Special Thursday, FridayStdy EXTRA FANCY Zx.*~ STRAWBERRIES........bxe23 FRESH. GREEN PEAS, FuU Pods, Tender aud Sweet CALIFORNIA TOMMTES, Large and.Firm..... .3f.,Z5S .2 i..29C SUNKIST LEMONS orORANGES, dozen .................... .......... 19c EATMORE CRANRERRIES, a Red Tremt............. ........2 ý.9 FANCY ROME BEAUTY APPLES............ FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT., Mediumi Sixe......... 5lb.29C 5 or29e CHIPSO.............ioxZC STRICTLY.FRESH EGGS'............ 2de.37c C. and H. PURE CANE SUGAR .... ................ Mathew Çra.ncià photo Dr. George P. Maqill of W [il- 1 lctte zwiII brin9 a Patrioticnessageý to the district mseeting of thse Odd FeIlozzws'frateritiv, fo be hcld ini the, halls of A. T. Shermawn Iod. No. 892, iWilinette Thuýtrsdavý evening. A-pril 26. His tub jert t(411 171-"T'ise Aine<ricaii Flag." Dr. M1aq iii was formerli, mi,îister of tise Firsi Presbyterian chitrc-h of [Vilmiette and is isou devoting imich tinté, tocomnteractinfq subversizve ilifluiences in tihe counstry t/s reateus- Ïi,,9 o dliru/'the Amierican gov- crimtent. ANNOUNCE MAY DANCE The Sk-H3 club of Wiimette au-1 notince that it ivili hoiditusa spri ng informai ouN May Il ath Wl mnette Womian's club house. The danc.e is to carry the titie of ".Nla3 Shuffle." ION %-, I P owderý Bien di ni Beauty Culturein orial gymnasium. [t is te be the first of a series of annmal 'circuses in the village and will take the place cf the annual hobby show and exhibi- tion. Early this week it was reporte.d that 700 tickets had been soid. In-. terest in the event is running high, and a' sellout crowd is expected. No circus wouid be cotmplete witb- .out a parade, se the fir-st Kenilot circus is te, have one. The.re'll bea Motorcycle escort,9 toc. The parade wil starrt at 2,oe'cleck Saturday after- noon. Allcf the atmesphere of a Ringling Brothers> show wiil prevail. at the Keniiwoeth cirçus.. There will be bleache 'rs for the accommodation cf spectators, and the. crowd wviil bee- tertained by clowns and animai acts and side-slows. Pop corn xvili bc on ,sale. Anniouncement bas been niade that the side shows wiil be openl at 6 :45 9 'ciock, wvhite the main performance is te start at 8 o'clock. hIclude'd in the side shows wili be the foiiowing: hit-the-dodger, ring tess, ghost waik, ýfndance, crystal gazer, palm reader, freak show, bathing beauty contcst. fine arts museum, magic carpet, tip- the-bucket, wild man cf Borneo, fi,-h ipend, telescope andl the invisible marn, Bil Stebbins iil be the ringmaster. 1Rex Rathbonieis taking charge ofal the concessions. LECTURE FOR TEACHERS Ail teachers cf Newv Trier twsï have been invited te hear a talk on "School Civics and Practical Civics" at the high school auditorium Wed- nesdavafterno.n, April 25, at '3:30 o'clock. The taik w1ilbc given, by. Stanley H. Simpson of Wiinnet a, Mr, SimIîpson i1s conneced withi the- firin c fNicltityre'.and Simpson. u- lishcrs4'. repre-sentatives. The highi selicol faculty %ýîil serve tea .after the taik. Mrs. Benjamin W. Hess, 430 Ninth street, and INrs. E. J. Ginter cf Deer- field returined last Satuarday frorn a twe and a haîf rnonths' inetor tour to Miami and St. Petersburg, Fia. 'Mrs. R. E. Colville of. Evan.stea, NMrs. Hess' daughiter, spent thre Nveeks Ii Miami witliiber mnother. £Wi i D o IUUo aty s oppe 151 WiInmette Avenue Wili REE DELJVERY I j' A IIVORY SOAP jFLAKES... 1070 ...................