Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Apr 1934, p. 59

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FORi BALg--VACANl EVANSTON-8. W. COR. HASTrINGS and Central. Business pi-op. 56xl20. $4,500. GILENCOE-105 FT. LOT ON GREEN Bay Rd. 105 -ft. North 0f Harbor, East front. $6,000, formerly $11,000. NILES CENTER-VACANT LOT KOL- mar Ave. South of Oakton, 3Oxl25. Bungalow prop. near 'V' and Forest Preserves. .Ail Improv. $1,400., Phone Wiimette 4201~ 114LTN5O-îtp LAST BARGAIN CORNERt S. W. Col'. Eider Lane-MyI:rtie. 150x82'4. f t. Near schools and trýansp. Parks a nd beach. Owner Wlnnetka %1665 or Dearborn 2263 114LTN5Oîtp Pm zrENT-SaummER coTTAGES COTTAGE FOR RENT. $300. FOU Season. Round Lake, 111. Five room bungalow, modern, large lot fencedi, ga- rage wit h maid's room, good train serv- ice.. D. D. Getcheili Graysiake, 111. 116A-L50-tp* SIMMER CAMPS BEYE AND BEYE PRIVAT1E SC1OOL and Camip Marcellus, Michigan. Boys and Girls 3-15 yrs. Camiping season 'ýI>el ig owv. $ a nitmth. 11lSLTN49-4t'p ACREAGE AND ESTATES VOIUNTitY E§îTATE 0F 2 1î, ACRES AT tiw prict. of a ýzmal1 suburban homne. beiiuiIt ,and eqjiil)ed. Il room white bir(k (oloiiial, ï yrs. oid. 4 bedroonis, 4batits, and servans' quarters. Car- <IteÎsamil pool. Taxes under $200. 10 minutes t(> Highland Park. Price $30.000.. T*"Hr4 BI LLS REALTY, Inc 718 Vternon Aj xe, Gtce ie.777 A HOME ON THE' NORTH SHORt- near lakte having 5 bedrms., .3 baths offering clear 3-apartmnent building each 6 rooms, 2 baths, excellent location, a:- part, payiment. Phone or -write Mr. Hultman- SMART &GOEE c. 1564 Sherman Ave., Evafuston Uni. 028: WILL E ,X C HA NCE HANDSO'ME, , modernî 12-rooni,. 4 bath bouse on lar'ge lot in flnest Bleverley Hilii neighbor- hood. for North Shore home. Çan add' cash if justified. Cali. Mr. Petersen. .29LTN50-ltc 6-PCE. PAINTED) BREAKFAST SET, $10. Ciosed chine cabinet, $8. I-Iand-ý decorated fire sereen, $7. Book of Xnowl- edge, $le. 4-pce. hand-decorated befi- room set, $40. Expensive 9-pce. dining roorn aet, $75. Antique. bedrm. set. Odd chairs.e Tables. 140 Hazel Ave., Gieri- coe. 129LTN50-ltp 3 ROLLAWAY COTS AND PADS, $2.5 0 each. 1 daY bed, $4.-Davenport, down cushion,% andslip cover, $20. l gentle- man's wardrobe, $10. .Bedromn set, $35. Drapes,. chair. curtains, odd and, ends o! di-shes and gasae'ec Phone Winnetkra- 1035. 129,TN50-ltp SACRIFICE - RARE, OPPORTUNITY to obtalin a solid wal nut,, throughout,* Queen Anne 8-piece dining set, of fineat construction and materlal. Good condi- tion. Reas. Phono ,Wllmette 3023. 129LTN50-ltp LIV. ÉM. TABLE; I4AHOG. DRESS- Ing table and dresser;' Sinimons bed, Sprlng, mattress; set Alexander Hamil- ton business books; babyr.crib; strolier; sun and brkfast. rm. sets. 500 Maple, Ave., Wiimette. 1 129LTN?50-ltp HOUrSEH-OLD GOODS FOR IMMEDI- ate disposaI, lnciuding large victrola and 2 girls bicycles. Wlli sacrifice. Phone Winnetka. 1533. 129LTN50-ltë BASSINET. 2 HIGH- CHAIRS. BIRD cage and stand. Baby's push sléigh. Lazy Susan. Couch bed. Dol's house, furn. Andiron set. Winnetka 167. 129LTN50-tc Clark Jewel 4 buriier GAS RANGE Biackr and white. In good condition and reasonable. Wlnnetka. 1646, GIRL'S BICYCIE MUST BE CHEAP ('"Il Milneette,1036 e'.njinjgs.ý 132LT50-îtp Goldman-juink Dealer Hlg9hest prices paid for junk., Wllmette 5426 Winnetkà 3720 13ÊLTN45-4tp Wilbuy men'a used suite, shoes, overcoats; also- fur coats. Best, prices.. Prompt serivice. A.. MARTIN> UNI. 034; . ....132LT-N39-tÉp Wanted to buy- USED GO-CART Alust be in good condition. Phone Winnetka 1819. 132LTiN5u-ît: OUDINiAXCE NO. 17i7 AN ORDIANCZ j;QIR4Nc, A L)EP08'r JXOM EAC±±I'Qtl OR ZNON-OWNER 0F k'ROI-ERTY WIIENJ AIPkLIIu. FOR WATER SERVICE FROMu TUE VIbLAGjE Ob' WILMETrE, COOK COUXTY, ILLINOis, AS A GUARANTjE 01, F'UTURE rPAyMEN,_r, FOR SLTCH WATER SERVICE. BE IT 0RDAINED By _HE PEI DENT AND) BOARD 0F TRUSTEES 0b' THE VILLAGE OF WILMET'I'E, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, as foliows: Section 1. Thiat froin and. a!ter the date o! passage otý this ordinance al applicants for» water service to be. fur- of such deposit 41 POSTER MAPLE B3ED, 8PRING such Instances wl and mattressq. Porch furniture. Dinette sumption, as nad chairs. Garden tools. Desk. Antiqiue ager o! the Ville bureau. Winnetka 2306., ,1291LTN50-1tît p perid, shall éxce. -Ë-_ - -o!,Teii Dollars ( flouse Furniture for, Sale, ot such increase 770 VERNON AVE. GLENCOE 305 the, said Village J _____________________I29LNSOltc Section 2. Jn C 1'HIGH _l t plicant for water BEAUTIFUL* II BACK HAND- by the Village of carved needie and. petltpoint chair. sire to place on Very reasonable. 768 Lincoîn Avenue, iage of 1W1mett ýitee that tliewater, e paid. The anio1UM~ y be increased in Oite Sstilnated con- )y the 'Village Man- during any biiling in value the aunounitl DO) and the ainounit y be detemninied by riegem. event that Auch ap- vice to be furnishied àkiowery--tha&ienge of the North mÂurray-T'rumpeteir, Soundi! Naýcholson-Sorne Peuple ±earnienter-'I'Iie Wind JMows West, ibayers-N.ine Tailors ecreîner-Sý-tory ut an Afrieun I'arm for water furauis4hed tu such appuycant, if suclj billib 'e. ot P.aid 'y suci a.p- »lai.WifliIthe, tie requirea in.1.au- .uruaflce witn thie'ruiee ana riegulàtlous of the 'Water .epartmnent of the Vil- iage of Wilmètte. For the purpose of this ordinance, any tenant or noni-ewier whose. service lW temporariiy {îscoitectedt for non-pay- ment of -wéiter bills, euch tenant or non- uwner shah. be considered a new. cus- tomier antishalh be requirécd to siga. the application-anti pay tluedeposit ut Ten, UiiAare ($10.00) or the Owner's Aeree- nient herein provideti. Section 3.. Suchi deppsit ehail be me- turned tu. such suot)scriber upon the dîcontinuance of such service and the- PauYment for ail. water previously fur- nîslied. $ection, 4. Ali, ordinances or'parte of ordinances hieretofore passed which are At nflc U witli the provisions of ,thiia ordiriance are liereby repea1lti. SectionL 5. Thils ordina.nce Shall be in full force and effect f rom and after its passage,, approvai and publication. PASSED by the President and Board o! Trustees of the Village o! Wilmette, illinois, on the 17th day o! April, A. D. 1934, and deposited and filed in the office of the Village Clerk of said Vil- lage of Wllmette, on the l7th day of April, A. D. 1934. APPROVED by the President of the Village o! Wilmnette, Illinois, this 17tb day o! April, A. D. 1934. C. P. DUBBS, ATTEST.Village President. Wilmette's Only Fireproof Storagei Warehouse Off or. socurity, 52a 1)i~ llOGE R 8 ?ARjZ,3ý APT. N R. S-'HERTI- GROVE HOUSE dan Road, sun porch and 2 baths WincElpan1Sl each apt. Want 6 bedroom house ...i-t Elpa S e North Shore. W11- 3740. I Thursda , April 26, at 9 A. M. 621 Grove 12SLTN5O-itc street, EvaLnbton, Ili. i31LTN5-ltp 1030-33 Davi Streset BotabImbed 110 S. Fiet Street

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