[ild Flouvr Garlifl The sprinig gardeni affords ii côtrners, or tnooks. more appealiiîg iliai the shaded Secluded spot whicl, is. reserved for tlic unhatnpered re- treat of a femv îvili] flowcrs. I-lre they, are left to, coic aid go as pleases theni, piekiig and cioosing w~herc thev like best. Late .nw givmng way to the warinig stin. nma% reveal the hepatica blossoni ati ail abundant.- fleckinig of the sprinig beauties. Number 38.. We are now roofing -the Robinson residence at 1026. Ashland Avenue ..the 38th ioof thet we have. ap. plied où this street alone. Who wlfil be next? Tie 0uIy Johns-ManvuiIe 'Appromred Roofers ts sibis secloa AJAX SHINGLE CO. G. W. SWINEY, Mgr. 1137 Central A#enmu Phoune Wilnette 1248 Franz Kreni Telephone W BLACK SOIL - WISC. HUMUS VIGORO - GERMAN PEA, BONEMEAL - LIME -GR FLAGSTONE - TUFFA ROCK UquurLcr. u., and Carry p mmVe nonqy D.~~ IIl N 4 nl« n orth of lgin. J. becis, the dog-tooth violets. unfold, and on fte rzngouawets 1 overightthe axypetas oftheare dormant, and they cannot afford bloodroot greets the- discerning eye. to provide natural conditions ini the. l'he niertensia seem to be putting 011 nursery beds, £0 they mnay havé stock a special parade, sbowing off mith. on hand, at headquarters. and in cov- ito end of spreading out. Trilliums ered beds, so as to hv.themi avail- add generously to, the 'awakeninig Nbe. dor'mant,; for :spring orders. note, but the climiax cornes wheîî we These condition-, at least. wvould be -fiin d a mloccasin -flower: in blooni. prvdda'uha otta uc Any %vild garden can succeed witli i higher prices would be required. ,ith marsh mnarigolds, the cardinal lobélias.1certain exceptions. Manv iîd lower phlox in variety, the orange colored ioots and bulbs, suchi as niertenia mikiveed, violets .of.f manly kinds.dtha' rehs n l~itpriiJ dut.chtm <s breéhn he+hI . . . - lgtoeothi v* tiLV'ilw ýuu-uic n violets have >a. dormfant period.. after asters and, goldenrod for fail color- their spring bloommiig, '%vl en Wt is înlgs*. * * * .proper to handle them. An uîuler-. standing co-operation betwen eae Trispatigthe Wîldliiigi and custénier.,wilI result in far better iSa:vtues, attempts to establiihsces the native flowers. in the home gar-- Another great. help, is the bu%",ing dens, hàvet resulted in only feeble ýsuc-, froin local dealers, sonie of îvhom cess. Plants or roots, purchase(l by can provide fresh.growving wildlinigs way of th e nurseryman's catalogue. out of their local, gardens, (lug with after a year's struggle, have ntîmber- iplenty, of soil., and can pack.theni in cd inany aniong ,the missing. The fact openi containers for transfer loca;llv., is tliat. dealers ver>' freiquently fillhv closed car or tr.uc],. orders froirn rather poorly equipped ~ *~ i Ieds, %vith the resuit that the plants *are tiot ini prime, condition when I)isappearancc of Roadsidc. !los.çoms_ Packcd. for shipmient. Agalin. hy the Inluan oî-dinarý,,ifetiirne, the quîcklvN very circunistances. of the business. passing vears have seeni fascinating dealer., are mutcli inclinied to fil tiniber lanies, flower-lined and allur- orders froni fresh collectedI stock. ing, changed inito tidy, miodlei-n, veil digging theiniout of the woods as kept roads, free fromi spring flpivers, they get the or<lers. and this incans tangled fence roývs..bird life andmi md tlii4t the plants are iiot donant. but hioles. Stnmac and berrv brier. rose are active. grecîl. ,rowing plants. and goldenrod. bittersweet aid atr wlicen wrapped ii iglit packages. to jini wild array. have I\elt place to smnothcr for a day or iiore, ini transit. nieat CWA ditches, snîiou)th ,Iotillers '[bey arrive pale anid îeakly. to. lieset ani enîl>anmeits. roadsâde s.îgiîs and -,traffic in)strùctioins. Cool, ferui flecked LANDSGAPE ravines, veritable spring fair-viands, I GARDENJNGhave becoie nmere graziuig gou *A D NN for* hogs, cattle and sheep). Mani rinnka 235 . an open inîeadowland, carpctcdl with succecdîng blossonis. nio\\,grows a crop of corti, which miav iilçdee(cd1 i HORSE and COW MANURE wcil. What to dIo about it is to Stal LTMOSS - MILORGAN'ITE o the rent. and b'- a speed car ASS SEED (various mixtures) Eo hs nsalmns n i beyon(l the reach of'-modemrior(ad. -EVERGREENS -SHRUBS gaes XA imrvmns u - - -1 wood n;m s C a g ain g cattlre n d , the trong of week-end trafûc-to the great open wi"ds which still ahound. hManv alluringareas .'stilIl riniain, tud varieties at special sale SERY. COOP DUNDEE, ILLINOISOlvrH sm hib- Luussl anda lu AmodaOlvrHne of U. S. bWghways 14 and 430. (Pomerly I.R.2) Gardens High at ý'34 Fair Flowers and gardens have been ijlaced i i the front rank lof A Cen- tury :'Of Progress attractionsý for 1934,by a reorganization of thel.Hor-* iculturai egxhibition, which places it n charge Of the National Flower ind Garden Show committe e of the Society of Amnerican Florists. and )rniamenital Horticulturists. This 75. year old society,. the n,-, loc)nal-,guild of' flov.-er growers, will bring together officiai exhibits. of the, florist, seed, and, nursery industries., and ýcombine them with. the activities of garden' clubs. an(l amateurs to inake -a beautiful and repre sentative iisplay showing the.prôgress in hor- iculture which this country has Ichieved in the last, century. Exemplify îdl Styles' Extensive changes are .to he made Il the building and grounds, to m-- ~rove the interesr- and add to the l)ectacular qualities of the exhibi- ion. The four -acres of model. gar- Avus behind the building, on the shore )f Lake Michigan, vili be rebuilt and eplante(l to ýcreate a sertes..of gar- Ieiis..exelniplifyilg every style of.gar- 'cei-design and displaving the finest .mioderni plant zinaterial.ý ()verlook1,iig 4the garden. 'Ill be a balcoîîy restauraýiît, wlîere one may hine and dance. At nightf, with the 111ooîiiglit on the lake, boats passing; ý-nd the gardens anxd fountains flood- cd with liglît. a visit to this restaurant iis promise(l will be ani experience to remnember. Genera! Manager George Asnîus., w~ho is in charge,1 lias managed the national flower show for the Soci"e.ty fif Americani FlorisËts and Ornamtental. llo,(rticult.urist.s. each' spiring' for 20ý y cars., This show, is hield each year in a different city and attracts.. the. prize, blossom.5 of thie leading flower grovers of the Amnerican continent. For the World's Fair, Mr. Asmus has planncid a series of shows, beginning une 1 with a rose show and chang- WINNETKA15 Day or Night ,f77'77