of the Wiimette Ulamber. of Comn- merce. When properlv- made out the iapplications should be mailed to the icode authQritv under m-hich the em- ployer operates, it is explained. Shirley Ross, 1331 Chestnut avenue, played, in'a recital recently given by, lier teacher, Kurt, Watiieck of the Amier-'icanl Conservatory. of Music. II5sa9/eare..I to be abte to heip "flatter the fo.rties",, wit h ornew, smart, youthfuI' dresses and suifs: Women as weII as misses wiII find their every need in our new arrivais. WOOL SWAGGER SUITS exceptionally Iow prced, Bloom#-Hall Dress Shop 1147 WiIm.ft Avent. e- WiImtt. 340 New-- Beaàuty.: for youi 1193 Wlme eAvenu. "The North, Shore's.Smart Ileauty Salon" -11 Brown ofo 1539 Highland ave- nue, Wilrnette, ÏwelI knownfMr his :fre que» t appea rances tvith variois draina prou ps, is cai in the leading juven i/e role as the eighteen-ycai- old Lieutenant Raleigh ini-thc No rti Shore Little .Thcater's May i Pro- duction of "Jouerpey's Eitd"- at the' IÏvanston Wom1lan's Club. WVith a large casting-list built up anmong season ticket-holders, the Little Theater has been able to assemible a highly experienced aIl-maIe cast fori this show, and it promises to'add to the reputation aiready established by this group in such plays as "Death Takes a Hol iday,'" "Dracula," and -Childrein of the Mo6n." \Vithout bein.,g nîelodraniatic. "Jour- The bride wore a gown of flesh pink lace over pink taffeta, and * ~rida shower bouquet of pink roses, blue delphiniums, lavender s weet peas, andci hues of the valley., Her cousin, Betty Alice Baker, ber .only attendant wore a gown of pale. -bue chiffon over, pink taffeta, -and carried a: bouquet of flowers, sirnila-r to that of the bride's. Forgat Milton %Nragn 'er served Mr. 'Rathsburg as hest man. The ceremony was performed at4 o'clock by the Rev. john. C. Hindley of the Congregational church of \Vil- mette. The house was decorated with. pink roses, blue 'delphiniums, :and palms and ferns.' A dinner followerd the.wedding for on ly the: immediate_ fatiflies. After a motor trip in the tiothl thé young people wvilI he at home in Two Rivers, Wis. Ownerof Shé'e Shining Stand Takçein by Death Thomnas 1H. Tennessee, colored, 64 years old, whofor several years lias Qperated a shoe shining stand in a, smaAll building at 500 Fourth str'eet, was, found. dead in his chair at 9 o'clock, SUnldav morning. In. response to a' cali Sergeant Schaefgen and Omfcer Wm. Schmidt of the police, departmient gained egntra.nice to the p lace and discovýered the body. Heiart failÛre, was gýi ven. as the' cause of death.. -peserits suchi a ÀeliiîA aghter, Mrs. Helen Walker, picture of an ever inereasingly tense ser- 369 ýE. 57th street, Chicago, wvas noti-. ies of dramnatjc situations ini a front ied,-and camne to \\'Omette, taking' hînie dugout before and during a Brit- charge of the remains and personal ish attack on* the' Germran liues, that it effects. Business men of the "I," Ter- stands out as one of the greatest of allintaI district colIected a fund to dle- the. war plays. fray funeral expeuses. Brent Wreun, a brilliant young pro- IlPets of the decea ed, a (logad fessional actor and director, plays the ý;evera1 cats. were taken in'.chaýrge îwi leading role of Captain Stanhope. 1-e O0rhau f the Stormi and ýhomIes and Mýr. Browu ,are supported hy Albert weefud for them. F. We"ise:, Theodore M. Shiff, Jr..SE NHGRD TAM W S Jaie hperd, GereE. Willir. am S. Sar] The seventh and eighth grade girls' her, Gore E Dais Jr, .an Cal asketbalî team of the St. Fraiicî5 Gýostisha, H-erbert Borre, and 'Morris Xavier school plaved before the Iarg. Gosfield. est crovd of the'season oit April 13 in the Stolp' gymna.sium. The,. seventh Mrs. Richard Johnson, 321 Meirosei grade won by a score. of 11-8. The- avenuie, Kenilworth, Mrs,. Frank Na- Iresa Logan 'is captaiti of the seventh sou of 733 Cunmmings avenue, Ken-I grade teami, and Alice Whîte heads 17ePt ~;33c of satisfied north shore customers. YCaiihisZr. Wimette ,1200