The musical program wiiî be as foi- lows: prelude, -Praeludfum (firatt Mod- erri Suite). MacDowell; antheni, -"I Know That My Redeemer Uivéa," Bach; offertory solo, "Xiow LovýeIy Are Thy D)wéllings," Liddle, Edward Ot0s; -post- Iode, "Cvloria" (12tir Mass) Mozart. Miss Ernia Rounds is dIrector. The Sunday- school ineets at 9 :30 o'ciock ln al departru.eit.s,, Thée Àcut Bible clas-s neeta at 9,.45. Mr$. Quayle wili bring 'the lesson en thre prophet Malaciri. Tiré Highj Scirool 'Christian Endeavor society will rneet at 5:30 o'cloek. The toplc wiiî be, "WhNat Are My Ideals?" Thre newiy electeti andtIinstailed, officers of thé socety are;- Sidney Stafford, pres- ident; Helen. Condi t,ý vice-preident: Ellen Jean Torrey. secretary; Paul Eniriçi, treasurer. Tire.Forum wili meet at 5:ý301lfithre autditorium. Themdweek service will bc, el on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, led by tire pastor. This is an hour of study and dévotions. We invite you te cet with Us. Boy Scout Trooi -;o. à wil nrmeet Mon- day evening at 7:-30 oeclock.' Tire newly orgaiti Girl Scout trooji wiil meet Tirurdaty afternoon at 3:306 in the e hapel. Tire choir wlll rehearse Friday eve- ning at 7 o'clock. Kenilwort/z Lnion K-etliworth avenue andi Warwick roati Dr. H*erbert L. Wllett mintster. Sunday, April 15, Prof. C. Russel Sinail wiii prear. His subjeet wfil be: **Te Higirer F'riendshlp." Tire Sunday sehool wil meet at 9:4 m.n., aIl cildren between tire ages of three andth ie higir sehool are cordially 'Invited to visit and to becorne menibers of tins organization. Tire Kenilwortir YoungPoiesSun- day, Evening club will rneet. Stapper will be serveti at 6 :30 o'ciock followed by tire prograni. Tom Robinison mIil be thre speaker. t On Sunday, April 22, the Lutheran Bachr Chorus of Sheboygan, enroute' tc Racine, wili stop in Wilmette to attend the Il O'clock service and to sing two nunibers for us. The chorus numbers' fifty voices. English Lutheran, Seventh street at Greenrleat, wilirnette "A Hotise of Worship"8 Thée Rev. David R. ICabele, paqtor. SVINDA Y SERVICESý 8unday sçhooi........9:4..m Morning woôrship ............1 a. ni. Luther-league . ...... 5:3Q0fi. ru. Tis evening (Thursday> aM 6 :.30! 'ciock we wiii hoid our, Spring dinner for the nierhbers and -triends of tire churcir. Thre after dinner program. wii include a talk on Communisin byr: Mrs. A. W. Dililng. Choir rehearsal Friday tvening at 7 :30 o'clock. Thre Luther league %vili 1ureet Sunday evening'at 5 :30 o'ciock-. Thor Carlson wili present the topfic. "Knowlnig Our, Heavenly Father.- The Womnan's soicy i-l hold thelr April wôr'k meeting at thre home of Mrs, S. S. Smrith. 525 Lake avenue, Wii- mette, on Thursday, April .14, at Tihe Luther leaigue ili prescrit.,at tirree-aCt corncdy draina "That's -One On Bill" on Friday evening, April 27,. at 8 o'clcrck.Rere this date andi plan to corne. Methodist Church-' if'~ Oca Tos (>lor; >.l',liqnite Thre iiitusie, for thre Il 4i'ciock Wî$ri !seri-ce this Sundaîv mornhîrg rylli lie :i-ý follows: Organ prelude : '(5tane" Stî ym- phony .............Beethoven Introit: "Open Oui- Eyes". aFnap Antîrefi.: "Be Still! Be tl" ot Offertory anthein : "Thou, 0 Lord, Art -My Shield".......... .... Steqveisom Organ postliude: -.Jubilate Deo". . Silvui Tire niite"sermon. then le for- Sun-, day nioriring %viii be 'CalIed to Be. Mort: Than EISheeP." The Higli S'drool leagile. wil ineet Sunday eveningi at 6:30. Tire Young Iepesleague ivili irree .qundeein PVnl- -t l5 n'clock.z Alivi,L,, A rumage -sale, spolisored >- tire Wonan's Aid society will be helti Apriý 19 andi 20 at 1141 Çireenleaf ave'nue. Mrs. C. E. Burges8 is1 the chairnian. on Satturday, ApriL 28, a. trip ta Bloomningtori, IlI., to attend tire Anier.i- cari Passion'PI *111ll be uruler the leadership, 0f M,.*,S. Harvey, assisitant iniister. Tire bus milil leave tire churc.h ut7a. n. and return aioun inlnght or tire-,saime day. Make remervartbli s, -with Mr. Harvey. First Con gregational John G. Hlndiey; miinister 4 Piti,, Fatç, and Fidelity-" ilIb tire subject of' the ninister's sernmol at the Il ýo'cilck. seevice rext Su.tday. Tire music for tisservice wili be: Organ prelude: "Andanite"ý frorîr Second Synhphony......... WitlI"r Anthem: 'Holy, Holy, Holy" ..Stewart Offertory èquartet: "Oui- %Masjtéj Hatir aGarden" ...:... - p ÇOrgan postlude. "Mar~che Ponttifil" ... Ieiuw Our Ckiirch aehooli frsuseiii ra. 9 :30 Sunciay mrorniing ili the folloxving deartments : prirary, juniorw, inter- nipdlate, and higlir ro.The, begini- tiers' departrnent. under thre .dirêtiçn #%f Mrs. E. G. (;oode, meéets ut 10:43) Vo"ci and eares for youflger ciltren r nng tire cirurcir service. A lunecheon nreeting ipf the Neiglibor- hootid circie wili ire held Tuesday, April 17, at tire home of 1Mrs. W. A. Durgim, 627 For-est avenue.-Mr.1j..Melvili,' Blrown, 'M r.s A. H. Il-oward. ar Ms M. H Mciiln will b'- the ast l'tg, li<,tesses. .ThrsdyApriII ', i lrtdatelof tire Alîil eliwship ditîner. Thre.sîake vill 1* tire 11ev. Harold M%. Kîngsley, m1ili-ten Of tire ('iureir Of tt(oî Shepherd.. l'lire faeulty Of tire ('hurt-h scirol ~'il li ir~îrn'edguestr i on tliris i îfgtila.r g"up an-t ivit bt-sehédjui.-d fi 'W thé. week are: 'Tues>gday : 3 .30 p. î- ulre eC u é'ire Girls., 3 :30 P. n.B.wis 7:30 pý m.-Tr(moîî NO. 2. BOY iuI Weuisdp :7 :30 p.ur.-Tro"p NO'. 1, BOY Scouts. 4 1). n.-l3oys' choir- reirearsai. 7:15 p. n.-Senior Chrh reirear-sai. Friday: 7:15) P. m.-Weeu-.i C artu F'ire. Girls. Satur4ay:.9 :30 a:.u-- PbJack NO. 621. Ont the b( al ttriî latest ing. , ilissio thre wé Wednesday, Dr. Ailisoil [iok reviews that have tir. %(d so tive to many, wlth Stanley Joe work, "Chist and If umam uSuifer- The, miarner ln which thre greirt ,nary faces thre realities and polhtx IyI isMost efcie Tomrorrow F'rîday, theé ouiî~ o eiety hold-s its, April ilnneheon ;ut 12:30. The program following ineludes ai(le- votional'. play. -commnent on vurrent events and prýesentatin-iby tire-.arlous linkq in our chain of friend,01rip. In preparation. for a new fiscal y ea r. tire ' ominating coinrnrttete meet, Suli- daY at 3 o'clock with Mr.;. C. V. Clark. 2513 Park Place. Evanstoni, ind thi- budget eorimb-ittee mieets ai thre saine adldress il tire evening au, S. '(cetie's ani-.gaîîiizatii"f, lsiet itext wt-ik a>s ,Mrs. Caroline GCriswvald Taken by Death î hursday Mrs. Caroline> P., Grisvald, widlo.% of the late, Harry S. Griswal. <ied at. San Diego, Calif., iast Thursday, ac- cording to -Word reaching hiere ibis week. Before moving to California about four years ago NIrs. (iriswaid had hived in \Wiimettc fornany vears. She camne to the. village about thirtv- five years ago, and, cxccPt for a fc years which she spent at. Madison, Wis.,.whïle her sons tverc attending the University of \, slire ad muade her homne here tintilslire :rroed West. Mrs. Griswvaid wa.. ail actîvc tireur- ber of tihe \\oniar's Clubt of \%ii- mette. For years si e was a zueurber of tire \Viirnette Te< club. Sht- was a commnunicanrt of St. -\uguistiiie's Episcopal churchi. Sur'viviirg her are two. sons, M ilton P. Griswald of Santa Monica, Calif., and Henry F. Griswald1 of RZacine. ,Wis. Her hulsband, 1farry -S. Gris- waid, dlied about t\,wenty ycýa rs ago. Funerai services for Nirs. Griswald were heid Tucsday, aftcrnoon at, Ketiosha, \Vis., flic reinauu» hving been .brougbt back f roui Californlia for. buriai in tihe fatuily lot. in Greci Ridge.cerneterv, Kenosba. GUIDE-LECTURE TOURS Next ve' guide:lecture tours ffor the, geiieral public at Field Musculn of Nalltral History will begin Monday. mi 36 thé beilever. Before you, corne to hetr The Junior choir reirearses Saturday. tire sermon, reati and thmnk on 2 Corinth-- mornings at 10:15., ian 5 :14-16. A Father-Daugirter banquet for Girl The Illustrateti lecture on Sunday eve- Scouts and their datis will ire heid Mon- rig An. Evening WIth Great HYMIn day evenlng, April 16, at 6:30 i tire W11rgters" wIl bring you interestinÉG (reat hall. Girl Scouts are urgegd toý faco about Many of your .favorite ýpurcirase their tickets today (Thursday). Babtist Churcb Wlmette and ltorestavenues Rev. George D. Alliisori, Pastor Oný Spnday nrorning, Dr. Ailison c#o n- éludes iris serbes ôf sermions on "'The Master", wlirtire tei.t "Tire Light of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Krenier. 723 Laurel.avenue, returneci to their home on Tuesday of iast week fromn St. Johns, Mich., where they bad golie to attend the. funerai on March 31, of, Mrs.. Kremer's ýsister,* Mrs. George 'Chapinan,