Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Apr 1934, p. 37

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9, at the IKappa Kappa Gamma sorority house in Evanston. Friends and Kappas are invited and urgcd to save that day and to watch for, furthcr announce-, ments in this paper. Amnong the. officers for the Chi- cago association are: Mrs. H.: V. Condit of Evanston, formierly Helen Rugg, graduate of the University of Illinois, new vice-president, and'Mrs. S. D. Flinn of Wilmette,, president; Mrs. J.. J. Bercheid of' La Grange, -vice-president; Mrs. DonalId Cook of Winnetka, treasurer;- Miss He len Young of Beverly 1-luis, recording secretary; Mrs. Stuart Grant of Chi- cago,1 corresponding secretary. Suburban chairmhen are Miss Alice McGinnis, Glen. Ellyn; Mrs, tHarry N. Kerr, Wilmiette; Miss Rosalie Roach,' Winnetka; Mrs.7 G. C. Bull, Kenilworth; Mrs. A. J. Mc Master, Hlighlanid Park; Miss LorraineHar- -tig,. Oak Park; Mrs. L. Q. Needler, Evanston: Mrs. John J. Bercheid, La' Grange; Ms A. Lewis Kirkpatrick,ý Hinsdale; Mfrs., Philip S. Harper, Chicago, Mrs.. W. B. Bushnell, Glen- coe. T"e Chicago Kappa Kappa Gamma Alunrinae association was chartered' four times, during the, year ýat soine centralpiace in the citv. "Due to the rapidly increasing attendance," it announces-, "twice we have had to' ind larger quarters in which to hold our meetings. Thirty-five chapter.s fromn California to Florda are rep- resented and there are members frorn al. of the suburbs and villagesnear Ch.icago. "In addition to our quarterly lunch- cons and. business meetings, thiere" is alivavs some speçaker of note, ulsuall.y a Kappa, a dancer or concert singer to entertain aur members. A few of those ..Who have entertained are Mrs. Waren Johansen 1attstaedt, singer, gradu- ate of Hlillsdale" 1Mich.; Mrs. Eleanor Jewett Lundberg, art editor of the 'Chicago Tribune, and a graduate of ilie University. of Il linois." Wiýeari;ig her inot her's wvedding gown. ito ivory satin, and carrying an iv<'ry lace hapidkerchief that had bec'» carried by lier nother, Miss IEleaeior Lou ise Elliott, daughter of the 'Ret'. aitd Mrs. Arthur James illiott of W'ilmette, becaine t/he bride -ao the Rev. Herbert CliarlcsGans of Recd Cit y, Mich., Saturda, April 7.- Mrs. Charles N. Roberts, 1014 Lake avenue, wil[ bè hostess to members of the Reading circle on Monday, April 23, at 1:15 o'clock. IINDIAN TRAIL TEA ROOM_ DINNER 60éo and 85o 5: 30 to 8 P. M. S-bold D MNae bt àba CIuod No eleaniug method praciced today is nmore thorougli or efficient than our Naphtha Process. For Furnishingaand' FIoor Cvmlns-swe elean then- are posutlvely cleaner;a t a y eean, longer and have no greasy surface. ASK FOR Am UsTimAtLo OUR PRICIS AR! MOST REASONAILE 5427-31 BROADWAY, CHICAGO Phone CHICAGO TRANSL.ATE 6M0 NO TOLL CHAIRGE THE NORTH SHORE'S LARGEST CLEANERS I g .>' N~ For 'Repervolions Phone Winn. 170j 507 Chestnut Street ,wlnfletka Announce Troth Mrs. Vred S. Rye opened ber home at 1714 Forest avenue Monday after- noon of this week for members of th~e Wilmette League of Women Voters who had worked in the campaign for Bernice T. Van der Vries of Win- netka for nomination for representa- tive for the sevèntb senatorial district. 1120 Central Avenue your a>pointment early me. WiI*.ft. 2526 WiUu.ff. Thatre Bilding fil

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