At this time ofthe, year, spring tonics are recommended. We believe you willfind the following puzzle:a- good brain toni.1é Wor itandweguarantee the ýwinter coýbwebs wIll disappear: Tbree men, A, B, and C,, were blindfolded and a mark, either black or white, was made on each man's forehead. The blindfolds were tben removed. Each man was to look at the others and if he saw two black marks, or a black and a white mark, he was to raise bis right hand. If he saw two' 'White marks, he was not to raise bis hand. They ail raised their hands. Tbey were then asked to determine the mark each had on bis own face and to raise bis left band when he knew. In . about fifteen minutes C raised bis lef t hand and said, "I.1 have a black mark." Hwdid C know bis, mark was black? (For your infomtoailtbree men, bore a, black mnark.) It took a noted togiciatv 17 b*outs to solve tbis biain-twister. Can ç,ou beat bis time? Solution next week. YOU.R HOME BANK The.