SIIOPPERS IN SEARCH Pre:sriptios We have neyer lost sight of theC>Primary responsibility of- the' pharmnacist- the componding of. prescriptos SYni onmie Face'PO'wderb your complexion, JAD SALTS», condensed, ".60c, WITCH HAZEL, full pint. ... LAMSON'S MINERAL OIL, heavy, 54 fuill qt. ..».. .54 MILIC of U. S. P.,. LYSOLI ,5OC size CRAZY CRYSTALS: MAGNESIA, .33c 38e $1.50 So.APS PALMLIVESOAP, 3bars14c COLGATE'S BIG BATH6 SOAP .. for PALMIOLIVE SHAMPOO, large size ...... 29e 23c- MUM DEODOR- : ANT, »Q 0..... 5 NON SPI, new r -50c s ize 39C siz e43c 19C ~OF DRUG VALUES ApexMoth>.cake,19 6 for $1i Cla -lgTiss ue ANN WINDSOR 500sheets 3k ....f2or63~ TEK TOOTU BRUSH, 50c size DR. WESS' ECONOMY' TOOTH BRUSH 39c 29e psylium S*** RANDALL'S, Blond Select, full pound... 23c Dimo oSelezea. .ie.....44e modems Mpkn 15~ COLGATFe'S DENTAL CREAM, double size 33 REVELATION TOOTH POWDER., 35c .size .....29c Pyrampfdon Genuine 24c IOc.ize.. t," .CHROME PLAThL Kvr YF*' 9:30 APRIL26, 13