stl* ig orgnic n~ASJ4 y tie tounder of the college, Miss Elizabeth Harri- son, many years ago whieî the col- lege was in Chicago. ht is now the product of the year's work of Miss Etta Mount's classes iu pageantry, a ssisted by c'lasses in applied arts, and is uniusual iu creativeness and originahltv. It is -the object. of .the course lupageantry to (leveloli cre- ative' self expre ý:où the part of the seniors and juniors, and the fes-. tival gi.ves a filne opportu.nity to dem- anstrate tlieir growth lu this ldirec- tion. ()Pen$ With Dance of Youth. lI'lie fest.ival- prograni, tliis year, will open with a "Dance *of Youtth, an expressicmi of the joy of spriug- tîmie and',vouth, full of grace. vigor and f reedoni of movement. TJhe sec- Dnd numiber, is a colorful Scanidiuav- tan sceîie, with gay folk dances and quaint.-folk. songs, prcseuteëd by the colloege choir miider the direction of L.oujs;e St. John Westervelt. The third .tumber is ait artistic fanciful dlialoguie etenthe garbage miai. and thé 'lady of t he bouse," as they together enijov the beauty of a "ýred bird on, a white tree" and hoth, feel. to an equ1lal degree the poettry and in- spiration of the sight.. The "*Peeve Ballet" which coin._"s next, i., a hufmorous satire and in- cludes the- 'Cynic," "Irritahbility," iOptitis.m,"' "Pessimism" and the WProfessors and Studenits.- This w~i1l l)e a ver-v jOIIJ&Jlllj)er. May Queen ta Appear The final scetîe miarks the higli ighit of the festival and the high light -if the year. for in this scene appears the Mfay queen who lias been chosen by the students in secret ballot as the most representative girl iu the ;enior cla'ss; the one .Who, lu the esti- mation of ber classmates mosti uearly represents the "Spirit of National. This year* the scene will represent . grotto uncler the sea, and lovely nier- maids, bearinig branches of coral and zarlands of sea weed will be attend-ý ants to the quecu. As no one knows the identity of the queen until she appears upon the stage the excite- lias been for some years conductor of a uiewýspaper column on stamps and a contributor to the philatelic press as %vell as other magazines. The stamip businiess, from being a side- line has grown until it needs alLof the energy of three people, Both sources of supply aur! cus- tomers of the firmn are scattered from Arctic to Antarctic ail arounid the globe. Through years of residence in Europe and. South America, Hahn bas bujît "p a personlal contact with many1 important' dealers and collectors in far-off places, whiclh is Ieflected in the wide variety of the stock. Besides, stamps -of 'ail the world, C ., Hahn for Stamps", wili carry a fuill Elle of albuùms and other ac- cessories, DINNER ROLL$, 2 DOL M29elAKE L FRESH FRUIT Plus Alil the flavors ini scason..............~ I SALMON SCALLO0P i. An unusual dianer, dish..-.Lb. JELLIUDOMSRING SALAD Delicious' und refroohing. . Portion B&ke Shop-Street Floor Se On. Davis Sreef WiImette i QIL COMPANY WiIIow Roud, West of Skokie BIvd.. Wiunetko, (Plat No. 6) Wilmette 900 PHIONES, Winntka 855 When entering the fuel oil business 1 was very careful Ito select th>e com- pany having the highest quality ois and the. most adequate plant equip- ment, thereby assuring prompt -and efficient, service to my customers at ail times. Signed, P. W. ARmSTRQNG. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dudley, 414 Warwick .road, Kenilworth, re- turned last Friday from Orlando, FIa., where they had been since japi- uary 1. Their daughter, Katherine, who had been visiting i». the east, spent the last month with them. PHOME IROGERS PARK 8300 Kimbali *ad Touhy Avenue& PLANT NO. 4 (Evanstog.> PHONE GREENLEAF 2020 7112 KiCmubalAvnue Wiliow1 Wl- SBlvd,> wimw