~g> . ~ ~ J~>Jia4J. Aera Of i lve, words te ;~A~La. w meeIb.g aaleed. Thomas Lockerble, Wil- totelins. No black face type US0d. 8»% <iseOffl on ail cash advertise- 27LTN5O-4tp mete 22 45LTN,'0-4tz> mtswhen brought to our Office at 123 Central Ave., Wllmette, or 56 LANDSCAPIN uw~MAINREAIO LnonAve., Wlnnetka. 10% d1see.at on ait advertiseanents run four B h HOUR OR CONTRACT ________________ Oonseutlve Issues..BYTHEBIJAGMCKINDIRTIg Deadine for InSe ma-n-Claslfed advertisern.nt. w6 e '- L. PANTJ4E WINNETKA 1813 SWING MACHINES cetdup t ueY9 P.;M.for 27L51-SCAItp ANdsVACUÙM BCLbF]EdRSore I. L WILMETTE LIPE or ail three. papers; Wednesday 9 p. M.' . BETLACK SO. PR DS PNG.knsrîar~.Etbihd'oet WINNETKA TALK and ThUrsday fi.P. M.,for GLENCOE FR NER.PWCS.~EN-fty yasao Nwlcte uWI Telephones: Wilmette 4300, Wlnnetka 2000 (Winnetka 500 atter 6 P.- jj> ABLE. FRANK SIMONS. 8106 OAK mette. L. E. Blunit, Tel., Wllmette 754 Grofflleuif 4300 or Sheldrake 5687. ST. WINNETKA 1101 5LN S1 POr 4368. 3T2-t EXPEIENCED GARDENER AND handy man wants work by heur or UHLTERY AND SIPI COVERS _________ AND___Il___ month. Best N. S., Refs, Phone Glen,- L O S A N P O N D U SI E S S S E R I C Ev e w 2 6 -W -4 . 2 L 5 1 -ltp LOST- TUES., APRil.. 17TH, AT -SLI pi ARDENING.BY DAY OR.bON-TRACT.. DRAPERIES AND CURTAINS- MADX New Trr igh chol ma's whtej ie tfi adeU C o. B E S T REFERENCES: REASON- to order. Od drapes relined. Expert gold Elgin -wrist watch andý bracelet, j Wlndow Shades, Awnlwrgki ABLE PRICES. PH:. GLENCOE 1416S. wormnhô lomtra hn Reward. 1440 :Forest Ave., Wilmette. jVénetian lîIin<Is 27TN4-4t Gl ncoe141., lS8iteiLT n e-.4 d;;~ttenonPlflLRZ4~P.720 LLM STWINN. 1171 ETLK RANM;E IN WLM~TE TURS I6LNS1ltpfor sale., John Ferraro, Phone Glen- Blue, W term an ountain pen. P tri- L N S A I Gc e 1 3.2 L 5 -t McDanlel, Phone Wlhette 5378.. W8ANK j ~fOUN>-NOSE GLASSES IN LEATH- WIMTE27 PERENNIALS AND ROCICpLANTS .$22.50j gray caraeul, $20: Le(q.'ard Cat, er case. Owner may have same by., 1OLTN494tp 300 varleties, 10e up. Violas, Dahlias. $29; American Broadtaiî. $24; Black payng or hisad Phne inntka ýUG BEATING ON RACK. GàDE Annuals, Novelties. Oman Nursery on caracul, $26; Raccoon, $5 And mnan.% In.etc. Best' of references. Phone ___a__ _______4 $ utspf'a 3.E th ecin *!ILbirte AiguCONTIÎACTIN. ieela 38.16LtN51îp- - - -- LAUNDIIY gifler Fur Companiy" 1 I 66 rtlaMihi G. A. THURSBT, PLASTERER AND EXEfNCF~>LAL )REST gan Avenue. MODRNZEcernent worker. StucSrears, bae- e homAe, C1)t go S - n im d W t r l ï ô .w i t w s a k w o r k h m , rIoo t . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ W At C~f6f.g . ences. Phont, W ilnette 250q. YOU HO E!Phone Wilmette 5382. S4TNI-LT______________ Basement recreatioft rooms, additions, CLOCIc REPAIRINQ ANO ATD OTK ATDTEXAS, PLA., A 1A.,ARK atttc modernliation, home repairing ln hm.Wl àl fr ad dlvr 1.Ido ih ýui.. albranches. No job too a3mali. Season- CLOCIC EXPERT. CRIME, HAàu., AN- Phone .WIlmette 1739. 34LÉ141-lte pal, School o onyBnde. *.$500< able low prices. We have built more tqe oc re irn.Larned trade a5,00. . Describe ful, date, than 100 homes on the north shore and ln EUrope. (Formeriy with Tiffany and MUSICAL NSTRUMENTS tutiteetprosofIU.Wt know our business! Fleld's.) Will call. Free estimate. David WILL TORE IGWARADENTSI also special _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J o h a f ls s o . P h o e D i v e r e V o i . stp _ _ __ _ __ _ _o s . a s . &1 I u i : QILT ErSeUR201. aInTiNanDrDue o taTndG I F. H. GATHE& MAKER t~P h n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __22 5_ A N I A S A N » C A V A SNIW O IC ta 12 0 an N O . E va ns o r . 3 0 Rrn. watpe per11. an40L$1 -Itp 1mL___,_-_ GsLTN71,2 giriex. ea ert on -dg1 n ode nlz tio , D E S ÀKING e P IT NGANeDd -Up ktc E COp A TINted --- j ST M O T G ALFU N A V I -LBL THOMAS MEYER DESINERS &, MAKER Rit LR. ASHZ 5RD, $3301RIASBBEATOOBLE Gowns, *N &CMET OKIWes -ite, Cotsas eo-FE IA'S A.FE.Obenfe Oth osriegal Co.60. et cernent work. Landscapîng and L I- ltp 4edî UUINEERICEWI17A78A. PRNGFRCKCEILINGS, CALC., $1 UP MCOMPTENT HELpCO ULITE WINDOW LN4RS of1 aIl deScitios. PoeWinnetka 1011 paItedA$6 up. AntiwalsWaed Eiint SriefrNtt hr o QUIPËýERAC SEVCE AÏ E22LN8-4tP n st larc e5 p a thrm.$1; arE N ESI AT omE EN E Tea in dow xprtontsld. r14 e niad on. - ' R SS A IG H PPE eeled, $5 up Paperclen a ned, $6 Ret. W65RE TE OIG NL tf aiteaNs, eir CEêIN.RâQbewrka o 1 IATTSCTL1WIWI. 03-WN 21 lwstrice.as t removes reout on. DESIGNINLO .AD TINGn ESGSVANEDO AT TUR - $8. RE5-IPS.(ý ot hr oe.C CONiheRruilTgi n. * orInie Ph.Wiimtte' W1lCS ni. gec - ITBZ iNeas eeecs on eTICa 1100 21LTN48.4t C. MELSTE G e c e 1 3 .L8T/ N51-Itp 6 LT 4 tf WILLRCW LD GMOIU AROU#4 USPNG O .. Wllmette 4 $1972OMETET EL we~iautomNgoUBe o talohineandhrin â -- -- - -$3 P4 KTN5O.4 EXPaiERIENCn»N CýG OOK-MOERCA »LrTE WNDobbEAeRs. J3LAK 5011<p an trcng $.50 up. trangj1a cateer aNd lcîGtcen sPERvîsr ses PAVIK SRS.CE5e-yardlo$5, ine fo lawn nd garen.CACM75c. LS ETROR s. tioniARE H E O mRGNLeaoe 7cda4e sq ft, Movlng,14elruabdsoui.*LEWWLng. Vey reasNab. wt o2511~ kt1~ad Slr Strm sah eoNU K NZt, Q1lreens ut n. ake N aIay FeAND C e wood. .LsAT n 346042L 51-1tc p o dr B et ~ 1ao a inc rt Estmaes eerfulygicl.hoe ru ne a' *ilee 158. --- P hoe ef Adesg P 21o741 2 partsJobbes. B A CKbà W I L Pan*0ng -aUehang ng -teer nd. E itYS uPrior ws 1716Wa lTN2'6ve-W2uî tP taden a*y. ifor 7 wod. A 5w- 4369. __42LTN51-ltp Ysound lu your hioes. Nort ________________oncea_ eek $1 to $ 50 --Addre P. 0. Box 482.R TI«C1î~ aI~~t1. or1u4. e Wree s I x P 2 per m. Qnth -_IaglundphonPe WWin- 50NO.-r CALCIMNING 2cPE Waefild MihianISR WOMAN CE MENI'CONTRAC OR neta 210SoBq. work.Ploo oo*,n, cano asl an A i! ki d s of ern e n a n d b ick w o-. re ta o sm a . W h t a i g _ w n oN O T S H R H M E là« jr ase ont ' rpaied.WII fEM GA DEN R w shi- h , o d ca1t.p huaone 545et eos a .ss o i e urn h e No. bla k sot an fetÏl) éir. A c r- 646.42LT 61-l p ylt n ee n4ur h m s r74WshntnAve. wilmtte U18 LAK Wlnete FR£CPALE'SELLEPERYNC black ______ sot4an51-itp Wofr helat 8N - ldis t. igaund;Plak, Rats, oaches Etc.' ~ - .ANIJR ' Ili I >I EE1:1 âRT uDANk 51vng ae cîlrnhn TEMN RCIN lod utrBIN LEVpiningceeS»Mled9i4 specled. 1286thSt.iTEY GOD OOXWISoesP0 p J U JOHN M I M.EXTE MIN T. hoe le 2770. 721 or <ul ndo 26 Ilet eWne 3<39 4LT1-teh d tioWn. Wligt o B D NIheip whothe in egiee. h. Wi mette 6 5927LTN49e4tp _________________as__ -r os ewrk Good orth sorecoret Ph 2111 SthillereneAv ie -25, ox 40.A. J. Shnltte-ng, o stn.H. 'athP oa 0451 Far- dok anorday hoe WllmNoOectt 191 Wlmete Iliol. 6LTN49-4tp ANI)N -4p veGAParDENge 99-. 4LTN0-4p 6L51lt