Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Apr 1934, p. 55

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1W In Two notable screen debuts feature the programi thiq week at the \Vil- mette theater. Francis Lederer, six-foot Czecho- Slovakian, who has, proved ta be one, of the. most winning loyers ever' tce appear on the Lôndon anid New York stages.: wil l turn his ta'lents screen - Ward for the first time in the inter- esting film, "Manî of Two v ordô, Friday and Saturdav, Apt-il 20 and 21. Anna Sten, blonde young actress from Soviet Russia, -also makes a screen dehut. Her starring velîc!e is "Nana," film version of Zola's fan)-, aus novel, showing Suniday ta Wc- nesday, April .22-25. Man of Two Worlda' Francis Lederer, already an inter- national sensation, adds fresh Iustcr to his reput-ation, with .bis perform- ance in "MIan of Two Wa'rlds."' Elissa Landi, co-starred witb i ederer inIi lic production, gives, a sparklig por- trayal, althôtughi lier rote is trïefer. "Man of Two Worlds" is the star;, of a mnighty Arctic limnter woil taken from Grecenlanid to London hv scientists for wl:om lie acte(l as gtide(I. He has conccived a strange1 wor-, shiping passion for tbe phiotograplbl of the leader's daugliter. Whien lie mieets, the girl Ini'i fleshi, iii Mayfair, . is hiopeluss ini- *fatuationi grmys iuntil lie forgets lai.- native wfc.A Ciaslhing anad eart- toucbing cirinax results from th]is st range situation: * He-re'. Star of 'Narna' As for Ajima Sten, the star of ",Nanaý," Saiiiiel Goldwvyn brotiglit lier ta. Hollywood a year ago. last May and spent cigbîife imontlis and a fortule. preparing lier for lier first'. Lionîel At%\-Ill,' Richard l3eiiii(ýt. Mae 'Clarke, Plillips 1-lolmnes and ,Muriel Kirkland appear in support ol Miss Ste,î in the ýstory of the rire and falof a lady of thie boulevaîrds and the muitsic lhý Ils of the *gasý--lt Paris of 1870, suggested by Zola's farnons novel and Ireely .adapted l() the screen .. v \\illard Mack' an'ld scarum, whose S samplicity, and .beauty of soul %c anse her ta .........become an out-, cast amang ber it yank the beart .strings, but it %vill give a lot of, new des about Rai K -a t bi a rifle as Ralp Belamy an actress. 0f local anterest is tbe fact tbat Ralpb BeIlamyý, W :lrette's. contribution ta tbe movies, offers a fine characteriza- tion. Others wbo add inmeasurably are Robert YVoung and Sarali Haden, a,,grand littie cornac. Not; content ta offer but onie great picture a ý\-eek, tbe Varsitv .tbeater bias reserved Moinday to Thîûrsday, April 23-26, for aniother of, the flnest cf remint fillms-"Deatb Takes à Holi- dIay,." Straiigely'hiatinig and beau- tiftul, tItis plicture is an experience no discrirnin'ating thîeater-goer can afford to miss. Tbe story conicerns Death, wvho lonigs ta mingle briefly with men, as a mani. Fredric -Marçb gives a su>r)interp)retatioi of this difficult rôle.. Evelyn Veniable is the girl wvitbn whloui lie fl,î?ds truc love. The overtones cf tbis great theme are exquisite, witb al thîe poNver and lift of great pcétry. HERE'S STEFFI DU-NA Steffi Diuîîa, wh1o makes bier Amier- ican screeni debut as Francis l.eder- er's 'Eskimio wife ini RKO-Radio's oat f T\v o rld lias played femninine leads in; two 1 English talk- .ing filmus, and ini'London and New York stage productions. TORCÉ SONG'S GRANDAD "Tlîat's Love," tbe bitter lament. ;uiig by Anna -Sten in "Nanà,'" is ,u' aiU i Ginger McÇrea is seen as1 a service station ownIer, and the red-baired peppery Ginger Rogers. portrays, his village sweetheart. . The car andý the heart troubles' enter, the situation when Marian Nixon, playing a weal1thy New York girl, camnes ta the village ta spend a vacation. When she spies tbe hand sotne yonng service station aperator, sbe suddenly discovers that her car needs aIl sorts of.nîînor at- tentions. *'.Chance At Hleaven," based, upon the papular- fiction story 'by Vina Delmar, is said ta sparkle -w ith. cornedy, tense dramna and romance. V THEATRK J EVANSTON-PHO-NE UI.L8900 Open Dauly at 1:30 Shows Continuous to 12 Midnight Today (Thurs.) Last Day GEORGE RAFT -inI- "&SPITFIRE"l with Ralph Bellamy Robert Young DOORS OPEN i with Charles .FrrlI-8st. Davis Aso-Comody-News and SiIIy Symphony Cartoon Fr1., Safi, Apil 20-21' &b"AIlfVTWO, 'Francis Lederer-Elissa. Landi Aso-6Walt Disney's Cartoon Sun. to Wed.. April 22-25S was won on ti erer's flrst am a screen play( star makes bis film personali "Man of Two is co-starredI as Zola's 4ols4ptaélus ldy of the bouder'ardt in lebut as y in ,Vorlds" issa LauP By1 MICKEY Clark Di ,eoy

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