tion Tuesday, elected three Village trustees and a Village clerk. Porter Fox ariA Richard C. John- ston were reeiected trustees, aud Her- man G. Seeily was chosen for the posi- t ion. on the Village board. made vacant by the retirement of Walter A,.. Knoop, whose terni had expired and who de- cliîned to .be a can- didate fcr reeiec- tion. WTýndell .. . Cark was reelect-, e& Village clerk. There vas .no opposition ticket, 'i ft'ie candi- dates. having been iiominated by the *Kenilworth C i t> i- z e n s ' Advisory ommittee, wlîich is comiposed of Herman SeeIy heads of e v e r cic, social anild church organization in the Village. M\r. Clark and Mr. Johnston each received 23votes, iMr. Fox received 281 and Mr,.'Seclv 282' OfiasTake Office 'hi.e newl eilected officiais, with iie exception of Mr. Johnston, were sworn ini at a meéeting of the village board 'ltuesdtay iglit b>' Village, President Harry P. Harrison. lMr. jolinstou wvas tnblàie to attend the mieeting. The li'oard ap- * proved Village President Harri- son's chIoice of committec enmc- bers i n d ap- pointi-C offlcas *Ail of tlie ap- poiluted officiais wiho bave been serving the past year were re *turned: to tlieir * posts. '1'hese oi-> i il c 1 u* ' treasurer; Ver attorney; F. L Porter Fox non R.. Loucks. inary, will eiver the .anniversary message. On Sunday, April 17, 1921, the con- gregation met at the Woman's club, and organized. They continued to worship in the Woman's. club .until the Bungalow chapel was completed in December, 1922. The.'beautiful curhedifice %vhich the congregation now occupies was dedicated .linNovember,_ f929. The Present pastor, the .11ev. Davidl R. Kabele,> who w*as installed in1 March, 1932, reports that' the past year bas. been tfre bekt in -the history of the clîurch and that present indications . point to the. fact that ini a few years this wiIl be one of. t4e eadiig 1Luth- eran churclies* on, tue .iorth shore. Th reaten to Revoke Ditrbutor Lie nse At Tuiesday night's meeting of the V\illageboard Village Manager C. M. OsbQrn brought up. the question of a recent occurrence in which a free distribution publication had inserted a loose leaf' circular in its weekily house-to-hlouse . distribution., .ýVhile' the publishers have assured the of- 7-6cials that the violation would mot be.repeated, the board discussed the tuatter of revoking licenses should any of the free distribution publica- tions be found guilty in the future of the act. t vas explained that t hese publications are perrnitted to mnake deliveries to the homes as a the ptivilege by such insertions of. ad- vcrtising literatuire. No defluite ac- tioli Wvas taken, but it wvas apparent that Ioss of license wvli foliow àLiiv infringemient of theorder hereafter. Legion Rifle Club Gets N tonal ssc. Charte The WVilmette Amrerican 'Leigion Rifle and Pistol club bas been grain- cd a charter by the National Rifle association, the' national governing bodv of thep srinrt of rifle <iottiur the board. Thle vote was the heaviest ever cast in a township higb school election in which there was no oppo- sition, ticket. Following is a tabulation of. the vote$: Qlencoe Wignnetka Keffilworth wilnîette In Gleucc *.as cast th larger villag ka, one voi of, the thre wvere writtei Mr. Gathercoal Meà. Farwel 209, 213 196 197 77 77 131 129 612 616 oe, where a, heavier vote hIan in' eitber of the two les, Winmette or Wiinet- te was recorded for eàch ýee- persons whose names 'n in on the ballots.. .. G e n. Thomas Hammond C ivic League Speaker Brig. Gen. Thomas S. Hammnond,1 fofmei president 'of the Illinois Manu- facturers association, which position he relinquishéd to serve as assistant to the NRA adm inistrator, will be guest speaker at the, monthiy lunch-- eon meeting of Wiimette Civic league, which ivilt be held Frida>', April 27. His subject* Will 'be, "Labor Provision ini the Wagner Bill."' This bill is of vital interest tu industry. It is, be- ing aggressiveiy'attacked, and as ag- gressively dcefended, the çountry over., It is expected that the speaker' wili Children Are- Invited to Sec "Wonder Hat" -WoInder Hat" Will be giveni for chikiren Saturda>' afternooni, April 21, at 2 o'clock, at the' Wilimette Womani's. club., The Lake Sho re -Players are' presenting this play' as the last ini a series of thiree giveni under the sponi- sorship of the wvays and means coni- inittee of the Wonian's Club of Wil- mette. Those given. nreviouslv were their neighborhood towns of Evans- ton, Winnetka and Glencoe, and those areas outside of any villagebut with- in the boundaries of New Trier town- ship, when at Tuesday's elections they voted ovérwheimingly, against permit- ting tbe advent of saloons 'within their borders. In 'response to the appeal to "Keep saloons off. the, north shore," citizedg* went to the 'poilis.and gave their dle- cision Ini no uncertain ,manner. Wilmette voted against saloons by more than 4 to l., while KeniIworth'e vote was, more than 10 to 1. Nota single, precinct in either village. was carried 'b> those sup.porting the, sale of liquori. Here is the vote, in Wil- mette, by precincts: Wllmette's Vote Agalnst For Precînet Liquor Sales Liqumor Sales 1 178 10 '2 '118 20 3 270 14 * 4 170 19 S2925 2$ 6 186 18 7 189 12 8 103 78 9 '103 78 10 217 74 Il199 37 12M11'114 1282 68 Tlhis gives a total of 2,338 against the sale of liquor and only 564 for the sale of liquor, a majority of 1,774. In the two precincts 'in Kenilworth the vote stood : Against the sale of liquor, 270. For the sale of liquor, 26, shore ivas unciertaicen by Wiimette Home Owners association, and the ef- fectiveness of their work is shown in the result. Together with the pub- lic spirited citizens of Kenilworth, the>' finished the job so splendidly be- gun by 'Evanston, Winnetka, Glencoet, and the voters in. the outlying areas. A dlean swveep has been made of New Trier township, unless it be those sniall portions included in villages to. the west aud north. President C. P. Dubbs was aI. his , HenryI>' G. £juiiur, .4. anUd. .Aln rR .F ismir iý Tidemami. D .Aln rR .F ismi of health-Porter Fox, chair- Daniel M. Davis, John F. , Hoffman, chard C. Johnstofl, Chase W. T, William G. Huggins, A. W. Jen- à Dr. Il. A. orvis, secretary iuatlon-Henry G. Zander, jr., sen, A. E. Nord, C. M. Osborn, and 'ontinued on Page 53) the Rev. John G., Hindley (ex-officio). Se. Poua.35 ,avenue toUKi( stretch- of pipe and the work. now on, accord to the Village1 1C bexpeied trosu g to a report miade ird Tuesday iiight. LoGve a Taxi