results of a statisticai survey recently completed by the department of ref- erence and research. show. Iii ma'king the survey the number of grades given ont and the percent- age of the total number of students receiving each gradle was taken, into Consideration. Thé. all-sqzlool' aver- age for the first semester was 2.26, whereas the normal school average is 2.00. The precentage of failure for the seniors. This was true despite the fact that' the senior boys' average wvas higher' this year than any other first semester senior boys' average on record at New Trier. The freshman girls and junior girls made records decidedly better than their previous normal averages. Following is a table -givingk the schlnhrshit sùmmarv hv classes: No. of o f Total Beeelving Eaelà Graide ShQ G.rade%' A B ýC F AweVraKg BOYs Freshman 1149 12 Sophonore 1056 11 Junior........... .. 121 6 Senior 71 13 ALL 13OYS ...4267 1 Fre"hman........101-Î 13 Sophon"re 102 1 .unior 10 1055 12 Senli1r830 16 E NI'll<ESF OG Freshirnen..........164 13 Soph<>rort . 2089 101 Juninr .. )2,96. Senior . .1621 15 SCHOOT, 9199 11 P. T. A. Serapbook Ranks High in National Rating Th'e Central-Laurel Parent-Teachi- er association annouinces that its PbiciyScrap Mrs. Charles -M. Burlingamne as orie of cighit out of 550 to be sent to 'Wash- ington. Delegates fronii the Central-L.aurel Parent-Teacher association to the *state conference at Springfi.eld, were Mrs. George Quinlan., incoming presi- dlent and past program chairman, and Mrs. Wallace Behnke, incoming pro- gram chairman, and, as representative for the teachers, 'Miss Herma Wy- 'Miss WXrlfaI1 will report ýthe con- vention. for the teachers. at the next Parenit-Teacher association meeting, and M.Nrs. Behnike forý the next board. meeting. Ouitstanding speakers at th e con ference vvere Mrs. I.illian M. G ilb)retI, D-r. WVilber L. Beauchamip. of the de7 34 36 15 2.36 26. 1 î 17 9 - 2.11 23, '7 24 11 1.90 26 42 17 3 2.30. 27 37 1 7 T 2.15 35 2î1 30 24 36 37 :36 37 13 16 20 3 2.40 7 . 2.10 2 2.41 5- . 2.26 7 2.00 Katherine C. Bowen Dies at Home Here MNrs.fKatherinie C. J3owen,1 a resi- dtofWilmnette for thiirty yvears, ~died at lier home, 809 Elmwood aveý- nue, last Saturday. Mrs. Bowen was the mridow of Harrison S. Bowen. She, was 60 years old and was a miember' of the Wonan's Club, of Wilmette. Surviving her are two sons, Cromi- w-ell and Llewellyn Bowen, both of Wilmette. The f uneral services were held Monday morning at 11 o'clock at Scott's funeral home, 1118 Green- leaf avenue.., Burial took place at Meinorial Park cemnetery. THOMAS DECORATING CO. Painting and Decorati-ig 1033 MAIN STREET Wilmette 2378 20% < o 50.% OFF on ail stock. Core-s.. the great bargains Largest ComplIeteFloor Covursg Establisâment Norïth-of the "Le.>» eDa vid G.ofarrl Establishedjin 190 806810 Grove St.,'Evanston --Priyat. Parking Space dmyEvumngaPh: jrUN t,5712 TA. arrov- rih heA.bIa'k ram on AkM br<a Ha. £ben ai Ai, catlena tor ttvo iveeka voat. (FINEST RBSTRINGI PREE-Racket Cover wid ORRINGTQN -THEm HOTBL BLDG. LYON & HEALY 615 Davis St., Evanston OPEN EVENJNGS I j at4illail«ý..y ýj .