ch.urch '0on Mondav mrig A1ril 23. - mrig A meeting. of the board is called for 10 O'clock, and the first speaker wilI appear at 1 1. Following the unclicon at 12:30, o'clock, the after- noon prograni commences at 1 :15. Luncheon reservations are to be made with \Irs. S. E. Wells of 1508 Forest! a venue bv, Saturda-v ioon. M rs. C. P. Evans, chairnian of Cook County Affa3irs in the local or ganization, ill present M rs., \Valter j Evans of the Counitvr league in a discussion of, important issues ini Cool, counity. Luncheon ivill be serve(1 and tlhe after- 11 oo n progran', wil l)be an in ter- V 1ec W vith 'Manager C. M. Osbori ini the forin of a discussion of thi village. budget, with Mrs. .Howaý-rd Rinigholinî, chairman' of. village af- fairs, ini the local league. Lorin A. Bowvet's class is~ meeting in lier liomne;at 1216 Ashland' avenue, on Wensdy norningsl cadi week at 10 o'clock. Interested1 wonien are welcomie to these nieet-j Mrs. J.ielville Brown -of Kenil- wortli will open. ber home to the class on international relations at:21 o'clock on, Friday, April 27. Mrs Frederick W.1 'Nerri field will.,dîscuss Pascisi, amil its> background under IMussolinii. MÉs. Charles N. Huribut mî~-ll discuss lhe autobiography' of Mussolinii. Through an uniderstanid- ing of these world figures and nation- al projects, this group is striving for better understanding of world con- ditions and those interested are wel- coine to notify Mrs. Brown of their wish to' attend. Nfrs. Lawrence. Cole of Wiinnetka bas been acquainting thbe* group wvith the current .fnews on' these issues tbroughout the, *inter., The' national 'Convention of the, league will be lbeld April, 23-28, ini the Staier hotel in Boston.. Many lii îîOisans wiII appear on theý prograrn, incçludîing Mrs. Quincy Wright, who lias served on the program commit- tee for tbe convention. Mrs. J. Hewitt Rosenstiel of Freeport, past - Il Il (?Q15 SYMPHONAy FAIRFAX seil every Sterling sil- ver flatware pattern, which webelieve to be, of i m portance ..whethetrimade' by tlheOo:r'ha m Company ... or any other .silversmit.h. 26 ýpatteirns illu'strated from Our collection of 67 c' ~py 1- D. B. E. Meting The Cambridge chapter of the Daughters of the British Empire will have its regular montbly business meet- ing at the home of Mrs. David Crabb, 925 Greenileaf avenue, this Fridayatt- ernoon at 2 o'clock. 1636 EVANSTON O)rrin 9ton Avenue SHEAF 0F WHEAT COROE i