Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Apr 1934, p. 40

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Continue Tees Throughout April The Wellesley alumnae Dix teas, popular for their social as-, pect'as acquaintance and re-ac- quaintance, get-togethers,- con- tinue throughout April under the .systern-,of class grouping .which obtains 'at. reunion.s ai college.' * On Friday of tiîis week Mrs. W. A. McKinney 'of 5 Auburn road, Hub- *bard Woods, ,with Mis. Charles D. Iranidriff',of Glencoe as co-hostessi will entertaini their alurnnae guests at the former's home at 3 o'clock. Saturday Miss Louise Conway of 387 Linden. street, Winnetka, will give ber teàaia 4 o'clock. Assisting wiIl be Miss Margaret Boynton of Winnetka, Mrs. E. ýLaflin, Jr., of Lake Forest, Mf s. Francis D. Weeks and Miss Elizabeth Kingsley of Ev- anston, Miss An Steinbrecher of Chicago. Togro ps ýofalmnae are comTi bining -at the home of Mrs. Alfred H. Taylor, 528 Madison avenue, Olencoe, when, on, Wednesday, April ?5,,at 3 o'clock, she and Mrs. I)rennan Slater of Evanston give a joint tea.. Pouring wiIl be Mrs. Ralphi E. * Church, of Evanston, president of the Chicago Wellesley club Mrs.J Ralph Brown of Winnetka. Mrs. Francis Broomeil of Chicago, and Mrs. Irwin Rew of Êvanston. Thev * are expecting about ninety guests. On April 25, Mrs. Edward H. Bangs of 168 Addison road, Riverside is .entertaininig ber group-at 4 o'clock. On April 27, Mrs. Georgke F..,Blis., *will -be hostess to hier group at lier home, 52U North Linden avenue. Highland Park, and on.April. 28, Mrs. William Sherman Hay oU,645 :Sheri- dan road, Winnetka is to entertain ber group. 'Assisting Mrs. H1ay will be Mrs. Frank Warner Kingsley and Mr. Irwin Rew, both of Evanston. Tetahour is 4 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs.' Wallace L. Miller of 610 *Forest avenue recently returned f rom Youngstown, Objio, where they attended the wedding of their son, Wallace B. Miller,- to Miss Martha Jance Carpenter., Thé ceremony, took, place on 'Saturday-evening, April 14, in the' Preshyterian. church with a large. reception and dance follow.ing 'at. the Youngstown -Country club. The bride wvas attended by ber sister, Mary C.- Palmer of Springfield, Mass., as matron ùf honor, and by Miss Ruth Bradner of Detroit, as, hridesniaid.. Mi. Miller's best man was Carl Hall of Wilnette and the ushers were Robert Carpenter,. brother of. the bride, C., Weymouth of Philadelphia, and Charles :Markley of Winnetka. ýThe young couple1 will be at homeý after May 1, at their ap artmènt ini Rogers Park. Miss Lucia. Perrigo> daughte.r of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Perrigo of 461 East Hill1 road, WVikiitka, wuai reîcentlv elected vice-presideut of Chi Omega soro.rity at North- western university. She i: a junior ini the School of Journaliç,n. Miss Perrigo iwas elected to office .4pril 9, and !was inductcd Mondai' eve- Iiiig of -th is zveek. Alpha Phi' Luncheon Series fo Start Friday The first of a series of informa luncheons and meetings to be given b3 Alpha Phi ail'umnae will be on. Fni day, April,20, at, 12:30,,o'clock, at th( home of Mrs. A. D. Sanders, Jr., 191; Asbury avenue, Evanston. AIl Alphà Phis 'of thé north shore are cordialh3 îinvited as complimientary guests. Future. hicheon hostesses will bc H*steuu, lto Spolces Spok. 3 Spoke 3 will have its regular meeting on Tuesday afternjoon, 'April 24, at the home- of Mrs. Albert C. Bell, 1216 Elmwood avenue. A <es- sert luncheon will 1e served at 1 o'clock, followed by sewinlg. Spoke 10 Mrs. James Veneklassen, 721 Ni ith street,. will have the meeting (-)! Tuesday afternoon, April 24 of Spf)ke 10. Charity sewing will follow a des-' sert luncheon at, 1 o'clock. Spoce 12 Mrs. Harold S. Condf t of 614 Laurel avenue wvill have the next meeting o0n Tuesday, Aprit' 24, of Spoke 12 of the al Presbyterian church. The group. Will >y meet at 12 O'clock. le Brde To ,day Honors Ouests . t Music ParIey Dorothy, Bell Briggs of Ken- ilworth, (Mrs. Harry D. Briggs of. 324 Sheridan road) was host- ess at a. buffet supper. last Sun- day at her home in honor of guests Who h >ad been atteniding- the Music Supervisor's Nation-ý ai convention, in Chicago last wveek. Among her guests wvere- Mr. and, Mrm William Armws Fisher of Boston.. Mr. Fisher is editor and vice-presi- dent -of the Oliver I)itson Musicaj Publishing coinpany, a .nd M.rs. Fisher is. founder.. and president, of. the': Amierican Choral and Festival associ- ation of which Walter. Damrosch .i s honorary president, and John Ers- kine honorary vice-president, and on %vhose advisory board are ail the .various symuphony orchestra corduc- Other guests were Nelle Eberhart w~ho, bas written the verses for Most of Charles Wakefield Cadman's songs,,and who is an honorary mcm- ber of the Northern Illinois branch of -the' National League ofi Arerica Pen Women, andMr. Eberhart. At the present time Mrs. Eberhart an-d Mrs. Briggs are doing a chorus to- gether.- Among -this group of men and womnen* who have won promin- ence in their arts were Walter Crà- mer, editor of "Musical America,p' Mrs. Walter H-. Butterfield of Provi- dence,, R. I.,.wbose husband is retir- ing presidenît of the Music. Super-_ visor',sNa tional association.'and w ho was expected to be present ,bu t*at the clast was unable to corne; Louise_ Ayres Garnett, poet, and Mr. Gar- nett;. Jeannette Durno, concert pian- ist; Mr. and Mrs. Arne Oldberg, the former a composer and head of the music department of Northwesternl university; Clifford Buttleman, edi- only attendant. serve the bridegr( - nuinber of pre-nu been given in hc Columnbus, Ohio, 'om as besi- man. A~ uptia1 festivities have onor of the bride in ber home. June Br ie Mr. and Mrs. Sanford S. Holden, 527 Warwick road , Jenilworth, an- nounce the approaching marriage of their daugbter, B3arbara, to ,William L4inton Searles,, on. june 16.:. DeHaven Photo TodaY is the wedding day of Miss Phyllis Margaret Willianms and Kari L. Raihsburg. The cere- mony is taking place ai the home of the brideés uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mr.r. Claude Baker of Winnetka. coe, F'rances Schmitz, and Marcella Bruchauser. Seven junior courts will be represented f rom Chicago and the suburbs. Tickets may be obtained by. calling Loretta Steiner, Wilmette 623, aftrnonsor Mary Ferrarini, Wil- mete 371,evenîngs.

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