Fouirth Normpal 6215. .6SLT50,ltpý GER'M A N GIRL LOOKINO. FORt housework, expenlenced. Stburban ireferences. Phone Sheldrake 9709. 68LTN50-tp -COOK.. GERMtýAN, EXP. GOOD REF-. erence. As coo.k , or cooking and downstairs. Tel. Glencoe 908., 68L50-ltp EXPERIENCED COLORED WOIMAN 1wants day work. Laundry or cleaning. Referenceq. Phone Oakland 2874. _____6SLTN50-tp, HSKPR. AMERICAN PROT. $8-$10. Employed niotherlesa home o 1r care of lady. Excellent refs. Williams, 201 Sheridan Rd.. Glenco. .___68L,5-ltlp GOOD COOK WISHES POSITION. age over 40. Gond N. S. ref. Phone Winnetka 471.- . 68150-ltp G E N ERAL HOUSEWORK, GOOD reterences from' present employer,, leaving city. Uni. 7088. 68LTN50-tp, EXCELLENT GEN. MAID. WHITE, $15 per week. Winnetlta recomimenda- tion.__Winnetka 2708. 68LTN50-ltp SITUATION WANTED-PMALE EXPERIENCED GARDENMR WANTS ýwork. ,North Shore references.. Cal Wilimette 30J3. 9NO-t WAÀNTED- GARDEN AND HOUSE- work. Gond North Shore references. Phone Glencoe .1237 ater 5 0,m. 69LTNLT5-lte mir. VWTD.-NALE AND FEMALE Neat colored couple. Gond rets. Want gen. elderly colored woina#i. Neat Col. woman with '5 yrs. rets. Neat Germnan wonian. Best rets. Also chauffe urs, gardeners, and day workers. No CHARGE TO EMPLOYER Johnson's, Empi. Agency 1444 Wilmtte.Avenue- Wilmette 4144 7OLTN5O.-ltc KENILWORTH WELFARE COMMT'%IIT. tee bave. the following, uneynploypd they wish to place:. experlenced gar- dener, girl to stay.with children. 25e an hour. Carpenters, decoratoks, cabinet- maker, .upholstérer and skilied labor of ail kinds. Waitress, and women and mnà for day work only.. Phone Mrs. H., Tagylor. Chairman. of empînyment enm- niittece. Keniworth 2820. 70LTN48-tfi) Caîlson's Empi. Agency 804i ElMl, 1;;'1'ErT W1 NNILTKA 132,S PauIine's Empi. Agency Fourth & Linden Opp. "L" terminal 1 Bik. Linden Station-N. S. Line. 7ILTN50-1tc POSIlTIONS.O'PEN $1l5- 2 adultsi 2 children, no ldry. $12.. 2 adults, 3 children. f0 Idry $12 2 adults, 2 hilîdren, have nurse no laundry. $12. .2 adits. 1 child, -no ldry. $10. '2 adults, no laundry. $12. 2 adults, 1 child, have nurse,.rno ldry. $16. 2' adults 3 chi-Idren., fn-ldry. 20 positions open at $10. Reinhart's Enmpi. Age.ncy. 748 Eim St. Winnelka 339q WE CAN USE ALL THE DOMESTTC help we can get. Good salaries., S-H-A-Y.AGCY 14 W. WASHINOTON CHICAGO CENTRAL, 9800 .71LTN6Oltc WHITE PROTESTANT COMPETENT maid between--25 and 35.- No wash- Ing. 4 in family. No cildren. Ref. required. P hone Winnetka 2375 71A'1'50-1te I COMPETENT wHitIT IELP WANTED with gond referenceq. Apply In. permon. ALL, EMPLOYMENT SERVICE ý 663 Vernon Ave. Gl .e2.51 71LTn1 *2-tftc WRITP, GIRL FOR G'EN. IISWK. 2 aclults and chlld. Stay or go homne nightsr: Refs. Phone Wllmette 11M3. 71LTN5-ti) EA MSTIIESS-MUST BE CAP A BLE of relining and minor repairs. Shore, Line 'Cleatiers, Wilmette, 111. YOUNG ',WRITE GIRL 18 TO. 2 .. CiE N. hotisework. 2 adultis In famlly. $5 per week. Phone Kenilworth. 4729. 71LTN50-11p EXPERIENCED WHITE GIRL FOR gen. hswk. Care of 2 children. Homt, t-ILhts. Refs. $7 wk. Phone Wllm-ttte 28p3. .71LTN5C-*l CTRL FOR GEN. HSWK. ANDi COOK- in.Sm'all ta ilv and gond homle. Laundry sent obt. Write A-37. Box 40> Wllmette, Ill. 71LTN5- tp WRHITE GIRL FOR1 ST ýFLOOR WOÏIK and cèooking. Protestant. Referen.ce.s, n nd expe rience" required. Cali Ms Belding, Glencne 541.. 71LTN5-t(c EXPERIENCED STENOGTIAPHEP, .în reply give experierice and* previrms1 employrer. Write A-33, Box 40. Wil.- * ST 29-tf-u Carlson's Empi. Agency 84EIm Street Winnetka 3321o RESPONSIBLE HELP GOOD OPENINGS NOW AVAILA13LEý 73LTàN150-2tp) BURNS DÔMiESTIC AGENCY Choice Jobs open, now. Couples, mnaids, etc. (White and colored). N. $hors. and City. Good wages.. 7623 Rogers Ave. 3 Biksa. E Howard "L."À âBlk. W. Sheridan Rd. 73LTN494tp OPENINGS NOW Experienced and iniexpeiriéeed help Anderson,Empi. Agen y 851 Oak St. Winnf. 428 73LTN49-3tp IBUTLER. FOR BARGAINS '28 Hudson coupe -$......7é '29 Hudson -coupe ... . .. ..1.189j 132 Essex Pacemnaker s4edan'i 395 '30 Hudsonp brougham.........65- '30 Buick, 57 sedan .........375 '28 Packard sedan . ...... .........195 TERRAPLANE HUDSON DISTRI BUTORS 1135 & 1200 Chicago Ave.. Evanstnn Winnetka 3010 Uni. 7400 PIERCE -ARROW ROADSTER. EXe cellent niechanical condition; fliý* top. Seat covers; new tires. Private owner. 1011 Greenwood Ave., Wilmette. 'ULTN50-1tc CHRYSLER COUPE EXCELLENT CONDITION. $155. C. Md. Davis, 695 ProsPect Âve., Wlnnetka 60. 77LTN49-4tp FO R NT-WOOMS LARGF-fONT ROOM NEWLY FUR- nished and de6corated, ln prIvate home~ on corner. 4 blocks to "L." Very rea- sonable. Phone Wilniette 2541. 82LTN50-11p LARGE NICELY FURNISHED IIOOM with lavatory, in east side home. Smnall. aduit family. Garage. Excellent trans- portation. Phone Wilmette 855. TWO LARGE FRONT, ROOMS OP. : single.rooms. Private east aide home. Nr. Transp. Kitchen priv. Garage space. Phon e Wilmette 1253. 82LTN5-ltli NICE, AIRY ROOM. ALSO LIVING rooni. bedroomn and s;leeping porch, tween 1 and 7i P. aM. 8OTLJLN50-1te BOARD AND ttoo# THE KNINILWORTII INN OFFERJS -you a real home, fi1ne large roome, suites, private'bath,. good 'food. Moderato prices. Kenilworth 5491. 86LTNw5-ltc MARIE'S DIET AND REST HOMM for Invalida , nd. for care 0of the aged, Day and, night -nursIng; traibed nurses always on dùty. Men attendants in servIde. Phyoician's references. Phone Wlimetté 2548. 87LTN50-ltip REAL.HOME FOR ELDERLY PER- sons or convalescents who nebd nom* care. Rimsident nurse. Central location.. University 21,04. .1414 Hinhnan Avenue; W-anston. 8'JLTN48-to Îi&NTUD-SOARD AND, ROON BOA RD AND ROOM FOR ELDERLY woman in refined homne near Winnetka, )r: Hubbard Woods transp)ortation. Cal Winnetka 3478. SOLTN6,O-l lioRn BT-PR mET THE LINDEN CREST Wilimette's mogt BauttiuBuldng 2 room apartments consisting f et arg%~ attractive living room with . mn-a-dor bed, dînette, kitehenette, and tule bath. Free refrigeration. Reduced prices. ALSO Available May let. morne sooner. 3-4-6 ROOM APARTMENTS KROLL & SMITH,> AGENTS 424 Linden Avenue Wilmette 600 92LTN40-te 1,4 ADRAVINIA 1 4.AND5 ROOM APTS. IN NEW IREPROOF BUILDING WITH GAR- AGES, EAST 0F THE TRACKS. 1 BLOCK FROM SCHOOLS AND STA- TIOPN-NU TRACKS TO CROSS. RENT $18 TO $75 MO. POSSESSION -MAY 1. BUILDING CORNER OF ROGER WILLIAMS AND ST. JOHNS AVE. 92LTN49-4tp liv. rn. rollaway bed, dînette, kichenette $30. or will furnish for ... .....37.50 Liv. rmi., bednm. rolaway bed, dînette, kitchenette .......-..... ..... ..... $45 5 rm. apt. a.11 large outslde rooinis .8 Other good values, bouses and apartmeflts. B. H. BARNETT 526 Center St. Wlintka 965 ________92LTNSO0-ltp 4 LOVEL1.Y ROOMS KROLý Linden GTOC IFRS EN OE WOR 85. 2 adults, 2 chfldren. no Idry. transp. .AT NCE OR GN., OUSEORK $75. 4 adults. ';Orne laundry.. netka Tohnson's Empl. Ag-ncy~ $0 3 adultsp no laundry.2SU J r' bJ $85. 2 adulte, 3 children, have nurse,2SU' 1444 Wilinette Ave. Wllmette 4144 no laijndry. bath 71LTN50-1tC $12.5. 6 adulte. No Iaundry. BreakfÉ MAlt> FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORIC, Rih netkta 1 cane of chlldren. No washing. Priv- * nhrt's Empl. gency j NI( a eromand bath. Phone Wlltmetteý 748 m Street Winnetka 3399 East 2838. 71LTN50OltpTLN0-t hne 1t00M5 m 1shower ln. and dinner .y F'IRNuI e homoe, nea mette 1940à.ý ion. 1 roons--uru an -i tc 1 Tel. Wilmnette: 11