JuIy 12. The Institute, Iwhich is linder the auspices of the American Frîends Service committee (Quakers), is cele-. bratin~g its third summer at Evans- ton. Twenty states were represented last,summer and members of the In-:r stituüté included teachers. and profes- sors, college students, religious lead-. ersocial workers and leaders of such organizations§ as'the League of WoenVoters,ý the Business and Pèrofessional Wornens Clubs .theé Y, W. C. A. and the Y. IM. C. A. Specialists from aill parts of the- country and frorn England will con- duct courses and lead round table discussions on domestic, oriental and European, affairs. Among the patrons of the Institute are Mrs. William. G. Hibbard and William B. Hale -of Winnetka; S. J. Duncan-Clark, Wilmette; Walter DiII Scott, Bishop George Craig Stewart, M.rs. George' Tomlinson, and Ernest F. Tittle of Evanston; jane Addams, Rabbi Louiis Mann, Dr. Shailer Mat- hews, Robert Hutchins, and Col. Frank Knox of Chicago. Christian -Science Churches I "Doctrine of Atonement" was the subjcct of the lesson-sermon in al Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sun- day, April 22. The golden text was, "We also joy, jn God through our Lord, Jesus Christ, by whomr we have now re- ceived the atonement" (Romans AmO«ng the. citations which coni- prised, the Iessoft-sermon was the folowngfroni the ýBible: "I exhortý thire fore, that, first. of ail, supplica- tions, prayers, intercessions, and giv-r ing of:thanks, be made for aIl men; For there is one God, and one medi- tator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" (I Timothy 2:A,5)., The tesson-sermon also included likeail of'you other bedlthg needlaundering at houeleaningtieý To be sure, you have your sheets and pillwsips Iaundered regularly. Mmny housewives have therbakts and' comforts washed often. Yet pillows are. thoughtlessly 'nerglected. Now.. at houseclean ing tine . . . snd your pillowe to a-North Shore Quality Laundryfor a thorough waShingý. The f6ath.rs a~ re ciaeuly was.dand fiuffed. The- covers are launderod per. fectly. Your pillows are returned sweet and dlean.. You can depend on the members of this group 'for perfect work. For, yem8 they have been satisfying discriminat. ing housewives ýon the north .shore. And you Pay no more for north shore <pal. ity thon for ordinary work. Send *Il yor pillows toda>,! UUU~TUUr,~Ineed the services of UDDiAN sUjK a N, S. Q. Le Member *HUDSON BAY *NORTH STAR *HOLLAND. *ESMOND *MARYLAND You can entrust your most expensive bakets to 08>7 member of the North Shore Quality Laundri,.. They have special equipment for perfeçtly leundering the most delicate (îneluding those above) blankeits. The flulfy beauty of their work wilI delight you. W<p frankly advise against inexperienced persons atttempting to wash their own blankets. Blnket washing is work for. experienced, reliable firma. The North Shore Queahty Laundries are reliable and guairantee saatisf action.. OTHER HOUSECLEANING, HBLPS *COMFORTS Your fine woQJ, $own, or, cottoîn filIed, cotton or qilk oovrd comfort Is aundered with the greateet care. You'II 11km t4iis worLm -- Tinn % à P v&Arci I 1210 .1 subject *t the services in Prst Church of Christ, Scientist, in XViI- mette, Sunday morning, April 29, at 11l> o'clock, held in the ecifice at 1003 Central avenue. Sunday school con- venies,at 9:4S oclock. IFRENCH LAU NDRY S06 Demnpster Street, Eveoston Phonue Uni.,2776 QUALITY LAUNDRY 1709 Darrow Avenue, Evanston ehone Uni. 4Q20 NELsoN Bitos. LAuNDRY 1014 Davis Street, Evahton Ph... Uni. 0112, -7