wnoney borrowed at high interest rates. It has been çalculated that between $250,000 and $40000 of possible war- rant interest could be saved to New Trier citizens, ini the next few years if tax payments should. be resumed in. even reasonable amounts, making great allowaiiccs for those home owners who are ini financial Straits. It is expected that, within a short tiea tax-ýpayment formula wiIl be requested of county authoýrities.Ifti can be- procured the cbommittee expects. to publish il broadcast to property owners. Text of R.sohation The text of the 'resolut ion adopted by the coinmittee f ollows: W~~ liAs ,.\uw 1erTownship coYflittAet, coflsistlig of a repaestnta- tive of each of the taxing bodies of *New Trier township, located wIthin the corpurate limita of the Villiageu.o! Wii- mette. Kenilworth, Winnetka and Glen- coe,. and New .Trier Township High SchooL District Number 203, Cook SCounty, Illinois, deoins it adlvisable, and for theo iest interest of ail the taxing bo>dies In New Trier townshiip that the controversy with respect to the collec- tion of taxes a.nd objections to the assessed values of taxable. property be delinitely settied and determlned as ex- peditlously as possible, particularly the, question o! the llfteen per cent (15%) redUction order; and WJ*EREAS, the present controversy' between the Asses>sor, Board of Appeals and State Tax comimission as to the application of the fteen per cent (15%) reduction order recently entered by the. Coutity Court is seriously affecting the * inancial obligations of the taxing bodies wlthin New Trier township, and * it is absoiutely essent-ial for the orderly administration of the goverhnental functions 'o! the vaious taxlng bodies that funds be received promptly f rom the collection of' taxes; and WHEREAS, this committee fulY realizes the importance o! the reduction order anid the tact that there have been and there are inequalities In mafly instances .in the assessed values of tax- able property and unfairness In: the appUioation of the fifteen per cent (15%) order to, only those who have objected tol the paymerzt o! their taxes, leaving. propertyý.ûwners who have paid their taxes In full without any. satisfactiona or assurance that. they will receive any * consideration for having paid such.taxes to date; and WHEREAS, unless the present con - troversy Fs cone1usvely settled for the' Wilmette, Kenilworth vote Ban on Saloonis (ýCont inucd f rom Page 3) out has been that if saloonis were per- mitdin the village property values would be adversely affected to sucb a. degree that the loss, to oýwners would be staggering. He expressed himself as bieing disappointed ýbecause the vote *as flot larger, and' unable to ,under- stand. why so many citizens and prop- erty owners refrainied fromn voting when their interests were so vital ly. at stake. Prohibit.d for 4-Years According to the, present state liquor law,. the questionis now settled for four years,- another referendum' be- ing prohibited until that pêriod bas etapsed. Then the initiative will lie with the element favoring liquor sales, as dry territory will remain dry until the voters decide otberwise. ICandidates for Wilmette Village of- fices and library board on the Har- mony ticket were unopposed, hence no contests developed. A few scratched ballots, with names written in, con- tributed a trace of spice in some pre- cincis. The candidates, witb their total votes, are: Village Clerk-Nicholas P. Miller, 2,630. Village Treasurer-Harry W. Mil- ler, 2,599~ For Village Trustees- Harry C. Kinne 2,605; joseph Heirizen 2,543; S. N. Tideman 2,462. .Library -Board-IEdna F. Gullickson _1576; Clara B. Kline 2.581. Edward A. Zimmermnan, .219 Sixth street, is. spendîn g ten days at French, Lick Springs, Ind. BONAT WAVE bacause it is so rfrsnl difFéewt.. so chc.. n .v .... h.. ehair sso ff and fluffy..end can, b. had with âaming comnfort. ..... Lotyour Spring permanent. b.eà Boni However, ïf you p'luer*W. offer ail othe standard types of* Meurday-Twesd4y Seu SHAMPOO open Eenings by Apointim. -and ~CPhoino Wilmotf 454S Cyr ille 'BeaY.tyYRILLE r 417 Fourth Street, WiImette Celebrate with us- Borden's b.e Creum ftp SokakIm's ootey D 1133 CentrlAeu willuet 1 BILA lu ý