ney ar gatiry in i V llhetka. lt's a one-man show, really, in the Whit- nev home 764 Locust street. Paint- ings of horses predominate. . Some are 'the Chi( ago stockyards heavy draft horses,, t.he pride of a * great company, likeý the painting of' the Morris prize winncrs in 1909. Others are thewestern ponies of the hard-riding cowboys.. Still others are prancing creatures of the painter's imagination, like the locally famous design for the Boy Scout award. The m.edals which have been award-1 cd to eight or nine boys a year sixîce 1929 show a spiriteil pair -of horses,ý one ofwhich is *riddeën by a youth.. The symbolisin is that of "Energy and Ambition Controlled by Reason." Mr. Whitney wrote a verse to ac.compa9Y the. painting: A.mbition sers On y-onder peak, I-is'hiqlzest ainis and starts. lo seek. [lJiti, Evergy a-s male tirou g/ lif-ý The .90a.1 of faine o'er, rare a nd strife. Thtoiiqh noble steedsf, tkevY inist 111 fare, I/oud Reasoi not con trol t/w pair. *A-a follow-up. to the verse and the painting, which now. bangs ini théei Bo', Scout rooni of Winnetka Comn- tnunity, b-ouise, the medal ivas stFUCk off -tô be uised. for annuial 'awards. to W\innetka Sco.uts. St.udied..Abroad Horses, hobrses. hiorses. Tlhcy tell the, storv of Frank WVhitney's lonig, 'life. Part of it has heen spent in1 Kansas, part of it in Sycamnore, 111. THe and Mrs. Whitnev w,%ere nîarrded iu Albhuquerque, New Mexico. Ini 1892 thev had a year of study ini Furope under Bouigourean in Paris,]ý Wvho conipli.mcnted htnyon bis] ".close- p)ainting and shadows, and a' the Heatherly Art school in London. Siîce . 1889 ýthe XVhitheys have liv-ed in Xinnèétka, and lie bias. paînted the ponds and traits_ the. pastu res, and ýcows in: tlhe tiliglil)orliood of 7614 Locust. Franik bitnev aî the bous ti old Mears' place. Tt ivas started ini the 70's," lie says. "hyN a proniotet' * on the nortb shore wlho liad visions11 u 8PJ u LSJa utar apeI so bright'that Mr.-Whitney -took -an 'WelI, you know we were living oak board fromn the shed, hung up in a little room on the forth side the bird, and proceeded to paint its then and 1 hadn't known where to likeness on the board. The lustrous get the rent money. Mrs. Whitney sheen of its black and whiite. feath- was cooking over a gas-plate in the cers and delicate coloring are lov.elv. ro 1i rushed home and climbed to tihis day.. the stairs three at a time and told lier . It is natural for Frank Whitne3r of my luck, $1. apiece .for a,,sketch. to record al bis emotion in oils. "I went right to work- on those iWheén Fratnkin Delano Roosevelt Iw as sketches, but you know that fellow: elected .President, he painted' "The had forgotten to give me a press pass,! LeadeFr" on a sorrel stallion. leadingr and I had trouble. getting into the his niiei. Thiý painting was exhibited stables to sec the horses* I was sup- i ln Mandel's. window last 'faîl on Posed to sketch. I, didni't knôwwhat. Roosevelt day. And Mr. XVhitney lias to do when 1 got turned 'down. ',Su written a: verse1 about this painting, 1 wandered around. and I, came upon f too. a group of- colored. chaps -who were ImMortalizes "West" pla3,ing the. banjo. I1 weit up, and T 1 Sonie of his best work is Nvester.'i said, *Fellows, hlow'd Y, u like to ji in its *setting.' He lias done a lovelv have mie play ag tune?I' e said, j canivas shoiving a group of Miexican. :fine,' an(l I strumnied awa. Pretty 1 farm-hands tlireshinggrain b' riding :B~~j-r ~.i -r~ vjEs~-r p 1 to .of '<LES.TRYPr'- he Library Plaza' In that mway you allow u ptyour culinary skill in delightrnig wvord: ',Let', tri'." iUNUA1 , A PtIL' 2Oti, Io accprnmod,,te ci large numder of tinental Pipi" foy; fab'leservice w/g,,, Jtired. ié b'Ilfe H..rt of DowntOwn EvanstQ,, Orrington af Church Under direction of EARLE P. PRES 1633 Orrington Uni. 800 4%V-4~< N4)4 (~ ot Winnetka. said, *What do you know about them horses?' 1 said I'd show bim, and I arec macle a 'Sketch for him. Pretty soon Great Ed 'Carrigan, I think it was, came figurt along and saw what I was doing with, cow, some of bis horses and he was very us mr out most of nis ur( One is the hcad another ýis the v idog. And there M(r. Whitney says 5cents a quart. ýes t wa tocelebrate that. golden L1Oyal LnommSer nc a wedding anniversary that voung jack 1232 Central Avenue, Wilmette >le Hazeihurst presented the Whitneys a witb a radio, and it is to rcpay friends eehn ,ve like Jack and the neighbors of long.,eiihu rs. standing'that Mrs. Whitney is iirging WILmHTTB4300, WINNETKA 50< (LEII ERIS Rave thena chaa.d nov!