a most entertaining and enjoyabi evening. The dinner was served il four courses-cocktails and appetizer wene ait the home of Mr. and Mns Axe! Ahistnand; salad ait the homie o Mr..and Mrs. Freeland, Stecker: thq main course at the home of *Mr. an( Mrs. William Hleise, and dessert ai flhe home, of Mr. and, Mrs. Davi4 Johnnson. Following the dessert the guests re- mnai'ned at.the Johnson, home wheri they enjoyed' a- program and, social eveni 1ng provided by' Mrs. J. D. Kin- near, progratni chiairmfan for thc Northridge Xoman's *club, -and -1)3 Paul Gather.coal,, program chairmaro for the ýNorth West Men's club. The following program, was given: Two sangs by Maxwell Rust, ac- coimpanied by Mrs. Rust; an amusin 1g article entitled "Trees," read hy WVil. Iiamt Edmonids.; two, sangs by J. D. Kinniear: a tap dance by Mrs. Kin- nean and Mrs. R. C. Quinievan, and a toe dance by Mrs. Ray Fjellman. .When the program wvas concluded the guests wejre divided into groups and given crepe paper niateriais from. which ta fashion costumes for some member of the group. Neediess ta say much fun resulted. The evening con- ciuded with dancing bringing toaa close one of the most success fui affairs of the club. Q OW 1Do fot sel] your R'OLD old gold f0 strang. Bts. We bave. a. goverument Il- ce Pta buy oid gold, platinu.m %fdsler. No n eed ta go cise- wIer-we wIl pay you' ln cash or. trade for 'iew jewelry. D. PAGIABULO 1166 Wilmette Ave." Wil. 1661 a ' - M - - -M Nash, Suits Made toOrder- $1890 end $4.90 Expert Rellalring Reniodeling a»nd Altérationisý 1117 GREENLEAF AVE. leSunday, May 6, to Sunday, .May 13,L inclusive, 'fiom 1 to Il o'clock, .and .the LUNCHEON.. le log famu pier at the fao of Th~e Wilmette Rotary club had the in Grand avenue, Chicago, has been SaSot sget tteregular rS transformed into a beautiful and in week day meeting at the Shawnee s- teresting exhibit hall. Thousands'of Country club. Wednesday faon. Max flocal persons who attended the recent Hayford, business manager of the ,e Garden show- were 'amazed at the athletic department of Nort 'hesterni drehabilitation of the Pier, and they wiîî university,. was. the. speaker. TÈheý Lt find'as.fully an attractive dipaàt subj.ect,"Wilmette's Eastern Bound- Sthe Boat show. ary," proved to be interesting. to the The event, endorised by theAmen'- scouts, as the "eastern boundary, is -can Outdoor Life association and. the the harbor and has a lot to do with e National. Outboard association, 15this sumfmer's activity on the lake. A d managed again ýby Hubbard H. Erick- BOAT BUILDING... -son, assisted by J. C. Lewis. Over The snipe-class boats under con-' eone, huridred exhibitors are arrang- struction have begun to talke, an in- ring elaborate displays, rélating to mo- teresting _shape. The keei-blocks tor. and sail boats, fishing tacklè have been set. up and. most of the camp in g. equipment, guns, . archery. firanie, parts have been construct'ed > wild life, etc. There will be competi- and are ready to assemble. One with tion in outboard boat racing, n .imagination can almost see an casting, horse shoe pitching, pistol and acualba.I spandt t >rifle shootinig, and:other sports, with work on the. flag-ship, Argo, this *famous champions . in these fiels week. The scouts who are not build-, comptin. Thusads o dolarsiiiing a: boat will have a definite project merchandise prizes are being offered i etn h roit hp o to the winners.' The Arrowhcad as- this spring's activity. -R. D. H. sociation of Minnesota bas arranged s an extremely interesting display, and Magazine Mlkesd the state of Michigan is cooperating BofoCu b' wholeheartedly. o t C b e i )Parents àre especially urged ta Copies of the first issue of a i bning their children to this year's big magazine, The Cub Leaders, Rotind Boat and Sports show, the "kids" be- Table, were received- thise week bv ing admitted at very moderate c.ost. Cubbers of the North Shore Area * Counicil. Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. flarton, .257 "1Beginnin1g with this April nuim- Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, re- ber," the chief scout executive an-c turned T1uesday of Iast week-from. nouinces, "Cubbers will receive this bg French Lick Springs after a week's new Cubbers' publication inlstead of Visjt. 'Scouting' which t hey- have received is --heretofore. May you Ctbbers find Ca Mnr. and Mrs. W. B. Montgomery, help and inspiration in 'these columns. 640 Gregory avenue, returned last WVe are looking ta you as leaders .to th Wednesdlav from a winter spent in lhelp these Cubs ennich their own Beverlv Hi11s, California and Hon- lives and the lives of others." Yf olulu'. . Fronm h eadquarters in Highland hi Park comes the following statenierit: fr DRINK WA TER WITH MEALS -We. welcome this newv publication as S. C H-ananswer ta a real need, and.. we s'1 GOOD FOR STOMAC are sure that aIl Cubbers of the North a i Water witb mneals _belps stomnach juices, Shore Area counicil wiil obtai ra aisdigestion. If bloated with gas add hingra -a ZIOi)lftj of AdIerika. Onie dose cleans iep in. condticting* their Cuhbig pro Outt poisonis anid washes BOTH uppei grains."-i and Iover bowels. At Lea*.gIi- I)ruegîsts (d')Spend 3 Days at Camp 1 T ~..... I!~~ cii-iC2 Centificates in good appearance and certificates of progress in good ap- pearance are neady for' presentation ta several. scout units of the North Shore Area council, it was announced this week. Troôps 13, 14, 16, 17, -18, 19,,20, 22, 35, 37, 38, 45 -and 48, and Pack 65 will receive, certificates in. good ap- pearance, presented ta uÎnits attain-, ing a ra-ting of at Ieast, 75 per' cent in a check-wup,,conduc.ted during Boy ,Scout week by leaders. in their respective communities. . The inspection also nevealed that Troops 15, 36,, 46, ý52 and 70 wene qualified- for certificates of prWogress in good 'appearance, for achieving a rating betwen 50 and 75 per cent. *As- part of a national -program ta improve appearanc 1e of scout units, the inspection was conducted during Boy Scout week by leaders, in com- inunities t 1hroughout' the, United States. "Much interest was shown 'on the part. of rnost units, and a sirnilar in- sp.ection at some future date wili un- doubtedly find more tnoops qualified for certificates ini good appearanice'," s the summary given at headquiarters. n Highland Park. Frank Wickman Cholosen. Director of Water.Front. A progranm designed ta mneet, ail conditi'ons of swimming ability bas. been drawn up for Camp Ma-Ka-Ja- V ani by Frank S. Wichmian, J.r., who' is ta be director of the water-front at amp this' summer. .1 "Dick," as Wichman is known to te scouts, has been a staff mnember at Camp. Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan for the past, lotir *years, two of which lie served as fe saving instructor on the wNaten-, ýront., A* certified Red Cross. Life a ver examiner,heilsprvsa ;taif,. expert, in life saving, swimingi ind hoating, it -is annotince(l. R-a-iIway.0Offersi Lower Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Pares In' connection wvith the trips to ai) Nla-Ka-ja-\\'aiithis summner, i i4IZnjUi LrJUfion ocamp. Mrs. Robrt Watt of Racine, form- Mrs. A. L. Brevitz, 338 Meinose' erly of ICenilworth, attended the avenue, Kenilworth, entertained at. a closing luncheon and meeting of the bridge luncheon iast' Wednesday.- IlNeighbors of Kenilworth. last Tues- The Bnevitz family are' moving, Mayr day. 1, ta .707 Kent road.