TEREMO VAL. SALE will continue, until the day of moving. List week thé remponse to ourAf advertising idieated the intereat in the values w. are off ering. 20%t.50%b off on al sàtock- and in some instanices we are selling:below origiAlcA t »David G.'0fBarry, lue. Established in 1920 ffl410 Crove St, Evainston --- Private Parking Space ClayEvemngsPhonos: UNverity 5712 v loups, h.ad nîs gliaer out for the frst time this season on Sunday, April 8, at Sky Harbor airport. Duane How- ard,~ in charge of flying instruction at Sky Harbor, towed the glicier. Later this spring Abel plans an at- tempt to regain- the looping, rec ord. ýHe and Howard eéxpect to entertain4 visîtors at Slcy Harborwth exhibi- tions, of glider flying every Sunday that the weather is. favoraible.. New Weatther Service le Available at Curtiss Weather, observation ,instruments for the convenience of pilots and hangar customers.,at Curtis.s airport» are being installed in the lounge at the flying field.,The intsruments will indicate the velocity and direction of the wind and' will. provide other in- formation helpful to pilots.., It is plafnned to make hourly. observa- tions. and.to post them on a bulletin board -in the lounge. Instail Auto Radio in Grunow Coinpany's Plane 1A radio manufactured by the Gru- 110w corporation for use in automo-. biles bas been installed in the Bel- lanca owned by the corporation and kept at the Curtiss airport hangar. The ship also is provided with the type of airplane radio equipment used by pilots in getting weather reports and other information helpful The shop at, Curtiss airpont-a been busy lately on à numben of oven- hiauling and checking jobs. The serv- ice department bas finished a major ovenhaul on a Feldgling owned by Hugo Herman. Herman bought the shîip fnom Pete Çnoss of Kenilworth. DISCHARGE PASSENGER' A Lockheed Orion "of the North- west Airways stopped at Curtiss air-. port Iast Friday to discharge a pas- seiger. a nurried trip oy plane :ast week ru Durhamr, N. C., where their daughter, Marjorie, 17 years old, a student at Duke university, was suddeiily strick- en with an attack of appendicitis. A J-6 300-horse-pow'er. Bellanca chartered from the Bluebird Air serv- ice at the .Chicago muiLnicipalairport picked up Mr. and Mrs., Stern at Curtiss airport. With. themn was, Dr. J. R. Buchbinder, 1137, E. Fiftieth street,- Chicago, -who was to, handie any emergency phase of Miss, Stèrn's. illness. Dr. Buchbinder, is on the staffs' of Passavant hospital and the Northwestern u niv e rs i ty médical school. Piloting the plane on the trip south was joseph Bailey. Rebuilding of Fleetils Finished at -Sky Harbor Rebuilding of Art Schelter's Fleet has been completed at the Sky Har- bor airport shop. The ship bas been test-hopped and is now ready for use. Sky H-arbonrniechanics also have fin- ished overhauling the motor of the Gypsy Moth belonging to the Aces- Up Fying club. One wing of the plane has been re-covened. Rilin'sStinson. Off for South-Texas Bound Garza Wooten took off fnom Cur- tiss airport last Friday morning in Paul Rilling's Stinson, bound for Te'xas. Rilling selis equipment to beauty panlors. Last year the Stinson was used on a tour of the country. One hundred and sixteen cities, in all of the forty-eight states were visited.. BEACONS ASSIST PILOTS The United States Depantment of [Commence maintains on the airways system of the country 9L radio range, beacons and 1,988 great lighted bea- cons, each of one million or more candlepowen, which can be seen 30 miles away. of Physic 17010 Central Street, Bvanuton Wiuuwtka 418, GreenI.sI 370 1 i -bhni aeals ot citizenship, -fellow- ship and sportsmanship.' ýohn W. Powers, 307 Cuniber------- mue, Kenilwortb, was hostess The DeWitt Stilinians, 707 Kent cige luncheon Wednesday for, road, Kenilworth, wil ztuove next week nds. to 1011 Ash.stireet -Winnetka..