fnished with a total of 38 points. The New Trier juniors captured their section of the meet with a total of 45 points. Evanston was second with- 31 Y2ý and Oak Park third with 20!2. The winner *of the senior met was decided in the last event,, the relay, which was won by Oak Park., New Trier bad, been, Ieading up to that point, but finished third in,. the, relay. Win Ffrst i SevenEvçnts In seven events of the senior mteet New Trier took first'place or tied for first. A record of this accomplish.- ment follows.: James. Kingsley, New_ Trier cap- tain, tied with Sethness of Evanston for first in the pole vault.: Height, il fect. Dick Umberger won the 220-yard 10W hurdies in :27 flat. George Maxwell won the 120-yardl high -hurdies.- Timhe, 16.3, seconds. Bill Faymonville won t.he shot put.' Distanze, 47 feet. "Duke" Scott won the discus throw. Distance, 107 feet, 10 inches. Louis Bollensen tied with Miller of lÉvanston for first in the high jump. H-eight, 5 feet, 9 inches. David Gooder won the' 440-yvard mnii. Time, 52.1 secondls. Other New Trier Winuers ()ther winners for New Trier were: Du)tke" Scott, second in the 100-yard (lash; Ted Smith, fourth ini the mnile mnii; Douglas* Hinly fourth in the Z20-yard low hurdies; "Duke" Scott, third in the shot put; Fayrnonville, second in the discus; AI Struebing, second ini the broad jump; Martin Bridges, third in. the 440-yard run; De\Vitt Jonies, fourth in the 220-yard dash, and 'Bartlett Price, fourth iin the 880-yard run. New Trier entries finished one, two, three, four ini the 'shot put event of* thejunior meet.' Phil Dostal won the event witha throw of 48,feét. Jarvis. Brown1 was second, Hermani Garret-, son thilird and Rayý Hanson fourth. Coi 660-Yard Run In thie 660-yard run of the junior meet New Trier did almost as well.i Bob Vernoni finishieilfirst ini 1 min- *worth, for four days last week. 0o- Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCloud of' Los Angeles, will arrive in Kenil- *Worth on Sunday to visit their son and fanùly, tht Bentley McClouds,, 338 Kenilworth avenue. nois Bell 'rele- photie conipany, north shore dis- trict, ini recognii- tion . f bis coin- pletion of 28 years c nltinuoiius service with the company as, coin- mercial agent iii the north shore t e rrit o.ry. Ilr. t.evett retired re- -cently. WiDaàüLevett Heads of thie Wilim evttvarlous, .d e p art- inents of the tnorth shore distric ,t of the. comnpany joined, with _tle em-, loyes i honioring Mr. I.evett. ..\I. Levett lias gained a :wi de ac- quaintance with north 'shore people through direct contact with residents il thé' une 1of duty. He lias, beeii proinent in civic affairs, was a charter mnember of 'the Wilmet te Rotary club, and. is now a inember of thie \Wiunetka Rotary club. Mr. and 'Mrs. Levett'%vill remnain oni the north shore through the sum- mer îinonthis and are planning an ex- tended stay oii tbe \Vest Coast ini the autumil. NO CO VER CRG Our Naphtha Cleaning Proces re- nioves enuhedded dîiu, front furnishingo and floor coverings and leaves theun elean, bright and renewed in appear- ance. Onc'e we eaân your furnishings yyou wilI appreiate the quality of .work. nianship and resuits we produie. il suat ie D Gir out IsTimATU ON Amy WOUx You CONTIMPLATE OUR' PRICES ARE EXCEUDINGLY LOW ~OTHSIDE 5427-31 BROADWAY, CHICAGO, hone CHICAGO TRANSLATE 6M0 NO TOLL CHARGE 1 E NORTH SHORES -LARGEST CLEANERS ctt ---f 1120 Central Avenue Make your app.ointment early Phono WUlm.fe 2526 -Wllmet* eafReuildi.,g