*. the Pobrlc Fusision Hit! .erry w ives 0o i 1ndsor," wa and those who saw it at that srare treat, that they a~rranged a second performance to wbich the public is inviteci. The -period,.programs.Pre- sented hy _the .Kennedy E n- semblé r qe in concep- tion, in that they present period music,ý song and drama ini à bappily unified ensemble. Brief and* brilliant scenesý f rom Shakespeare are tapes- t.ried. On, a carefully woven background, of% sixteenth cen- tury music and song. Gaily accoutred, with' devoion to style and period, thi.s com:- bination of the arts offers _a beautiful and true, interpreta- tion. which is, at the same time, merrFy and swift movinig entertaininent. Thé program, opens with the famous scene of gay Petruchio's wvooing ini the "'raming of the Shirew" and swiftly- carnies the audience through the humorous pathos anid dramatic climax of the "taming scenes" to the deli- cious comedy of love's tri- umph in the closing "sun and nioon" scene. Lawrence Md age to Sir Johi ferry Wives1 of Winnetka, plays Robi,, 'aIstaif, in scentes from "Tite The serious1 in the very beài froni "The \1 grami is made up of the Falstaff. scenes f rom the "Merry Wives of Windsor' Beele Kennedy and Juliette Moon as the w~ives perpetrate their nierry punishments upon an all-too-gullible Sir john. J. Williams Macy's Falstaff, a happy mix- ture of pomposity and rascality, is an eftertainment portrayal of the "fat kniight"ý whose aniusing villainy so delighited Queein Elizabeth. Miss Belle Kennedy, faculty metrber of the Northwestern School of Speechý and Drama, is a native British woman, who brings to hier, interpretations a wealth of background in Shakespearean tradition. For sorne years s h e studied acting, poetic diction and drama in Londlon and Strat- I and Miss Belle ia scene from On4ingom end Churdh-EVANSTON IOf Perrî Dunlap, Srn-ith, whose donation of the Country Day School auditorium, so beautifully adapted to this type of production, makes possible> the second presentation of the Elizabethan Interludes. is. provided. i trial scene r's Tale," eldom pro- itry.