARDEN ANI) HOUISE- work. Good North Shore reference:s. Phone Glencoe 1237 after 5, p.m. 311T. WrD.-MAL.E £AND FFMALaL Cartson's Empi. Agency ý04 ELM STR~EET WXNNbTKA 3328 RELIABL.E HELP Alil domestic positions. NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYERSý ___ ________7OLTN5-2tp BURNS DOMESTIC AGENCY FUR-. . nshes better class help. Couples, maids, chauffeurs, etc. (White and Col- ored>. JRe s 'Ivet. 'Sheldrake 5027. 763Rogers Ave., '14 blk.,W.. Sheridan Road Chîago.701TN49-4tp COMPE~TENT DOMESTlC 1IIELP available. Ail 'nationalities. S-H-A-Y AG'CY 14 W. WASHINGTON CH-ICAUO CENTRAL.. 9800J 7 0LTN.) 1-Ittc COUPLE, CoLOJRE», THOROUGHLY exp. A-i references, cook, bhutler, ehauffeur, catering. Ph. Oakland 4184. 70LTN51-1te and Second. 4. $12-2 a0l1ts, 2 ohiiid., no l4d'y. OTHEIt POSITIONS AT $8-$10-$I 2 Good Couple Positions $75 ýto $125: Pauline's Empi. Agency Fourth& Linden Opp. ."L" terminali 1 llkt. Linden Station--N. S. UÀne. 71LTN51-Ité WANTED-EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD mald for generalhswk. Salary comn- mensurate wlthý service rendered. AMust be good coôk. 'Not afrid of work. Write A-42, Bok 40, Wlimette,. Ili. MAIDFOÏR àENERîAL HolýS-,WoiV-,. Care of cblidren. Né washing. Must be good cook. $10..Phone Kenilworth 5644. 71LTN5-1lte EXPRIENCÏ,'I) WHITE G.IRL, 22.-2x yrs.: General housework, cooking. Must be competent. References. Phtone Kenilworth,5534. - ILN1-t WHITE GR FR GN _RA housework and cooklng. Good home.] 532, Greenwood Avenue, Kenilworth. Kenlworth 47«. 71LTrN5Itp some laundry. Own '?oom and bath. $5 per Week. Phone Kenilworth 4136. 71LTN51-1tc WHITEGI1RI. GENERAL ,HOUSE- work, no laundry. Own room and bath. Good home. 303 Fairview ave.. Wlnnetka. Winnetka 852. 71L51-ltp WHWrE MAID FOR GENElRAL housework. Small famlly. No laun- dry. Pleasant roomn and bath, $8 to $10. Ref. req. Winnetka 1463. 71L51-ltp EXPERIENCED WHITE MAID FOR general housework. cook. ]Ref. Own romr and bath, $5 to $7. Phone Win- netka 151. 17lL51-ltp WHITE GIRL, GENERAL HOUSIC- work. 2 adults, 1 child In family. $7e References requ.ired. Wnnetk 665.. WHITUE-GIRL, GENERAL HOUSE- work. 2 adults, 1 baby. $5 *week. Phone Glencoe 707. 7LTN51-1te GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. SMALL, family. Must know how to cook. Ph. Wilmette 2932. 71LTN51-Itp ANEXRENE MAN WH O knows North Shore and country reai estate, and who haq a vision of some- thing beyonl simnply selling houses anld1 lots., Mýust live on the North Shore, drive a car, .and be able. to mnake a good a pIearance.t 13Tý ,T T r' 1-'% A f% T7- WHITE COUPLE, 2 ADUL.TS, 1 jchild, $100. White,- gen. rnald, 3 adults, no laundry, $10. OTHER POSITIONS OPEN CALL AT ONCE jJohnson's Emnpi..Agenc 1444 Willmett e Ave. Wilmaette CT44 73LTN51-lte OPENINGS'NOW Experienced a.nd 'lineàperienced help Anderson,EmnpL Agenc.y 851 oak st. * Winn. .428 73LTrN49-3tp BURLNS DOMEsTIC AGENCY Ohoice Jobs open now. Couples. maids, 1 tc. (White and colored).. N. Shore aýnd City., Good wages. 7623 Roge ru Ave. 3 BlILs. E. Howard *"214 Blk. NV. Sheridan Rd.* 73LTN4»-.4tp CHRYSLER COUPLE EXCELLENT CONDITION. $155. C. M. Davis, 695. Prospect Ave., Wininetkia 60. -~ -77LTN49-4tp, PLYMOUTH 1933, DELUXE SEDAN. .7,50Ô miles. Best Offer this 'week takes car. Air wheels, safety glass heater. Perfect condition, Ph. Wilmette 1349. 77LTN5i-ltp 1930 FORD ROADSTER. A-1 CONDI- tion. Reasonable. Can be seen M6 Center St., Winnetka. Phone Winnetka 3860. 77LTN51-1te Fa>R RENTr-ROQMB SEE THIS FIRST Niceiy furn. Ige. rom wlth por(!i. East side, 4 minutes to North Shore or Northwestern trains. Phi. Wilmette. 1565. 82L'VN5-1lp1 CENTRAL IZOTEL 629 Main Street, Wilnette Lge. pleasaxit rooms, wlth hot and cold water. Very reas. Ph, Wilmette 5381. * . 82LTNS71-4tp FURNISHED ROOM WIT1-H SMALL kitchenette for business woman. Phone between 7-10 A. M., 5-7 P. M. Sat. a.nd Sun. till noon, Wilmette 2269.' LARGEý FRONT R001% NEWLY PFUR- nished and.decorated, in private.homeë on corner. 4,biocks to "L."Very rea sonable. Phone Wilmette 24w. 92LTN51-Ilp LADY WILL RENT PLEASANT room in.lher own 4-roonm apartmeit, to one employed. Homne priv. Near transp. Phone Wilmette 2419. 82 LTN5I-ltp Jia4x I1UUOMS IN PRIVATEHOMJ6 2 blocks. from elevated. Garage avait- able. Ph. Wilmette 3524. 82LTN51-ltp FRo RENT---LT. HSKP. R00%» SMALL HOUSEKEEPING SUITE'IX eaut side home. Large. open porch, 011 heat, .instant hot water. Convenleeit transp. References. Wilmnette 204. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ,R OO M also sleeping room, near tr ansp. Ph. Wllmette-,4866. 84LrN5î-ltp REAL HOME FOR'ELDERLY PER- sons orconvalescents who.need somue care. Res1dent, nurse. Central location. University 2104. 1414 HiinanAvenue,, Evanston. 8 7LTN'48-4t> POU RENT-APARTMNTgNI TIHE LINDEN CRES Wilmette's Mont, Beautiful Building à room, .apa.rtmentu eonslsting of larg..., a.ttractive living room w!itkhi-a-dot b.&d. dnette, kitchenette, anhd tii. bath,, Pr.. refrigeration. Reduoed pries. ALSO Avallable May lat, nom~e sooner. 3-4-5 ROOM ÂPARTMENTS I<ROLL & SMITH, AGENTS 424 Linden Avenue Wilinitte 506 eZLTN40-ttt RAVINIA 1, 4, AND à ROOM APTS. IN NEW PIREPROON' BUILDING WITH GAR- AGES, EAST 0F THE TRACKS. 1 BLOCKC PROM SCHOOLS AND STA-- TION-NO TRACKS TO CROSS. RE1Nr $18 TO $75 MO. POSSESSION MAY 1 BUILDING CORNER 0F ROGER WILLIAMS AND ST. JOHNS AVE. - - 92L1TN49-4tp TO RENT-1150 CENTRAL AVENUe. Wilmette. 5 rooins and bath, heated, McGUIRE, & ORR. 530 Davis St., Evanston Gre. 108e -92LTN51-1te L.OVELY 3 AND 4 RM. &I-TS.-TIL]@ .bath wlth shower,' breakfast nOO1, elec. refrig. Rýeasonable rent. Wolf- Gri.ftsBd. Phono Wilmette 1724. 92LTN48-4tp, 3% ROOM5 AND RO:LLAWVAY 6 ROOMS AND ROLLAWÀY WHITE GIRL FOR C; housework. No laundry eý Start at $7, raise to $81 Wlnnetka 3660. GIRLS TO POSE FOR *dents. Evenings. Headc Wlnnetka 3531. GIRL FOR GENERAL Ho no laundry. ,$5 week. Phq 7 1LN51-1te ART S'riï 12 COUPLES AT ONCE. WAGES $75 ATTRACTIVE FURNISH nly Phne to $100. 13 girls $8 to $12. 5 cooks includlng fireplace and 1 o iLy. hon $10 to $15. location. Phono Wilmette 715-ltp Register Now for Best Positions 1___________ USEWORK,- , FIiED'S AGENCY FRONT ROOM SINGLE gone Glencoe,.8 N. ,lot St. Hlghland Park 2520 b.d. Phono WlniettelE 7ILTS51-ltp 73LTN51-itp iTN5 1-ip 92LTN48-tfe >ROOM FRRN-FRIHDA» Central ETUN HMA T. 0 or 2427. 3-ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT- *TN49-3tp near transp. Hot water ht., runni ng Ëii rwTir hot water. newly decoratedl.. Suitablo or 5381. for., ouple' Mt es.P.Wmte .TN51-ltp ý3082. 9 Wilmn1-tt j ,

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