to 'l okyQ,- wIIf net. Then we all to close the meeti * Next iweek MIr starting a bostess our troop. Miss first aid. badge Wbeelock«.scribe. 1 sang a few songs ting, rs. J. Peterseti is sbadge course for Lyman is giving a course. -Phylis Trop3 At their meeting Monday, thé Girl Scouts played, a gamne which 'vas to tell the res.t of the scouts a little about a certain bird or tree. We chose 'Lily of the Valley" as our troop emblemn. -Mrs. .C.Behier chose. three. girls to be usheërs ati Bob's circus. They are Mary Lideck- er, Nancy MéCloud and Barbara Buehier. It 'vas an interesting meet- ing.-Peggy NMarsh, scribe. Troop 4 At our, recenta meeting we played a rather bhard gamne. Ouir leader put a lot of questions on the blackboard and we hiad to write down the, answers on a piece of paper. Then we hiad a flttle surprise. \1e ail went to see a basketball game be-- tween our school and 'Haven. W~e only sa*w the last (luarter. Haveni won. VVe ent hoine right after the g,.aine.--Jo>an Ross, Troop 4.. Endeavor Basebal Nine in Rehearsal lleplaygrouid baltearni'of the XVilmiette Presbyterian church Chris- tian E-ndeavor societN- held its first practice Iast. Sunday afternoon. The teain is preparing for the opening of the North Suburban 'Athletic league schedule on. Tuesday', April .24. The spring schedule -of gaines.wilI run until June 15. On that date the summer scheduie wili bçgin,,to con- tinue'unitil Septeznber 1. Winners of the tWýo sections will battie .for the championship. Ail of the boys who are mi the, ~our ~UÀTO'4tftcle. *gu 191. iiiCc T.,. also are invited tô participate. The WiIwette piayground bail team plans to use the slow, under-handed type of pitching. The bail used for the -league matches is to be of the *,14-inch-outside seam type. Phone K<iilworth ME Grommh.y Rond < ai Rouw