Sorte tiîne ago, when arrange- ments were made to remodel and redecorate the Village hi1all as a CWA project, the plans called for certain murals of an hîstorical nature to. be hung on the. walis of the couiîcil chambher. These are being ýdone on canvas in cotivenitig.nal styýle, and are to depict early scenes in. Wilmette. including the cabin honme and por- trait of Archange- 'Ouilmette, the Pottaw.atonii wife of Francois .Quil- mette, the. French explorer; the, first Village hall; a.portrait of J. G. Wes- teirfield, the. first. Village president.; Pioneer ichurches and -o.ther, buildings. as well as modemri structures. This anniounicement precipitated hurriled searches for piotographs, records and other data pertaining to the early settlement days of the vil- lage. its incorporation asa Village, minutes of Village board mneetings, and such. Musty tomes were ex- tracted froni the archives and scan- .ned front cover to cover;ý family al,- b ums were retrieved froin the cor- >nters of dark closets and searched.for the likçenesses of forebears who liad ought to do withl the birth of thie town and its infant days; from the dusty depthis of officiai vatiîts minute bocksthat had not seenthe lighitof day for imany decades 1 ere, brought' out. andi inspected .-for records .of board meetings thatlhave lon g since passed from the memiory of mnm and been lost iin the nists of multiplied years. Of intense iinterest to present day citizens and officiaIs are' many of the facts and records uncovered by the searchers, which indicate, amiong other î'hings, that f unds were scarce in those early tlays and. that, even sixty years ago, there were scorching baties' to elect officiais. Firet Village Board It is noteworthy that %vhile .thie Village was incorporated. July 1, -1872, the first meeting of the Village board occurred on Novenuber 8 of that year. There seems to be no record of the election. of the first. trustees, but thit first official, minutes reveal that Alex-. ander McDaniel, Charles T. Boggs, A. T. Sherman, B. M. Mutin, Amios Shanitz and J. G. Westerfield coin- posed thie board. The uanner of èh'* the nurMODafWiWaSing funds with which- to eperate the PVl"le '-'y Ai' s. iniiu t'kcee cosen Treasuer of h Village. On rsnesvrasécto. Motion Charles A. Vail was appointed Village, because record is made that peetdsvrlsicin. Village Clerk and on Motion M.'A. Ged- Henry A. Dingee, Esq., would niake The speaker for the afternooliN%ý,as ney was duly appointed Street Commis- a loan to the, Village on condition Charles G. Satiers, landscape arci- sioner and Constable of said Village.ta h nmeso h or ftc n ueitneto h ok "On Motion Mess. Alex Meflanlel and Trthete nienersefthe boand ofCtect Forst perinerdet wof te Cook Chas.' T; Dogga were appoiflted. a Corn-*'ruteswu ndretesbndo Cu tyFoetFPrest res, e hossul>-c milttee to select a. suitable Offiiai seal tlie Village., and that the in et rate, jec.t was, TeoetPrsre"W with an approriate device for said Vil-s 1 b 0prcn e anf, enjoyed this deveýlopmnient of anii lage Corporation,.etn-u c n i a, r%1- "On. Motion Board adjourned ,to mee Ordilialce .\o., 2, passed Februarv t rtig .ujc n t~a rvl atsame place. Tuesday corning riext. 10. 1873, authorized thé presidentai ege to hear of thé woîrk thiatis. biing "Signed B. M. Munn Clerk Pro Tem." board to -borrow the sum of $5.50 on donce at ýthi& stie. Lýt is tlie l)iri)ost> The second meeting was alsoheld anlssuent to be levied on the Of the cominissioners to- retaiti thé at the hiome of Mr.. Sherman, and the taxable 1 pro-pertNy oi the Village at thé preserves as a permanent area oIf officiai acts ýof the board are shoîvu in next .ainnual, tax 1levy to pay the natural beauty for thé beniefit (if t'le thée following verbatim copy of the sanle.,. This sceems to- have 'been te peope of the counitVý, lie asserted.. oiiareodfirst introduction of Wilmiette citi-1 ThIi'rteen to fifteen mnillion 1>olc( "At meeting .of the Board of Trustees zenls to tax anticipation warrants. enjoy the preserve s each yvear. M0r. of the Village of Wilmette kield at theVoet reidnc -f . . hema Tesayvoe uDepot Sauers. stated. 'lihe administration lia>. evening Notenîber l2th A.- D. 1S72 the, .d2taken.i dàtg ite adole meeting called to order by J. G. Wester- Andt îeeting heldon Idarcii ' r3. f field President ijthechar.1873, thie, folowntg resolutionu was vom aenis iiptue at'er "iPresent Mess. INcDanilel, Siîantz, passed: tomk praen mro'nvlte o Boggs and Sherman. f"That the -Rail, Road Deput itihe golf courses, road%%a-vs. ;îîid parking "Absent Trustee Munn. V'iillage be choseix and destgflated as the' spaces, and lias tercted l ltvrs,ý ".On Motion the readlng of the minutes place for holding die general 'e.lectit,,n I tilizing its otvu restinrces aild avail- Of previotns. meeting waived. The war-' for Villagü uticers on the Third .Tiie';- able inaterial with oiilv io,îl, Petîditures. .'lhrctsîi,îîcp ~~" ~~' have been coîisfru ted aîîl let a -,water supplv estal)li>l<Ml1. Il'lié Skokie alvde <îîwtli heen lItige r'roji- iîrth t partineni t vh. labor 'I)plvûl1hviléi CCC and relief %vorketr.,Wîi oî pljeted it wvill be. a beautii fui park for the north shiore and il il c.m talii .ev * lagoolns .anîd imailv true -. ll ar -- perniatuenit m>tiuuîii tal a i()s<luIto sivanîp. Tlv r~re1 - a safety valve for thelietiplam district- and ie;created fior, theelj - ment of our p jl,\ir amr enîiphasized]. 'l'le final meetiimg fift lic 1)'ru - Se11 group vil. be liel(l at LI îro' 1i Thtrsday afternoo,î atiii2 :30> utuler tlî leadership of IDr Vriit.:\ilt- esin dsItJ, I ',PI0 IHEPA LTHCNR -- INEWS, Rcsidecce of A. Y. Shernuan, ini /mil ihte first meeting of the I VÎil miette Village iboard zîasheld oni Novcmber 8, *1872, -and in w/tic/ A . JA WesterficId iwas elect'ed as ils irst presidel. The bouse, iicbaiig(t'd in, architecture, stiII stands ai, 1136 Greenleaf avenue. Il has been ou-ncd and orcu pied for inany years by August Specht. T/he photograph front 7wlzich. thw eprdî:i was. made was lakiii in. .180, and -wa.t made aivouable 'ly. cour('tesy' of Roger <A. Shermian, ý'18,,Si.'ileth lsir-eI,' a grandspin of A. T. Shcj:ena:z. Pub/wli l Pro'cîs 'oit.. llntt 15 1Ime sl<>gafi(of the Ulicaigfi Inli11eretlotss iititutte. At. the open inecting u)f tI mel4tte Ilealth ce: tcr hast F1ridthaLe 'S.. I)l temporary Socretary. ' api 4«On Mtion the Trustees proceeded to 1B0 eleot a President of the Board by bal- lot. Upc>» the lst 2nd 3d 4th & 6th bal-C lut there was no cholce. Neither cal»- date at any time having a maJority of me, &iU the votes caut. On the th ballot' No ;g s aa uulereu w e uiveu vt. j vulie e ror hine pro- gave a report tor \Iarcli \whîiclm statedl eOrdinarîce Book as Nuni- ceeded to the electiôn o f a president, 23 vi.ýits to sclhools, .392 conferenicc' a omite f n wswhich developed a ho't .cottest. Onl about healtlh, 159 ohrcifrie, 328 puca , supmltie sc e as the fifteenth ballot, however. B. M , telephoie calîs, 118 home calîs. 171) pa- Dnary Etc. Mutn,.was successful. tielts referredl to local phyvsicians, 91) idet appinted as sch Buis' approved . at à meeting on to local dentists and two- leu, Col - L. T.heBorda. ure t October 13, 1873, show that'the pre- tacts perni'ittedtl t the chest cliiîcs. The. foilowing Tuesday evening vailing wage scale fur labôr was $2 nurses' boums. are froni f1 to 2 daily, cx- iNineteenthý at thé publeper day.jcept Satur4ày and Suuîda>-,