W HO does plot thrillI at the: tales of Robinson Crusoet Daniel Bloone or, Stanley in, Africa, thrill because aâs'hq reads, ini imagination , hc hin,- sel f is the hero of these' e tng aventreSc adventure, real adventure,. in the hoart of the great uninhabited. North Woods of Canada awaits'a Iim., ited group of boys who wiII- spend, the summer at the Owakonze Camps, directed by d"Duke"' Childa', Athietic Directoir, NewTrier :High School. Here in a -vaut :country (snnch of it stili unex- plored), its pine.foresta full of big-game, its waters unfished, here after nine monthe of school routine, boys get freedom adfl opportunity to do the things, they want« to do -with the best of pals -tO share.their adventures. This is a REA CAMP -in .a REAL CAMPING COUNTRY. The campers get real, nflot make- believe, camping. The season is eight weeks start- ing June 24. The cost is . ow, no uniform, no ex- pensive extras, no chance to spend. The camp fee is $275.00. 3 camps. Ages 7 to 20. Established 1920. For information, references or personal oeil tele- phcno W. L. Childs, UNlversity 3084. Hlappy Boys Voter Sports Are Stressed Crew Rowing v Mfany Verçity Players Hmv s A Tilting Match Everything Boys APRIL 2, 9 3 4- 1' Pienty of1 ripu .23