Rugs Oval chenille,' 24x36, in the new coloringo, each........... 09 Rugs. 24x36,i oblong,. in new pas-. tel shades for bath and sleeping rooms, lf each..........9 c Bed Sheets 72x99, 81x99, 99 choice, each ....." Bed Spreads Good quality fabric, $1.50 value, choice of color, each ......99 G armnent Bags Cretonne, hold eight gar- mente,99 each.......99 Papi ized, whit ýMoth Bags ýer moth bags, cedar-- 1.,with ftn te lininge q for IiC - -1 - To help speed up the wheels of the manufacu turers, we place on sale hundreds of dollars of new spring merchandise at very low price. WoensPorch .,ýFrocks là ailfthe new îspring,:stylesÎand ade of fine prints Vluest$15 Your choice 99C .in Piques and Cotton Laces $7.95 - - -- - ~ - .d Men's Shirts. of white broadcloth, 'Cole lar attached, 99e .ac.' .. . .. Men'ýsSocks Herie -is a Value-9c and soMen's 1 soce....3Pré. u Boys' 7-8Socks 39e n 9 soc values.. 3Prs.99 Men's Union Suits Nainsook fabric. value ..... 2 suts99c .Men's Shirts & Shorts Swiss rib shirts and broadib cloth shorts, Q olun soc value...«Yfr M Men's Bath Robes, Men'. all wool bath robes. $6.50 value, $4 t your choice.... Boys' Sweat Shirts Depariment Store - 1 146-1 148 Wilmefft Avenue - Phones WiImttf. m Ikng-Phn.WIne$ 25 Men'. Store -First National Bank ildn hn im e25 API 2l,19 34> APRIL