k'retzel. 1 lusLvsLtbeliast cOncert luin one W 118V Pretzl. Ths isthe lst cocerti largest Ioop churches of Chicago.A seies of our pore. lomu yric baritone, lie will sing two groups ntHoe.of the type of songs an audie ke al t Miss Mason, who was hailed as a ways loves,. He bas sung in concert north shore child prodigy at the agie throughout the Middle West, and un- -of ten years, is to include.on:ber pro- tii. recently sang regularly over *the gram the best-Iloved 'Chopin sonata, ýradio. 1He is. fast gaining favor witii the B minor, which is a test of any Chicago audiences as a concert artist. artissteclinical and interpretative. Last.year lie sang with the ilammouI abilitjy. Her equipment, as a pianist Symphony -orchestra. enables lier to play sucl a taxing _________ Composition witli credit. She pos- sesses u nusual strength and .endur- Mrs. Elmer L. -Stone aànce, fingers that are exceptionalyk Det nimble, and an intelligent mind, a s u moeuu o;which stands ber in gobded Mrs. Elmer L. Stone, .1624. Highland îvhen she tackles sucli difficulties as'a avenue, a resident of WVilmette since pianist encounters in a- Chopin so- 11923ý died last Sunday a fternoon. Mrs. nata. Stone had, been suffering with heart Other compositions which Miss ;rouble for some time. She ,suffered Mason will play are the, "Andante a stroke Mon day of last week. Sur- Favori", by : Beethoven, which, will viving lier, besides her .-lusband, are open the program, several Chopin a«son, Eluier L. Stone, Jr., and a sister, etudes, and a group of such modern Miss, Geral dine Erickson .of Chicago. composers as, Poulenc,- de Falla, and Mrs. Stone' was a member of the Tansman. AIl of'the numbers chosen M~oman's society -of the First Pres- have, proven to be interesting to plan- hvterian &chrh of. Wilmette. he Rai. ists and to the general public as well. James T. Veneklasen. pastor of that A pupil of Kari Reckzeh, Miss Ma- churcb, conducted the funeral services, son won the entbusiastic praise of wvhich wvere hield Wedniesdav afteinoon critics since ber first appearance, with at Scott's funeral home. Burial took the Chicago Symphony orchestra place at Memorial Park cemetery. when she was ten years .old. A critic__________ of a Chicago paper bas said of ber,1 "She displayed a very musical style, M r. and Mrs. 'Vernon Loucks. 232 a clean-cut techniqüie and a clever Sheridan road, Kenilwýorth, entertained understanding of the character of' their bridge club at dlimier WVednesday. lecture wiill be held in Great -halloôf the Methodist church at 7:30 odlok A period of questions and informai discussion will follow the, address. Theé Rev. Mr. Turner is an experi- enced speaker, and. said to be well, qualified to. give impressions of the. current religiou s and politicai condi- tions in Germfany. His time baà,been filled with engagements, addressing university:and collegeý audiences and preac.hing, on-Sundays. Among the, churches lie.bas appeared before are- the Community cburch of Boston, the 1 Community churcli in. New 'York and Stanley Higbhs churcli in Coninecti- cut. Ife is a graduate.of Ohio Wesleyan u niversity. His- series of lectures throughiout the. Country are being 1 SAVE MONEY.. by §Pendilng a siMail lien now for SPIULIBEICATION SERVICE. Lubreate ail g r e a s e âinigs, sprogs amut i bake joint@. Change libricant lia transâtssb.n and dlffereUa-imtor ohl. itepaek steerlng gafÉont wheel bea rings. ulversigls. Cherik battry "à eet*t tires a andhee iamnt. ]Labor 81.75 aMd *"lais mâterffl SERVE IT for DESSERT or when you entertain! NEW DEAL ICE CREAM per 17e Pt. pt33e PR-iOMPT.DELIVER'Y of any Just telephone. Wilmette 93 or' 94 and your order wll be de- hivered promptly. Prescriptions .called for and delivered -n extra charge. Our pure, delicious ice cream' is the ideal 'desser t for a!nost auy meal. Choice of sev- eral popular flavors in carry- out packages, as well as regular bricks and week-end spe- ciais. Deivered at any tinte youu wislt. U AR T DRU.