Strange Moods on Report Day Wednesday morning the pupils of Stolp school came to that institution of Iearning with thevague consciaus- ness that report'car ds were due. As the students trailed into the building, the realization o f tbe impending i*ssu-. ing of the cards grew, upon the.m Everyone. was discussing what ,he, hoped. ,or ,expected. would bé eontan-. ed, on 'his. card. Three, long hours, of class work were endured. Wbhen tbe bell rang at 12 o'clock everyone quickly*walked to bis roam. The room was strangely. quiet as'the bomne teacher pas sed out the long- awaited reports. The classes were dismissed, much to the relief. of aIl. No one wasted'any time in reviewing bis report. Although everyone may ilot have been satisfied with his report, there is stili one more chance in the com- ing eventful term.-Cbarles Gregory, Stolp 2C. Sehol Pper Cooses Ail-Star, Cage Quinitet In a recent 8A Scratch Pad article an ail-star basketball tearn vas- chosen. This team was cornposed of peewee, lightweight, and heàvyweight tearns. The heavies had three play- ers: Eric Samuelson, guard, Bernard Reagan, cenpter, and Gordon Nevins, forward, The lightweights were rep- resented by Doug Huck, guard, and the pccwees by johnny Miller, f or- ward. We ail enjoyed the article.- Bill Roberts, FHoward SA. Seventh Grade Glass Enacting ",Robin Hood"l The. seventh grade class, 2B, is having ýfun dramatizing. ."Robin Hood." It is a very interesting story. There are so. many incidents in bis life that we are just going to act a few. Robin Hood was supposed to be a real living person. Miss Flask- 0On April 10 the regular meeting of the Byron C. Stolp Assembly club was flot held, due to the fact tbat the au~ditorium was being used for an election. Therefore on April 12 the mengwas. held and proved to. be quite interésting. 'Ne ad with us a mnagiciai who spdke about tooth magie. He said that we should do three.tthings to keep our teeth strong: first, eat the right kind of food; second, exercîse your teeth,, and third, brush your teeth twice a day and see your dentist three tirnes a year. He also showed. us. rany tricks which were very in- teéresting. The members of the sixth grade wer e. aur guests, and I amnsr we ail enjoyed the. prograrn vry nîiuch.-Dan Seiden, Stolp 2D. WImette Sehool BoYs Begin. Track Prac tice 'l'lie Wilrnette heavyweights, light- weiglits and peewees lied thtir first track, practice Saturday, April 14. Our first praétice consisted of s tarts an d prelirninaries ithe dashes. A fine showing in the sprints was nia de by Kim Brown, Milan May, Tom Car- ney, Bill Roberts and Bernard Reag- an, and this showing will probably place thent on the team n iitiiese events. Our next practice was sche-duled for Monda),ay rno. Bob Cochran, Howard 8B.,. Howard 8A Publication! Covers Variety of News The monthly paper of Howard 8A is now on gale. It contains mhany in- teresting itemis such as general ncws, which covers ail the-news of the: school; school sports anxd other sport. news; also a gossip page, andi a wit and humor page. All Howard pupils, who have not hnnc2ht their nauer. demonstration at the iHoward gym- nasiuni. It started at 7.30 o'clock, and the first on the prograrn was a danceaid games donc> by the, groups of the.seventh and eigbthh grade girls and boys. Next thing was the ath- letic events ini which several sports were demonstrated, including dash, volleyball kick, rope cimbning, goal shooting.and basketball tbrow.: Then there w as a v oIleyball and basketball gaie. Last of ail the letters Were given oui by Mrs. Finney and Mr. Lind.-ýPat Pcn.ick, Stolp.2B. Weekly Globe 'Trotter Carnies News, Story Stolp 2B has a paper called. "The Weekly 'Globe Trotter.", This week the paper carried, a news item that1 Bob Morris was returning fromn the South. In the paper there is a Stôry called *'M,,ars' or fiust,"* the second chapter of a serial. There were sev- eral jokes that were very good. The paper's staff is, headed by Dick La Bonte, chief printer, Dick Cordts, chief editor,' and Knox Bcttinghaus, star reporter, Dacik' Lechler, Stolp 2B. Pupils Learn Interesting Fact Concerning Circles The seventh grade pupils were sur- prised to hear Miss Wyrnan announce that they were going to make circles. When they were made they were di- vided unto eight parts. Then ecd part was eut out. They forrned the shape of a parallelograrn when put together correctly. The way to do this is te put the firsàt point upside1 down while the next is *right side up,1 etc.' This is an easy way of findingi the formula. for a circle and parallel- ogramn at the same time.-'Dorothy Favîlle, Stolp 2B. for Graduation Recently thé girls of Stolp eighth grade -had a meeting ta decide on the dresses for gradu ation.. Barbara Ripley was, chosen to takce charge of the meeting The girls made nominations for other girls whom they wanted to modeL. Susan Hillis, Shirley Patteir-, son, Nancy Robb, Shirley Hughes and 'Alice Varney were chosen to model for the parents so they can, get ani idea of the dresses. Most of the girls want semi-formals in pastel shades; a few want sport, dresses. We are anxiously waiting for the decision an the.kind of dress to be made.--Jiean Riedel, Stolp 2C. GIee Clubs Industriously Devote Voices to Songs G lee clubs are 'now worlcing bard to learn the appointed sangs. Mrs. Clark now bas a bass. In Stolp school there are. a the following.boys. in the club: Jay. Crowell, Charles Gregory, Jo e Hannen, C ulv e r H an d, Raymond. H a11e t, Clifford, Goodman, George Terzakes and Dick Neukranz. The concert is ta be in May; the date is flot set. We sin- cerely hope ail parents and children will attend.-Edward Riley, Stolp 2C. Ping-Pong Tournament, Held Each Wedneçsday Dudley Stone announced that there 'was gaing to, be a 'ping-pong taurniarent >every Wednesday 1 even- ing. Anybodyi welcome to corne and play. The players wihl be di- vided up evenly. The* fee will be 10 cents per persan.' The leaders wat anybody who can play ping-pong to come.-Edwin Benson, Howard 7C. SEND GAarcTONbPI The date for the style shoi SENDGRADATIO PINthe eighth grade girls are gii Seveaal months ago janice Van In- GOES TO FLORIDA finally been set for the aftei wagen, a former classmate, inoved ta A girl in 5B bas gone ta Florida. May 10. We are now busily' Chevy Chase, Md. Since she was She went on Mardi 6, on ber birth- on aur dresses. Any spare not able to graduate wi*h us, wé are day.. Her narne is Marjorie Haigh. have is used for that, as t] sending her a graduation pin.-Muriel She is a good friend of mine.-Marcia only a few weeks Ieft.- Jarneki, Howard 8B.' Gontzalez , Howard SR, Weber, Howard 8B. bas n Of START NEWSPAPER. king The 6C class has started a ncws- we paper. The naine of the paper is are "'6C News Flash." The editor is WiI- nces lard Jarchow.-Bob Hoffmayer,.How-ý ard 6A.