-e sure to find se i, black and bigb NOTICE TO CHARGE PATRONS Up on roquost ail purchases. mo&de. due- ing the. balance of month wilI appeaf on May statements re,1ndorod Jun. I1. AClearantce of. DRESS ES' Hury!. The're Only $790 A ND MYl. what 'finds" ..dresses are included .that have- been priced as high as .$29.501 Models that can be worn now and far into Summer. A splen- did sellection of colors. Nol ail sizes in every type but a tomplete range of sizes in the group. Early selec-' lion advised. E VERY SALE FINAL! Apparel-LORD'S-Second $1007 ln Accordance With the Ruling of the * Evanston - North Shore Retail $uild .. * dA Cera nce of The Season's GCreatest Valu J$3.95. Pv Designed b>' Patricia Moody C h i[dr e ' SHEER FROCKS Banishes AUil Garter Strain Our Famo.us KN EE-ACTIQN HOSE 75c- 3 Pairs $2. I I $3.95 '-c £ Sale of ailored b for nurses b for maids b housewives *beauticians to get in andc Ilillhnery,-LORD'S---Secon, loor o A Veritabie Riot of Color These Bright Summer ý...Cottons.-" 3 9c Yd. Pique V o il e, Gingham, Si- tisto and Dimnity . . . the. 4 '%.st sellers" in cottons in this special collection at 39c yardý This is National BOYS'.,.WEEK ALL.WOOL KNICKERS in navy blue cheviot or gray and tan twe.dsý Knit cuffs. FulIy Iinod. Sizos$I.9 6 to 14 .... 19 BROADCLOTH SHIRTS in white, moid coIors and neat patterns. Silos 8 te 14 and 13 to 141/2 noclcband. Sports neck andci 6h collar89 stylos.......R r KNICKER SOX, good-Iooking now* patterns in those cottoin 7/o. 38Iongth.- Par ......... 29c' SWEATER SHIRTS, cotton pullovers with a-zophyr fin- ish. Round neck. Ton, yel- iow, green and white. $ Ail sixes .. .. .. .. ~1/ lif :Yo u Are, "S.touti.s.h ,Iy" Inctlied LORDS -mFOUNTAIN SQUARE Phone Wilrnette 3700) Free Parking Space Right now wtier Ire Most in demnand for EarlyAmerican intoriors cornes fthis tremencious sellir ',IAND-MADE hookeci rugjsl Four >xomineni groups in quaint New Engand dcr,.ond clear, distinct colorings. Blocks, geomnetrical effects and floral desingns. VaitiS a re truly EXCEPTIONALI Ru# Srciou-LORD'S-Trd lo fo ail1 their original luster and sliimmering b.auty. You poy no more for this superior type of deoaning. Estimates f ree. EXP~ERT FITTING SERVICE LOttD'S-Second Floor WI LMEtTE- LIJFE APRIL 6.13 A for eveq .0 -Ml ................ 95.