f bponsors bpring Festival of Song The first division of the Wil- mette Parish Methodist Epis- copal church presents the Glen Ellyn Choral society in "Spring Festival of Song," Friday eve- ninig, April 20, in:the.Methodist, church assemnbly., hall: at .8:30 t"o'clock, as one of its gala' events. tThe comniittees in charge include Mrs. Harry C. Kinne, division chair- man-,, Mrs., Robert C. Kirkpatrièk, ways and means c hairman; Mrs. Carl J Nylund, program; Mrs. Thiomas* L. Grisamore, Mrs. Abr N. Page, and Mrs.. Halbert O. Crews, refreshments; Mrs. Edward B. Snyder and Mrs. Benjamin*:N. Cox, tickets;, Mrs. Jamfies T.. Edwards., candy. The. reception comrnittee ha.s for its members, Mrs. Oscar T. Olson, Mrs. Frankc N. Burpee, Mrs. Arthur Long, Mrs. J. D. Cox, Mrs. Carl Zipprich, Mrs. Newell Woods, Mrs. Dée Stoker, and Mrs. R. J. Burrows. Presented tbrough the courtesy of Halbert O. Crews, the prograrn for the "Spring Festival of Songs" is:> I Grouip of Song (a) Spring's Greeting .......... Koch (b> Chlldren 0f the Moon . .Warren (c) My Bird of the Wilderness .... ... . 1 ...I . . . H orsm ar Glen Ellyn Choral Society I Selections by Ada Lenore Doty Dramatie artIst 111 Vocal Solos (a) Caro Nome,ý from "Rlgoletto" (b) The Three Cavalers..Schindler (c) Nlght on the Dunes..... AdamsE Beulah Edwardst IV Slumber Songs of the Madonna Words by Alfred Noyes Music by May A. Strong Glen Ellyn Choral Society Art'Ist.S for the evening are tý B:u1,ah Edwarcls, solois:. Irene Gri:m- d A reception and tea -will follow the program. I..- y mize Iliss Cecile Brevitz of Kenil- wvorih, is thc fiancée of William,> Kirkland Shanghnessy of Wil- metite, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L lrevit- make known this îverk. Mr. Shaughnessy is the son of the W. C. Shaughnessys. 'Spring Dinner Dance Sala Sho'wn,, Event Shawniee Country club mernbers and guests anticipate the spring dinner dance, which, on Saturday evening of this week, is one of the largest hap- penings on the club's social calendar. Announced by Shawnee telegrani signed y~ R. E. HowelI, chairman of the en- erttainnient coinmittee, the- din ner lance wvith its attendant floor show,.is brought to the attention of meémbers. Applications for attendance Were be- ng received at the club early this week, amnong the first reservations for 1he entire home and adjoining gar- dens of the Benjamin H. Marshall é. home. in Wilniette are being turned over to the North Shore auxiliary of the Chicago Maternity center for the auxiliary's supper dance on Tuesday, May 2i. Mrs. George Henry Scbulz is the. social, chairman for tbe North Shore group, and she bas appointed' Mrs. D. Sidvay McKay> as chairman of the party., Mrs. Fred Hl.-Wolff and Mrs. Ralph M. -McDermid are' assisting Mrs. McKay, and Mrs. Roger Sherman bas charge of tickets. The finances are i the bands of Mrs. Charles EdWin Gall oway, treasurer. Mrs., Hugh Bride- groomn is in- charge of parking and ~.Mrs. Lewis B., Ermeling of publicity. Mrs. Ralph E. Heilmnan, president of the North Shore auxiliary,,is calling a meeting soon of ber board and the social comniittee. There is to be a popular -orchestra for dancing, and many, applications are be- ing made already for tickoets. At Wellesley Circle The North Shore Wellesley 'circle will , have its annual spring meeting Tuesday, April 24, at 2:30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Earl, A. White, 1815 Asbury avenue, Evanston. Assisting hostesses are, Miss Clara Hart, Mrs. W~illiam M. Kaiser, Mrs. John Mc- Clellaii, and Mrs.. Alexander Gunn, 'High Spots in Wellesley History by Eye-Witnesses," will be the programn for the meeting whose business ses- sion will include 'annual reports, and the report of the nomninating commit-, ýAids Grove ,House Sale, April 26, Aids Crove I-buse On Thursday, April 26, the ann>ual White Elephant -sale -for the benefit of Grove House for Convalescents will be held at 62.1. Grove. street, Evanston. Grove Hlouse, wbich is located at, 1729 Livingston street in iorthl Ev- ansto >n, . was foùnded in 1902 by 'a group of' women who,' through their interest in the -Visiting Nurse associ-. ation realized the need for' a home for convalescent women and 'chil- dren. Its aim is not only to restore to health, and, occupation those re- covering f rom surgical operat ions or illness, but.t'O prevent sicknessý by providing a -short period" of' rest,, nourishing food, and freedom f rom worry and 'care' in pleasant surround- ings. For maintenance Grove. House is largely depçndent upon contr ibutions and the trevenue, from,-its annual White Elephant, sale. The saleý this year is in charge of Mrsý. Join M. Butler, 1555 Ridge avenue, E vanston, one of the members of its board of directors. The officers of Grove- House are. Mrs. Frederick S. Colburn, presi- dent; Mrs. J. L. Houghteling, first vice-president; Mrs. Arthur T. Galt,, second. vice-president; Mrs. Stuy- vesant Butler, treasurer; Mrs. Rob,- ert T. Shermnan, assistant treasurer; Mrs. Charles T. Mordock, recording sýecretary, and Mrs. Arch W. Shaw, corresponding secretary. The directors are Mrs. C.uthbert C. Adains, Mrs. Porter Allen, Mrs. Henry C. Bartholomay,, Mrs. Frank: W. Blatcbford, Mrs. Daniel H. Burii- ham, Mrs. Hubert Burnhani, Mrs. Francis P. Butler, Mrs, Stuuyvesant Butler, Mrs. John.M. Butler, Mrs'. Kent S. Clow, Mrs. Frederick S. Col- burn, Mrs. Heyliger A. deWindt.< Wom- i -.L. rreter. urn rweacIing,m awnee club.. 7, for ce at treasiérer is particiPoting in the plans for thse onim Elephont sale given for thý of Grove House, a hontej valescents. t date is T, April 26. BirINJeay Parfy Sue Ellen Loucks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Loucks, 234 Sher- idan road, Keinilworth, will entertain thirty boys and girls at a homne miov- ing. picture and supper Monday in honor of ber séventb birthday. pot,