always tak, three to a hybrid nive, ociore ýeedling can Kronscher IPhotio The N bue'ribbon '0f AJi -*a' d a /c cdb1"i tj h >fr heIîgî .-iiiiiiial'Gqrcn and FloUler show o Ithe G'arden Clib, of Ilinois on flic Greciît qarden of flic IL in'fka Garden: club, 'iîu<dherc, Comtrasi b il,,s rc.stf i in is ùiithligrawl! wilks. flhe gray sa c-iucgplaying 11140 :P ipe s of P th'efic ahtc'-o- leu-idiin1; Io ic paint cdiiackgroupid vista. Thie 9rcîwasli els major cxli ibit. Augu-st 4-August -10J, Gaide'nclub' ex- i-hemit imswhichwr om hibits. it ans Chwr ots August 1-August 17, National Gl adi- i themnselveS. olus Show. W tl aeteefoes u .August 18-August 24, Gladioli. grndnither mhtnot efognie rnebu August 25-August 31, Lilies, Pio X gadohrmgtntrcgies Marlgolds. of theni, hecause of the' vast improve- September' -Septeniber 7, California men<,s Which have been trade by the E of plant reig It soinetirnes ~September -September 14, 1toses. bren. Septembe,' 15-Septeniber 21, Dahlias, seems as though there were a race- Garden Flowers. among the plants to see whiïch .class Septeniber 22-September 28.. \ationai l shall produce. the niost beaiutiful flowers. Dahlia Show. September '.>9-October 7), Orchidsý, Gar- Perennial flowers have long had the dnias, Exotic plants.i advantage' for a very apparent reasQn. 'OctQber 6-Otober 12, Carnations. T' 'fl ive for years,wheanal October 13-October 19, Roses. hlanus 'October 20-October 31, illinois tate rmust cornplete their growth in a single FIo'wer Show. season. 0f course, a poeny, which does= -John A. Servas, who wa,, manager not begin to blossom urjtil it isthre of the Horticultural exhibitionii i1933, years. old, (froni seed) should. growÈ and , las directed Chicago spring larger than apoppy, which is sown in " flower shows for seven years, as ex- April. and must. produce its lariest ecutive manager of the horticultural, bloomi in three But does xhbtin, this year. James. Sykora, it? In favorablesections peony-fo of Chicago îs comptrol'ler and nier- ered poppies have approached the peony bers of the .managing comimittee for so closely' in size and beauty, it is be-Z the Society of Amierican Florists and ginning to be a question whether ini OrninetalHoricuturstsar another few years the poppies may flot c - ----- - ---- Now you cati bave your wi1th Our certufied. process at, No Extra: Corne Tne personal. serv- ice with 24 years of satisfied-north shore customers. WtImefttê1200 r - ~4O hil Through our factorycon. nection we can furnish any kind of duplicating and triplicating fonns in books or. padis for &Dy purpose-atIow*Cost. WAbEISAou M a n i l ' d-iNq i b o k Lloyd H.ollis$ter: mlc. 1232 Central Avenue,, Wilmette Telel>hone WILM,,tETrE 4300 WINNETKA 50W BOULEARE) THE iGRASS SEEID OF>QUALY ?bes¶ j, none, too' is Csp.- growth and a.-lBoulevard Lawn cornes Up affer year. At good dealers.. Boulevard, contains Astoria Renit, 50c par lb. Lincoln Park, a4l-arouod grass seed, ý25c fie lb J.Oliver Jo s n c. Whâol esala Saed Marchants ý4O.960 W. Huron .St.. Chicago Moei. 6580 LANDSCAPE AND GARDEN SERVICE Phone Winnetka 79 "Chicagoland',ç Gardan Hoadquarters»j E OS R HLE*L L N , Ph..... L L1 "0l. 17 JOLTVS OuR o and SERVICE..