Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Apr 1934, p. 42

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D.A. R. Hears History Progrrnr Mrs. AUred Kraemer' Jr. assis$ted, by Mrs. Charles jack- son,4 entertained. the Skokie Valley chapter of thé Daugh- ters of the American Revolu- .tion at a buffet luncheon at her h ome, 510 Meadow road, Winý netka, Monday, April 16. pre- ceding the, regular inonthly meeting. An interesing historical prograni followed. Mrs William Durgin read. some interestinig facts about thé United States flag. Mrs. Melville Chatten reada sketch on Washing- ton written by Mrs. Julian Goodhue, the state regent. Two delightfuiletters writtéti in 1827,-by a great-aunt of Mrs. Kra- mer were read, one bv Mfrs. Jackson, one by Mrs. Kramer. The writer. a bride of 17, wife of the United States ambassador to Peru in 1827, wrot-e the letters to her family ini Ohio, and expressed. lber opinion of the people and customs of Iinia, Peru, in no uncertain terms. She was amazed at both, and lier letters,. written -in a frank, informai style, reveal much flot onlv about Peru but about herseif. Mrs. Krae- iner, at the request of the mnembers, told the later history of the bride of the amnbassador. Mrs. Jackson appointed the fol- Iowing nomninating comittee: Mrs. Durgin, chairrpan; Mrs. Israel C. Cope, and Mrs. Otto Ruth. They wilI report at the May meeting. At the fair this summer, miembers of the D. A. R. wiIl act as hostesses at, "Mouint, Vernon,"y a replicia of Moun!t Vernon, in the Colonial vil- lage. Members' of the Skokie Valley -hapter attended the dedication Wed- nesday, April 18, at 1 o'clock, of Paul Revere's tower at the Fair. Al Daughters of the Anierican- Revolu- tion were invited to the dedication. On, te comrrnttee for the fashicrn show which umiIl be held in con junc tion ztith the charity card part y sponsored by tire North Shore Junior Welf are ieagnej?- he cvening of Mlay 2, ai Winneika Communiti' Hi-J ,se; are, seated frotta left to right, Miss Vercz Ande'rson,~ Miss A gaes Ericksonaind in the back roui, lMiss Mfildrcd, Martin and Mrs. Henr y Lustgarten. With the exception of Alrs. Liastqczrte, , vihose honte is in Wihnttte, the cominittee menibers are front Winnetka. Chi Omei-ga Alumnae's Guesi Day Tea Friday A guest day tea will be given by the North Shore Alumnae chapter of Chii Oniega at the Northwestern chapter house. 1870 Orrinztonnavenue. Evans- Composer on Programns et Pen Women's Parley The Biennial convention of the Na- tional League of Amnerican Pen Womn- en is being held iu Washington this F Qperetta at Club Sewing Day Friday To the. next and. final seingi, day of the'year a t the Wilmi-ette Wonian'.s cu Friýday, April 20,, ail women of the village are. in-. vited. The beneficiary, of this nlext .sehool. philanithropy ses- si-oni is. the, Park Ridge Sichool for Girls, a school home for de- pendent,.. niot .delinquent giris which receives a m ajor share of its support fiâom %women's clubs. Anniouniceniett of the after-.Ilncli- con prograin is quoted. ..,$0 ianv' versions oi the story ut what blapened at the home of the. Thlree Bears, w~ hen Sil%er H air calle d, there one fine dav, have been told, that it Ss bard to beélieve ani.y of them. "Now an opportu'nity is beilig givenl to see and hear ex-ýactly, what (liq take place. TeThrec Bears and Silver flair have given flic truc storv to the littie girls whô' live l'il Patten cottage at the Park Ridge School- for Giyls, and the girls are going to b)ring themu to the . jhilanthropy sewïnig meeting at the Wonian's club on Frl- (lay, April ->O.. You reallv should miot Miss thi1S Opportuinity 0of reç eiving truthful infornmation f roitiose î -ho know the facts. The operetta 'The Tbree Bears' by Sibyi Hanchett. will becsunig by a choru's of eighteen littlè girls and four principals, uncier the direction of Marie Geiger Turley." Mrs. Charles Ware of Kenilwort.h. president of the board of directors of. the school, will be the luncîteon hour speaker. -Work.cotmmes at 10. and, continues, until about 3 :30,* with luncheon intervening. Mrs. Ernest Hl. Freemanýr is se~- ing chairman; ýMrs. B3rue,Owens i..; in charge of the luncheon, w.hiéch wili -be followed by a business meeti ng of. the Philanthropy department which sponsors the sewing days. EIec# ion Mr. and Mrs. Roy R. Matquardt, 218 Woodbine avenue, are in Hot Springs, Ark., where Mr. Marquardt is attending a meeting of the executive council of the Anierican Bankersasso- ciation of which he.is.a meniber. eut cing concerti Mrs. John Heib avenue, Evanston, tions, for'the tea. 2Ridge by Mrs.,Fran; reserva- and Mrs. Nort Both are from. . ot ers gave a ýsday of this e. A prograni was presented irai, composer, orth, soprano. _t ne no~L~stes tor the various -courses *111 be Mrs. Axel Ahlstrand, Mrs., F. G. Stecker, Mrs. William Heise, and Mrs. D. E. John- son., A social hour with gam es and dancing Wili follow the last course at the Johnson home. I t

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