ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE subjiecf: ý'Chrsfiaén Scb.h ce: Ifs Assurance teo'a Troubled World" BY PETER V. ROSS, C. SAOB of $an Francisco, california member of the Board of 'Lectureship of The Mother Church. The, First'Ckurch cf Christ., Scientist, in Bostoni Massachusetts SATURDAY'EVENING.I, APRIL 28 AT 8 O'CLOCK New Trier Higli School Auditorium WINNITkA AVENUE AT WOÔDLAN1> Those'hearing a Christan Science lecture for thme first timne o those .having special require- ments may obtain reserved seat cards fromn the Reading Room at 57 1 Lincoln Avenue. How Your Rugs Should Be Car>ed for and lend Ail grit gently mi and dustmust be ampooed with soit removed, water and and theni the finest the outstanding sophomores of each year. The pledging took place at the. recent junior prom. Hess, who was graduated frorn New Trier High sch aol in 1932, is secretary of Phi Delta Theta, fraternity at the..uni- versity ee eng a member of the Inter-fraternity council. His other major. activities include mem- bership* in the Pershing, Rifles,, an honorary basis,.mrilitary fraternity, and in the Strollers,. the dramatic 50ý- ciety on the campus. Judges Select Winner ilà p.ayCo.m-petition In the finals of the, ramatic club's one-act play contest lest week "The, Man in the Bowler Hat"ý was, ad- judged the W inner,: Thé judges were Mrs. Lloyd' Faxon, Who is active in the Winnetka Dramla club, and Stacy Keetch,ý student at Northwestern uni- versity.. Spciia1 mention, was given to Walker Jentzen for his comic character portrayaL. The two other plays presented in the finals of the contest were "Two Crooks and a Lady"- and. "Pierrot's Mother." Williams Contest Final Date Is Set at May 4 New. Trier students who are talent- ed along iterary lines have been ad- vised that Frid»ay, May 4, is the last date on which they may submit con- tributions for the annual Williamns contest ini creative writing. Entries may be made in any one of four sec- tions of the contest-short story, poetry, the essay and dramna. The winners will receive prizes which are donated each year by Lewis MI Wil- liams of Winnetka in memory of bis father, Henry P. Williams. WINS AWARD Marliss Smith is the winner of the cash prize wliich was offered by H. L. Fogg of Wilmette for the best de- debate tournament WhIvu vv heaton college is holding for high schools of this area Friday and Saturday, April, 20 and 21. *New Trier's affirmative team will be chosen from the following stu- dents, Chester E. MacLean, debate coach,. said _ Richard Babcock, Jean Spanutb, Marjorie Wood and, Ed Rosenheim. Competîng> for places on the negative team that. will repre-, sent, New Trier. are Bob Gooidwin, Van McQuid, Clarence, Lineberger, Sydney Craig, and James Donahue. Three students,, Marjory, Taylor, Bob. Goodwin, :and George Wood, have been added to the -New Trier varsity debate squad. George is a brother of Marjorie. Wood, another member of theý squad. To Meet Provi.so A. debate with ýProviso High school of Maywood is scheduled for May 3. Last Friday at the mneeting of the Gavel, club a debat.e was held between the first teams on the negative: and affirmnative sides of the radio broad- casting question. Richard Babcock, Marjorie Wood and Ed Rosenheîm argued that the United States should adopt a* system of radio broadcasting control similar to that used in Great Britain. Bob Goodwin, Sydney Craig and James- Donahue upheld the nega- tive. The decision went to the affirmn- ative. The affirmative team has been victorious in two of its three debates with the negative teami. Glenn WaIker Manager The manager of debate is Glenn Walker. Hé'recen 'tly succeeded James Donahue, who resignedý because of the pressure of other Èchool activi- ties. Herbert Sauvage bas been elected âssistant manager, and Mar- jorie Tay lor has been given the duty of scheduling. debates. 8 New ,Trier Boys Ail Set to Go to Dartmouth. Eight New Tr ier "senior boys al- ready have been accepted at Daàrtmouth college, and reports have not yet been received on the applications of: a number of others. Theeight boys who have been acetetd areLewi stding, acordig to word received jthis week by Miss Elizabeth E. c/e ogue clea ersPacker, dean of girls at New Trier. ICRPORATED DRAMA GROUP MEETS 730 LM STRLeT WJNNBTKA The Facuity Drama club will meet WINNETKA 3360 GLBNCOB 1900>on Wednesday evening, April 25, -at the home of Misi'Alice Burchard. HEAR ENGINEERS Samuel S. Wyer, a consulting en- gineer from Columbus, Ohio, spoke to New Trier juniors and seniors a, an assembly Tuesday afternoon. His subject was, "Ways Out'of the In- dusria Dpression."