918 F~ NATIVE SIRLOIN STEAK,,. 2è5 c NEW YORK STYLE BSONELESS LEC-OFLAMB ** 9c NATIVE Porterhouse Steak -29c. CHOICE MILK FED BONELESS VEAL ROAST. i9 SWIFTS COUNR YourPresent Cair iii oni New 1934 AuTHFORIZED DEALER vs V Almost twice as many Fords .sold this year as any other car ACE MOTOR SALES, Inc.- A. C. LYNCH, President SALES -SERVICE - PARTS 435 Main Street, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 535 these money saving BLE CHIECK ofterings o1 OU>R Why flot use the alphabetic tisers as your shopping gui A D.VERTISEýR'S directory of Our Advcr- your arm when you go shopping.'; itwilI bc~ an easy mat- *each week? Check the ter to follow the checks. in. the listing and a sure way of PAGE ovêer 1%, h A Fis cnI~1II8Iurcn o uni8fl8 Lnuniia - .. . Sceisht, WImette ... .. . 13 Lin istrt>ui'B Lock Shop 16 Ftrft Chturch ofe Christ, Lord's .30 , 31 ,Stientist, wlnotka ~ Lyman Pharmacy 9 Foofr, J. R.. .. .. .... Lyon & IIealy . . 14 1 THRIFTY SHOPPERS SAVE MONBY WEL Draug C ...... , 9 WiIuette Coal & MaterilI reNouse.......--.& Yad,,.,............... Co. . . ne Wlanmaey .... 9 WiImtte Cointectionery .1.....1 .1 Wiluietto State Bank . -.Corer I1 .... ... 13 W ilînctte Theatre ....... Jlpotery............ à Wortheu'n ............ ........ x M THEIR ADVERTISING OFFERJNýGS c FL