nserioos-Clauusifled u.dvertiasnuents wilI be ac- Deadlin for Iepted up to Tuesday .9, P. M. for WILMETTE LIFE or aIl three papers; Wednésday 9 P. )&. for WINNETICA TALK and Tburaday à P. M. for GLENCOE NEWS. ?relephones: Wimi6tte 4300j Winnetk 200 (Winnetka 500 ater 6 P. M.>) Greml.at 4300 or Sheidrake 5687. _____LOS? ANDP OUND .LOST-OXFORD FOLDING GLASSES. 1Wed., April 11. 6 p. m., betweený Coin- munity HTouse and 888 oak, St. Reward for return. Wihmetka 3257. 3LTNm50-ltp AMB1-TIOUS GIL, 24 WANTS Ps sage te so0uther» Alabama Rn exchange for any type of work. Exchange. refs Tl'e. Gleucoe 3L. 4LTNS-tip 'iANTIQUES"-NEW SIIOP OPICNING *thé week ýof April 23rd. Frances Day- ton, Highla:tdý and Elmwood Ave.; Wegt Chicago, I11. 7LTN50-1te BSILDINO AND CONTUACTINQ MODERNIZE YOUR HOME! LI' US MODERNIZE YOUR HOME i Bassement recreatioli rooma, additions, attie moderuization, home repalring lu ail branches. No job too Emali. 8easou- able low pricos. We hîave built mors tliaa 100 homes ou the north shore and know our business! F. H. GATHERCOAL 1611 Highland Ave. Wiimette, 111. Phone Wllmette M2,5 15LTN2I-tîp ROOFS REPAI.RED & RESHINGLED.* - Chinneys tuck-pointed. Attica and walls insu1ated. Gutters cieaned and painted ' Uoise painting. W. Nidiel. PhoneWilmettè_758. 15LTN50-ltp THOMAS MEYIER MASON. STONE & CEMENT WORK WILME1'TE 1778. 15LTN48-1Stp CEMENT AND BRICK WORK,RE pairlng of al] kindg. Estimate.s given without chargeý or obligation., Phone Wilmette 4677. 15LTN50-ltp BUSiNfqs6 SERVICE ELITE WINDOW CLEANERS QIJICK SERVICE Te a window outside. 14c in and out. INTERIOR Ct.EANING. Storm. aash reMoved. Sereens put on.> TAILOR '-'FURRIER RmpAIiG - RMDEING -R- lining. Reasonable prices.. J. T. tonberg, . 0Park Ave. Wilniette 2590 I 6LTN44-tfp Rats, Roaches, Etc. P. J. UBEZIOP'EN,* EXTE8MINAT- ing engineer. Ph. wilmette 3S067. 16L1'N1Y-tfc L4ANDSCAPINQ WINDOW WASHIING FRANK SNELTEN WILMETTE .2770 16LTN49-4tp G. .4. THURSY. P4ASTERER MAND cernent worker. Stucco repairs, base- ments made waterproof. Whitewashing. Phone Wilmette 6382. 16LTN48-4tpý CLQCK EXPERT, CHIME, HALI.,, AN- tique dlock repairing. Learned trade ln Europe. (Formerly wlth Tiffany and Ield's.> WiII call) Fre estimate. Da.vid Johanoson. Phone Diversey 2041. 20LTk44-9tP SPECIALISTS - UEPAIRING CHIME, grandfather, electrlc, antique dlocks. Cal) and deliver. Watches, Jewelry, sul- verware,, repaired, r#fii;hed. North Ev- anston Jewelry Shop. 1915 Central St. University 4272. 20LT1N47-4tp COL LETTE SOEURS DESIGNERS & MAKERlS Gowns - Wraps - Suits - Coats Original - Copied - Restyled - Altered 833 Elhi St. Winnetka 1011 22LTN50-4tpi GREENE'S DRESSMAKING SHIOPPE Formerly at 604 Vernon Ave,. Glencoe ORIGINAL CREATIONS and DESIGNS Gowns, Wraps, Suits, Coats, aiso remod- eling. 821 Chestnut Ct. Winn. 3108. 22LTýN47-4tp $5 3-yard load, fine for lawn and garden. Sod, 4c sq ft. Moving, and rubbish talcen away. Fireplace wood. ILawn grass plcked up once a week $1 to $1.50 per month. E. Haglund,' phone Win- netka 21e8. 27LTN50-1tr T,ADSCAP'i4NG AND MAINTENANCE Tre'qShrubs Plants- LEROY D.. DURNI ARTISTiC GARDENING WILMETTE 4797 B1LACK t.DIRT AND MANURIE URBIN I.EVERNTPR Phone alenview 21 or Glencoe 926. 27LTN4974tp GEN1%ERAL LANDSCAPER AND (JGARDEN WORKC Contract or by hnur or ste.acy garden- ing Pnsitl-In desired. ReIs. Reas. Wilmette 2254. Geee1397 27LTN50-4tp EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPE GAR. dener by the hour or coftract. Black dlrt %tnd maninre for sale Wihnetka'.1812 __________________ 27L5-tp EXPERIENCED GARDENER WVANTS work two days a week. 20 yrs. on~ North Shore. References. Phone Glen- coe. 555. 27LTN60ltp GARDENINO BY DAY OIR CO4TRACT. B E S T REFERENCES; REASON- eABLE PUCES. PH. GLENCOE 1416. à 237LTN4#-4tp' PLANTS AND DULS PERENNIAL-S AND ROCEPLANTS 300 varieties, 10e up. Violas, Dahlias. Annuals, Novelties. Oman Nurqery on Milwaukee Ave., 3 miles north of Wheel- Ing. near Raif Day. 28LTN50-4tp MUSICAL INrRumÉNTrs WANTEW? TO STO1RR APARTMENT or Baby grand piano, 3 adults, wlhl pay moving and keep tuned. Refs. ex- changed. Phone Winnetka 3554. -40LTN50-Itp FRSALE--KRAKAUER UPRIGHT piano., Very reasonable. Phone. Wil- mette 1484. 40LTN50-1t(- PAMNTINGANPDECOR#ATING Paint, Paper 5 Rms., $34.30 CEILINGS CALC., $2 eUP SANITAS AND CANVASING WORIC Rrn.wallninn,. tcleane. A CI hthroomv E~XPERT PIANO TÜNINO $3. REPAIR work guaranteed. 22 years Chickering,' Rnston. H. C. T'roas. 517 Fa.lrvfew. Park Ridge. 699-R. .45LTN50-4t9 BASEBALL WIL14. BE, HERE ýSOON lé IYOur Radio ln Good Condition? SUBURBAN RADIO SERVICE, WINNETKÀ 1100 50LTN47-4tp REzpAIRING AND REFINI99HINQ SCREEN REPAIRING by expert Wlnnetka 3681 S11AO-tp BIEWINQ MACHINE hEtPAsIRINe SEWING MACHINES ÀND VACUUM CLEÂNERS - A L L klndit repaired. Entabished mwore than fiftyr years ago. No* located ln Wil-' mette. L. E. Blunt, -Tel. Wiltmette. 754 or -4368. 531.TN29-tfc UPKOLUTIERY AND SLIP COVIERU 1 SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES5 AND CURTAINS MADUR to order. Oid drapes relined. Expert workmanehip. Also material. ý Phone. (Gvencoe 1419. 68LTI%50-4tp UNUSUAL OFFER! YOUR F UIt OÀT- stored free If you purchase a spring coat, Jacket, foxes or sables. No Xmoney req. Pay next flu when. *taking fur coat out of storage. Miller Fur Co., É6 N. Michigan Ave. 59LT.15O-ltc LOANG LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Confidential service, legal rates. sttMOTOR LOANCO. SaeBank Bldg., Evanston Ore..'3200 65LT.136-tfc *JFFICE PLACEÉMENT YOUNQ WOMAN' SINGÉE, ÊOR AC- coÜnting dep't ln National, insurance organization. ExPerienced 'an-d1 excep- tionaliy good, handwriting 'essentiial. Reply in long hand giving cornplete de- tail, education, age, experienct, refs. and salary desired. Write A-36, Liox 40, Wilmnette, 111. 67LTN50-ltc SITUATION WANTED-rEMALEg *1 I toc 27LTiIN DU.Itp FOR DIRT,, 3 YRJY. .$5. SOD AC thor Trees trimmxed or taken down. Winne rubbisà renioved. Gust Ander- pTjRý Ridge Rd. Wilmette 452. terti 27LTN6-4tp Cail Wimette 2719. 68LTN48-tfp, 2 EF'FICIENT GIRLS. GOOD COOK and 1st floor, or gouerai. Other. nurs- lng <liospital trainëd) and upatairs, or generai .Greenleaf .9237. 68LTNS5O-ltp *4tp I