th.e Coal bm1n Seewhaga het as du forMr. andMrs. R. G. Heinekam>, 923 Manches 1er Ave., Wesiehes:r, iiu Jut.hat hés tnomr..lm a .5i tkh.uwmou; soe. sadig élU aldm A. las isu. 0,»0 is M. il.éuamp Whait Others Say'AboutGag Het: "Haul*"g.adienu used to.'be my Saturday atternoon lob. Now with gao heat 1 have more time tomyseif. Bendes 1 don't have to get up t daybreak to shovrelbWo and shako qi theWilliam J. Masoner '*Consldering ail conditions. tncludiiig the cleanliaess of fas heat, thus reducingcleanlpg and redecorating experise, Ic oider sas heat the mont satisfactory for mybhome." 'R. S. Jackson. 9145 So. Paulina St, Chicago. ILU "Fine I like it (g. heat) btter thon any way 1 have ever lheteJ before, and 1 have heated my houses in many dif- lerent ways." Mra. Robert P. Bazuer 4034 West 21st St.. Chicago, Mi., J UST look it this ýattractive basement in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Heinekamp -and think what you, too, could do with your basement if you had Sas heat instaijedl "lmagpne!This used to bc thecoal bin,>'says Mrs. Heine- kamp.'*But now it sjust as clean as any other room in the house. And it's really .amazing how littie it cost ro i up thii room. There are so many nice things about gas heat. Theres no worry about the furnace, no coal to shovel no ashes to hauI ?ut. Gettdng rid of ail that soot anc1 dirt is a blessing." w»s bo ol off I PUBLIC OP I APRIL 19 13